#!python import os, sys, platform, json, subprocess if sys.version_info < (3,): def decode_utf8(x): return x else: import codecs def decode_utf8(x): return codecs.utf_8_decode(x)[0] def add_sources(sources, dirpath, extension): for f in os.listdir(dirpath): if f.endswith('.' + extension): sources.append(dirpath + '/' + f) def gen_gdnative_lib(target, source, env): for t in target: with open(t.srcnode().path, 'w') as w: w.write(decode_utf8(source[0].get_contents()).replace('{GDNATIVE_PATH}', os.path.splitext(t.name)[0]).replace('{TARGET}', env['target'])) env = Environment() target_arch = ARGUMENTS.get('b', ARGUMENTS.get('bits', '64')) target_platform = ARGUMENTS.get('p', ARGUMENTS.get('platform', 'linux')) if target_platform == 'windows': # This makes sure to keep the session environment variables on windows, # that way you can run scons in a vs 2017 prompt and it will find all the required tools if (target_arch == '64'): env = Environment(ENV = os.environ, TARGET_ARCH='amd64') else: env = Environment(ENV = os.environ, TARGET_ARCH='x86') env.Append(BUILDERS={'GDNativeLibBuilder': Builder(action=gen_gdnative_lib)}) customs = ['custom.py'] opts = Variables(customs, ARGUMENTS) opts.Add(BoolVariable('use_llvm', 'Use the LLVM compiler', False)) opts.Add(EnumVariable('target', "Compilation target", 'debug', ('debug', 'release'))) opts.Add(EnumVariable( 'android_arch', 'Target Android architecture', 'armv7', ['armv7','arm64v8', 'x86', 'x86_64'] )) opts.Add( 'android_api_level', 'Target Android API level', '18' if ARGUMENTS.get("android_arch", 'armv7') in ['armv7', 'x86'] else '21' ) opts.Add( 'ANDROID_NDK_ROOT', 'Path to your Android NDK installation. By default, uses ANDROID_NDK_ROOT from your defined environment variables.', os.environ.get("ANDROID_NDK_ROOT", None) ) opts.Add(EnumVariable( 'ios_arch', 'Target iOS architecture', 'arm64', ['armv7', 'arm64', 'x86_64'] )) opts.Add(BoolVariable( 'ios_simulator', 'Target iOS Simulator', False )) opts.Add( 'IPHONEPATH', 'Path to iPhone toolchain', '/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain', ) # Update environment (parse options) opts.Update(env) target = env['target'] if target_platform == 'android': target_arch = env['android_arch'] elif target_platform == 'ios': target_arch = env['ios_arch'] host_platform = platform.system() # Local dependency paths, adapt them to your setup godot_headers = ARGUMENTS.get('headers', 'godot-cpp/godot-headers') godot_cpp_headers = ARGUMENTS.get('godot_cpp_headers', 'godot-cpp/include') godot_cpp_lib_dir = ARGUMENTS.get('godot_cpp_lib_dir', 'godot-cpp/bin') result_path = os.path.join('bin', 'webrtc' if env['target'] == 'release' else 'webrtc_debug', 'lib') lib_prefix = "" # Convenience check to enforce the use_llvm overrides when CXX is clang(++) if 'CXX' in env and 'clang' in os.path.basename(env['CXX']): env['use_llvm'] = True if target_platform == 'linux': env['CXX']='g++' # LLVM if env['use_llvm']: if ('clang++' not in os.path.basename(env['CXX'])): env['CC'] = 'clang' env["CXX"] = "clang++" env["LINK"] = "clang++" if (env["target"] == "debug"): env.Prepend(CCFLAGS=['-g3']) env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-rdynamic']) else: env.Prepend(CCFLAGS=['-O3']) env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-fPIC', '-std=c++14']) if target_arch == '32': env.Append(CCFLAGS = [ '-m32' ]) env.Append(LINKFLAGS = [ '-m32' ]) elif target_arch == '64': env.Append(CCFLAGS = [ '-m64' ]) env.Append(LINKFLAGS = [ '-m64' ]) # i386 does not like static libstdc++ env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-static-libgcc', '-static-libstdc++']) elif target_platform == 'windows': if host_platform == 'Windows': lib_prefix = "lib" env.Append(LINKFLAGS = [ '/WX' ]) if target == 'debug': env.Append(CCFLAGS = ['/EHsc', '/D_DEBUG', '/MDd' ]) else: env.Append(CCFLAGS = ['/O2', '/EHsc', '/DNDEBUG', '/MD' ]) else: if target_arch == '32': env['CXX']='i686-w64-mingw32-g++' elif target_arch == '64': env['CXX']='x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++' env.Append(CCFLAGS = [ '-g', '-O3', '-std=c++14', '-Wwrite-strings' ]) env.Append(LINKFLAGS = [ '--static', '-Wl,--no-undefined', '-static-libgcc', '-static-libstdc++' ]) elif target_platform == 'osx': if env['use_llvm']: env['CXX'] = 'clang++' # Only 64-bits is supported for OS X target_arch = '64' env.Append(CCFLAGS = [ '-g','-O3', '-std=c++14', '-arch', 'x86_64' ]) env.Append(LINKFLAGS = [ '-arch', 'x86_64', '-framework', 'Cocoa', '-Wl,-undefined,dynamic_lookup' ]) if env['target'] == 'debug': env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-Og', '-g']) elif env['target'] == 'release': env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-O3']) elif target_platform == 'ios': if env['ios_simulator']: sdk_name = 'iphonesimulator' env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-mios-simulator-version-min=10.0']) env['LIBSUFFIX'] = ".simulator" + env['LIBSUFFIX'] else: sdk_name = 'iphoneos' env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-miphoneos-version-min=10.0']) try: sdk_path = decode_utf8(subprocess.check_output(['xcrun', '--sdk', sdk_name, '--show-sdk-path']).strip()) except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError): raise ValueError("Failed to find SDK path while running xcrun --sdk {} --show-sdk-path.".format(sdk_name)) compiler_path = env['IPHONEPATH'] + '/usr/bin/' env['ENV']['PATH'] = env['IPHONEPATH'] + "/Developer/usr/bin/:" + env['ENV']['PATH'] env['CC'] = compiler_path + 'clang' env['CXX'] = compiler_path + 'clang++' env['AR'] = compiler_path + 'ar' env['RANLIB'] = compiler_path + 'ranlib' env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-std=c++14', '-arch', env['ios_arch'], '-isysroot', sdk_path]) env.Append(LINKFLAGS=[ '-arch', env['ios_arch'], '-Wl,-undefined,dynamic_lookup', '-isysroot', sdk_path, '-F' + sdk_path ]) if env['target'] == 'debug': env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-Og', '-g']) elif env['target'] == 'release': env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-O3']) elif target_platform == 'android': # Verify NDK root if not 'ANDROID_NDK_ROOT' in env: raise ValueError("To build for Android, ANDROID_NDK_ROOT must be defined. Please set ANDROID_NDK_ROOT to the root folder of your Android NDK installation.") # Validate API level api_level = int(env['android_api_level']) if target_arch in ['arm64v8', 'x86_64'] and api_level < 21: print("WARN: 64-bit Android architectures require an API level of at least 21; setting android_api_level=21") env['android_api_level'] = '21' api_level = 21 # Setup toolchain toolchain = env['ANDROID_NDK_ROOT'] + "/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/" if host_platform == "Windows": toolchain += "windows" import platform as pltfm if pltfm.machine().endswith("64"): toolchain += "-x86_64" elif host_platform == "Linux": toolchain += "linux-x86_64" elif host_platform == "Darwin": toolchain += "darwin-x86_64" # Get architecture info arch_info_table = { "armv7" : { "march":"armv7-a", "target":"armv7a-linux-androideabi", "tool_path":"arm-linux-androideabi", "compiler_path":"armv7a-linux-androideabi", "ccflags" : ['-mfpu=neon'] }, "arm64v8" : { "march":"armv8-a", "target":"aarch64-linux-android", "tool_path":"aarch64-linux-android", "compiler_path":"aarch64-linux-android", "ccflags" : [] }, "x86" : { "march":"i686", "target":"i686-linux-android", "tool_path":"i686-linux-android", "compiler_path":"i686-linux-android", "ccflags" : ['-mstackrealign'] }, "x86_64" : {"march":"x86-64", "target":"x86_64-linux-android", "tool_path":"x86_64-linux-android", "compiler_path":"x86_64-linux-android", "ccflags" : [] } } arch_info = arch_info_table[target_arch] # Setup tools env['CC'] = toolchain + "/bin/clang" env['CXX'] = toolchain + "/bin/clang++" env.Append(CCFLAGS=['--target=' + arch_info['target'] + env['android_api_level'], '-march=' + arch_info['march'], '-fPIC']) env.Append(CCFLAGS=arch_info['ccflags']) env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['--target=' + arch_info['target'] + env['android_api_level'], '-march=' + arch_info['march']]) else: print("No valid target platform selected.") sys.exit(1) # Godot CPP bindings env.Append(CPPPATH=[godot_headers]) env.Append(CPPPATH=[godot_cpp_headers, godot_cpp_headers + '/core', godot_cpp_headers + '/gen']) env.Append(LIBPATH=[godot_cpp_lib_dir]) env.Append(LIBS=['%sgodot-cpp.