import os, sys import SCons.Util import SCons.Builder import SCons.Action from SCons.Defaults import Mkdir from SCons.Variables import PathVariable, BoolVariable def ssl_platform_target(env): targets = {} platform = env["platform"] if platform == "linux": targets = { "x86_32": "linux-x86", "x86_64": "linux-x86_64", "arm64": "linux-aarch64", "arm32": "linux-armv4", "rv64": "linux64-riscv64", } elif platform == "android": targets = { "arm64": "android-arm64", "arm32": "android-arm", "x86_32": "android-x86", "x86_64": "android-x86_64", } elif platform == "macos": targets = { "x86_64": "darwin64-x86_64", "arm64": "darwin64-arm64", } elif platform == "ios": if env["ios_simulator"]: targets = { "x86_64": "iossimulator-x86_64-xcrun", "arm64": "iossimulator-arm64-xcrun", } else: targets = { "arm64": "ios64-xcrun", "arm32": "ios-xcrun", } elif platform == "windows": if env.get("is_msvc", False): targets = { "x86_32": "VC-WIN32", "x86_64": "VC-WIN64A", } else: targets = { "x86_32": "mingw", "x86_64": "mingw64", } arch = env["arch"] target = targets.get(arch, "") if target == "": raise ValueError("Architecture '%s' not supported for platform: '%s'" % (arch, platform)) return target def ssl_platform_options(env): ssl_config_options = [ "no-ssl2", "no-ssl3", "no-weak-ssl-ciphers", "no-legacy", "no-shared", "no-tests", ] if env["platform"] == "windows": ssl_config_options.append("enable-capieng") return ssl_config_options def ssl_platform_flags(env): args = [] if env["platform"] == "android": if env.get("android_api_level", ""): api = int(env["android_api_level"]) args.append("-D__ANDROID_API__=%s" % api) elif env["platform"] == "ios": if env.get("ios_min_version", "default") != "default": if env.get("ios_simulator", False): args.append("-mios-simulator-version-min=%s" % env["ios_min_version"]) else: args.append("-miphoneos-version-min=%s" % env["ios_min_version"]) elif env["platform"] == "macos": if env.get("macos_deployment_target", "default") != "default": args.append("-mmacosx-version-min=%s" % env["macos_deployment_target"]) # OSXCross toolchain setup. if sys.platform != "darwin" and "OSXCROSS_ROOT" in os.environ: for k in ["CC", "CXX", "AR", "AS", "RANLIB"]: args.append("%s=%s" % (k, env[k])) elif env["platform"] == "windows": is_win_host = sys.platform in ["win32", "msys", "cygwin"] if not (is_win_host or env.get("is_msvc", False)): mingw_prefixes = { "x86_32": "--cross-compile-prefix=i686-w64-mingw32-", "x86_64": "--cross-compile-prefix=x86_64-w64-mingw32-", } args.append(mingw_prefixes[env["arch"]]) return args def ssl_configure_args(env): if env.get("openssl_configure_options", ""): opts = SCons.Util.CLVar(env["openssl_configure_options"]) else: opts = ssl_platform_options(env) if env.get("openssl_configure_target", ""): target = [env["openssl_configure_target"]] else: target = [ssl_platform_target(env)] if env.get("openssl_configure_flags", ""): flags = SCons.Util.CLVar(env["openssl_configure_flags"]) else: flags = ssl_platform_flags(env) return opts + target + flags def ssl_emitter(target, source, env): return env["SSL_LIBS"], [env.File(env["SSL_SOURCE"] + "/Configure"), env.File(env["SSL_SOURCE"] + "/VERSION.dat")] def build_openssl(env, jobs=None): if env["SSL_EXTERNAL"]: # Setup the env to use