path: root/contrib/non-profit-audit-reports
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/non-profit-audit-reports')
1 files changed, 57 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/non-profit-audit-reports/summary-reports.plx b/contrib/non-profit-audit-reports/summary-reports.plx
index 17999c36..bbe83c88 100755
--- a/contrib/non-profit-audit-reports/summary-reports.plx
+++ b/contrib/non-profit-audit-reports/summary-reports.plx
@@ -385,41 +385,72 @@ print STDERR "\n";
open(TRIAL, ">", "trial-balance.csv") or die "unable to open accrued.txt for writing: $!";
-@fullCommand = ($LEDGER_BIN, @mainLedgerOptions, '-V', '-X', '$',
- '-e', $endDate,
- '-F', '%-.80A %22.108t\n', '-s',
- 'reg');
+print TRIAL "\"TRIAL BALANCE REPORT\",\"ENDING: $formattedEndDate\"\n\n",
+ "\"ACCOUNT\",\"BALANCE AT $formattedStartDate\",\"CHANGE DURING FY\",\"BALANCE AT $formattedEndDate\"\n\n";
- "\"ENDING:\",\"$formattedEndDate\"\n\n\"ACCOUNT NAME\",\"AMOUNT\"\n\n";
+my %commands = (
+ 'totalEndFY' => [ $LEDGER_BIN, @mainLedgerOptions, '-V', '-X', '$',
+ '-e', $endDate, '-F', '%-.80A %22.108t\n', '-s',
+ 'reg' ],
+ 'amountInYear' => [ $LEDGER_BIN, @mainLedgerOptions, '-V', '-X', '$',
+ '-b', $startDate, '-e', $endDate, '-F', '%-.80A %22.108t\n',
+ '-s', 'reg' ],
+ 'totalBeginFY' => [ $LEDGER_BIN, @mainLedgerOptions, '-V', '-X', '$',
+ '-e', $startDate, '-F', '%-.80A %22.108t\n',
+ '-s', 'reg' ]);
-open(FILE, "-|", @fullCommand)
- or die "unable to run command ledger command: @fullCommand: $!";
+my %trialBalanceData;
+my %fullAccountList;
-print STDERR ($VERBOSE ? "Running: @fullCommand\n" : ".");
+foreach my $id (keys %commands) {
+ my(@command) = @{$commands{$id}};
-my $accruedTotal = $ZERO;
+ open(FILE, "-|", @command)
+ or die "unable to run command ledger command: @command: $!";
-my %trialBalances;
+ print STDERR ($VERBOSE ? "Running: @command\n" : ".");
-foreach my $line (<FILE>) {
- die "Unable to parse output line from second funds command: $line"
- unless $line =~ /^\s*([^\$]+)\s+\$\s*([\-\d\.\,]+)/;
- my($account, $amount) = ($1, $2);
- $amount = ParseNumber($amount);
- $account =~ s/\s+$//;
- next if $account =~ /\<Adjustment\>/ and (abs($amount) <= 0.02);
- next if $account =~ /^Equity:/; # Stupid auto-account made by ledger.
- $trialBalances{$account} = $amount;
- $accruedTotal += $amount;
+ foreach my $line (<FILE>) {
+ die "Unable to parse output line from trial balance $id command: $line"
+ unless $line =~ /^\s*([^\$]+)\s+\$\s*([\-\d\.\,]+)/;
+ my($account, $amount) = ($1, $2);
+ $amount = ParseNumber($amount);
+ $account =~ s/\s+$//;
+ next if $account =~ /\<Adjustment\>/ and (abs($amount) <= 0.02);
+ next if $account =~ /^Equity:/; # Stupid auto-account made by ledger.
+ $trialBalanceData{$id}{$account} = $amount;
+ $fullAccountList{$account} = $id;
+ }
+ close FILE;
+ die "unable to run trial balance ledger command, @command: $!" unless ($? == 0);
-close FILE;
-die "unable to run trial balance ledger command: $!" unless ($? == 0);
-foreach my $account (sort preferredAccountSorting keys %trialBalances) {
- print TRIAL "\"$account\",\"\$$trialBalances{$account}\"\n";
+my $curOn = 'Assets';
+foreach my $account (sort preferredAccountSorting keys %fullAccountList) {
+ # Blank lines right
+ if ($account !~ /^$curOn/) {
+ print TRIAL "\n";
+ $curOn = $account;
+ $curOn =~ s/^([^:]+):.*$/$1/;
+ print "CurOn now: $curOn\n";
+ }
+ if ($account =~ /^Assets|Liabilities|Accrued|Unearned Income/) {
+ foreach my $id (qw/totalBeginFY totalEndFY amountInYear/) {
+ $trialBalanceData{$id}{$account} = $ZERO
+ unless defined $trialBalanceData{$id}{$account};
+ }
+ print TRIAL "\"$account\",\"\$$trialBalanceData{totalBeginFY}{$account}\",",
+ "\"\$$trialBalanceData{amountInYear}{$account}\",\"\$$trialBalanceData{totalEndFY}{$account}\"\n"
+ unless $trialBalanceData{totalBeginFY}{$account} == $ZERO and
+ $trialBalanceData{amountInYear}{$account} == $ZERO and
+ $trialBalanceData{totalEndFY}{$account} == $ZERO;
+ } else {
+ print TRIAL "\"$account\",\"\",\"\$$trialBalanceData{amountInYear}{$account}\",\"\"\n"
+ if defined $trialBalanceData{amountInYear}{$account} and
+ $trialBalanceData{amountInYear}{$account} != $ZERO;
+ }
close TRIAL;
die "unable to write trial-balance.csv: $!" unless ($? == 0);