%s.%s.%s%s' % (lib_prefix, target_platform, target, target_arch, ".simulator" if env["ios_simulator"] else "")]) # WebRTC stuff webrtc_dir = "webrtc" lib_name = 'libwebrtc_full' lib_path = os.path.join(webrtc_dir, target_platform) lib_path += {'32': '/x86', '64': '/x64', 'armv7': '/arm', 'arm64v8': '/arm64', 'arm64': '/arm64', 'x86': '/x86', 'x86_64': '/x64'}[target_arch] if target == 'debug': lib_path += '/Debug' else: lib_path += '/Release' env.Append(CPPPATH=[webrtc_dir + "/include", webrtc_dir + "/include/third_party/abseil-cpp"]) if target_platform == "linux": env.Append(LIBS=[lib_name, "atomic"]) env.Append(LIBPATH=[lib_path]) #env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-std=c++11"]) env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-DWEBRTC_POSIX", "-DWEBRTC_LINUX"]) env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-DRTC_UNUSED=''", "-DNO_RETURN=''"]) elif target_platform == "windows": # Mostly VisualStudio if env["CC"] == "cl": env.Append(CCFLAGS=["/DWEBRTC_WIN", "/DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN", "/DNOMINMAX", "/DRTC_UNUSED=", "/DNO_RETURN="]) env.Append(LINKFLAGS=[p + env["LIBSUFFIX"] for p in ["secur32", "advapi32", "winmm", lib_name]]) env.Append(LIBPATH=[lib_path]) # Mostly "gcc" else: env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-DWINVER=0x0603", "-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0603", "-DWEBRTC_WIN", "-DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN", "-DNOMINMAX", "-DRTC_UNUSED=", "-DNO_RETURN="]) env.Append(LINKFLAGS=[p + env["LIBSUFFIX"] for p in ["secur32", "advapi32", "winmm", lib_name]]) env.Append(LIBPATH=[lib_path]) elif target_platform == "osx": env.Append(LIBS=[lib_name]) env.Append(LIBPATH=[lib_path]) env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-DWEBRTC_POSIX", "-DWEBRTC_MAC"]) env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-DRTC_UNUSED=''", "-DNO_RETURN=''"]) elif target_platform == 'ios': env.Append(LIBS=[lib_name]) env.Append(LIBPATH=[lib_path]) env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-DWEBRTC_POSIX", "-DWEBRTC_MAC", "-DWEBRTC_IOS"]) env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-DRTC_UNUSED=''", "-DNO_RETURN=''"]) elif target_platform == "android": env.Append(LIBS=['log']) env.Append(LIBS=[lib_name]) env.Append(LIBPATH=[lib_path]) env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-DWEBRTC_POSIX", "-DWEBRTC_LINUX", "-DWEBRTC_ANDROID"]) env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-DRTC_UNUSED=''", "-DNO_RETURN=''"]) if target_arch == 'arm64v8': env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-DWEBRTC_ARCH_ARM64", "-DWEBRTC_HAS_NEON"]) elif target_arch == 'armv7': env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-DWEBRTC_ARCH_ARM", "-DWEBRTC_ARCH_ARM_V7", "-DWEBRTC_HAS_NEON"]) # Our includes and sources env.Append(CPPPATH=['src/']) sources = [] add_sources(sources, 'src/', 'cpp') add_sources(sources, 'src/net/', 'cpp') # Suffix suffix = '.%s.%s' % (target, target_arch) env["SHOBJSUFFIX"] = suffix + env["SHOBJSUFFIX"] # Make the shared library result_name = 'webrtc_native.%s.%s.%s' % (target_platform, target, target_arch) + env["SHLIBSUFFIX"] library = env.SharedLibrary(target=os.path.join(result_path, result_name), source=sources) Default(library) # GDNativeLibrary gdnlib = 'webrtc' if target != 'release': gdnlib += '_debug' Default(env.GDNativeLibBuilder([os.path.join('bin', gdnlib, gdnlib + '.tres')], ['misc/gdnlib.tres']))