the provided libraries, and return them without building. env.Prepend(CPPPATH=[env["SSL_INCLUDE"]]) env.Prepend(LIBPATH=[env["SSL_BUILD"]]) if env["platform"] == "windows": env.PrependUnique(LIBS=["crypt32", "ws2_32", "advapi32", "user32"]) if env["platform"] == "linux": env.PrependUnique(LIBS=["pthread", "dl"]) env.Prepend(LIBS=env["SSL_LIBS"]) return [env["SSL_CRYPTO_LIBRARY"], env["SSL_LIBRARY"]] if jobs is None: jobs = int(env.GetOption("num_jobs")) # Since the OpenSSL build system does not support macOS universal binaries, we first need to build the two libraries # separately, then we join them together using lipo. if env["platform"] == "macos" and env["arch"] == "universal": build_envs = { "x86_64": env.Clone(), "arm64": env.Clone(), } arch_ssl = [] for arch in build_envs: benv = build_envs[arch] benv["arch"] = arch generate(benv) benv["SSLBUILDJOBS"] = max([1, int(jobs / len(build_envs))]) ssl = benv.OpenSSLBuilder() arch_ssl.extend(ssl) benv.NoCache(ssl) # Needs refactoring to properly cache generated headers. # x86_64 and arm64 includes are equivalent. env["SSL_INCLUDE"] = build_envs["arm64"]["SSL_INCLUDE"] # Join libraries using lipo. lipo_action = "lipo $SOURCES -create -output $TARGET" ssl_libs = list(map(lambda arch: build_envs[arch]["SSL_LIBRARY"], build_envs)) ssl_crypto_libs = list(map(lambda arch: build_envs[arch]["SSL_CRYPTO_LIBRARY"], build_envs)) ssl = env.Command(env["SSL_LIBRARY"], ssl_libs, lipo_action) ssl += env.Command(env["SSL_CRYPTO_LIBRARY"], ssl_crypto_libs, lipo_action) env.Depends(ssl, arch_ssl) else: benv = env.Clone() benv["SSLBUILDJOBS"] = jobs ssl = benv.OpenSSLBuilder() benv.NoCache(ssl) # Needs refactoring to properly cache generated headers. # Setup the environment to use the freshly built openssl. env.Prepend(CPPPATH=[env["SSL_INCLUDE"]]) env.Prepend(LIBPATH=[env["SSL_BUILD"]]) if env["platform"] == "windows": env.PrependUnique(LIBS=["crypt32", "ws2_32", "advapi32", "user32"]) if env["platform"] == "linux": env.PrependUnique(LIBS=["pthread", "dl"]) env.Prepend(LIBS=env["SSL_LIBS"]) return ssl def ssl_generator(target, source, env, for_signature): # Strip the -j option for signature to avoid rebuilding when num_jobs changes. build = env["SSLBUILDCOM"].replace("-j$SSLBUILDJOBS", "") if for_signature else env["SSLBUILDCOM"] return [ Mkdir("$SSL_BUILD"), Mkdir("$SSL_INSTALL"), SCons.Action.Action("$SSLCONFIGCOM", "$SSLCONFIGCOMSTR"), SCons.Action.Action(build, "$SSLBUILDCOMSTR"), ] def options(opts): opts.Add(PathVariable("openssl_source", "Path to the openssl sources.", "thirdparty/openssl")) opts.Add("openssl_build", "Destination path of the openssl build.", "bin/thirdparty/openssl") opts.Add( "openssl_configure_options", "OpenSSL configure options override. Will use a reasonable default if not specified.", "", ) opts.Add( "openssl_configure_target", "OpenSSL configure target override, will be autodetected if not specified.", "" ) opts.Add( "openssl_configure_flags", "OpenSSL configure compiler flags override. Will be autodetected if not specified.", "", ) opts.Add( "openssl_external_crypto", 'An external libcrypto static library (e.g. "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcrypto.a"). If not provided, OpenSSL will be built from source.', "", ) opts.Add( "openssl_external_ssl", 'An external libssl static library (e.g. "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.a"). If not provided, OpenSSL will be built from source.', "", ) opts.Add( "openssl_external_include", 'An external OpenSSL "include" folder (e.g. "/usr/include/openssl").', "", ) def exists(env): return True def generate(env): env.AddMethod(build_openssl, "OpenSSL") # Check if the user specified infos about external OpenSSL files. external_opts = ["openssl_external_crypto", "openssl_external_ssl", "openssl_external_include"] is_set = lambda k: env.get(k, "") != "" if any(map(is_set, external_opts)): # Need provide the whole (crypto, ssl, include) triple to proceed. if not all(map(is_set, external_opts)): print('Error: The options "%s" must all be set to use a external library.' % '", "'.join(external_opts)) sys.exit(255) env["SSL_CRYPTO_LIBRARY"] = env.File("${openssl_external_crypto}") env["SSL_LIBRARY"] = env.File("${openssl_external_ssl}") env["SSL_BUILD"] = env.Dir("${SSL_LIBRARY.dir}").abspath env["SSL_INSTALL"] = env.Dir("${SSL_LIBRARY.dir}").abspath env["SSL_INCLUDE"] = env.Dir("${openssl_external_include}").abspath env["SSL_LIBS"] = [env["SSL_LIBRARY"], env["SSL_CRYPTO_LIBRARY"]] env["SSL_EXTERNAL"] = True return # We will need to build our own OpenSSL library. env["SSL_EXTERNAL"] = False # Android needs the NDK in ENV, and proper PATH setup. if env["platform"] == "android" and env["ENV"].get("ANDROID_NDK_ROOT", "") == "": cc_path = os.path.dirname(env["CC"]) if cc_path and cc_path not in env["ENV"]: env.PrependENVPath("PATH", cc_path) if "ANDROID_NDK_ROOT" not in env["ENV"]: env["ENV"]["ANDROID_NDK_ROOT"] = env.get("ANDROID_NDK_ROOT", os.environ.get("ANDROID_NDK_ROOT", "")) env["SSL_SOURCE"] = env.Dir(env["openssl_source"]).abspath env["SSL_BUILD"] = env.Dir(env["openssl_build"] + "/{}/{}".format(env["platform"], env["arch"])).abspath env["SSL_INSTALL"] = env.Dir(env["SSL_BUILD"] + "/dest").abspath env["SSL_INCLUDE"] = env.Dir(env["SSL_INSTALL"] + "/include").abspath lib_ext = ".lib" if env.get("is_msvc", False) else ".a" env["SSL_LIBRARY"] = env.File(env["SSL_BUILD"] + "/libssl" + lib_ext) env["SSL_CRYPTO_LIBRARY"] = env.File(env["SSL_BUILD"] + "/libcrypto" + lib_ext) env["SSL_LIBS"] = [env["SSL_LIBRARY"], env["SSL_CRYPTO_LIBRARY"]] # Configure action env["PERL"] = env.get("PERL", "perl") env["_ssl_configure_args"] = ssl_configure_args env["SSLPLATFORMCONFIG"] = "${_ssl_configure_args(__env__)}" env["SSLCONFFLAGS"] = SCons.Util.CLVar("") # fmt: off env["SSLCONFIGCOM"] = 'cd ${TARGET.dir} && $PERL -- ${SOURCE.abspath} --prefix="${SSL_INSTALL}" --openssldir="${SSL_INSTALL}" $SSLPLATFORMCONFIG $SSLCONFFLAGS' # fmt: on # Build action env["SSLBUILDJOBS"] = "${__env__.GetOption('num_jobs')}" # fmt: off env["SSLBUILDCOM"] = "make -j$SSLBUILDJOBS -C ${TARGET.dir} && make -j$SSLBUILDJOBS -C ${TARGET.dir} install_sw install_ssldirs" # fmt: on # Windows MSVC needs to build using NMake if env["platform"] == "windows" and env.get("is_msvc", False): env["SSLBUILDCOM"] = "cd ${TARGET.dir} && nmake install_sw install_ssldirs" env["BUILDERS"]["OpenSSLBuilder"] = SCons.Builder.Builder(generator=ssl_generator, emitter=ssl_emitter) env.AddMethod(build_openssl, "OpenSSL")