Tips for contributors --------------------- * Please **make pull requests against `next`, not `master`**. Ledger follows a [git-flow] branching model, in which development happens on the `next` branch and is subsequently merged into `master` for releases. * If you're making **changes to files for which the Travis build is not relevant**, please **add `[ci skip]` to the end of the commit message**. * Report bugs using [Bugzilla]. If you want, you can access the bug system using the lite (free) version of [Deskzilla]. GLOSSARY ---- Developing the Ledger software uses a number different tools, not all of which will be familiar to all developers. **[Boost]**: a standard set of C++ libraries. Most Boost libraries consist of inline functions and templates in header files. **[Boost.Python]**: C++ library which enables seamless interoperability between C++ and the Python programming language. **[Cheetah]**: a Python templating engine, used by `./python/`. **[CMake]**: A cross platform system for building from source code. It uses the `CMakeLists.txt` files. **[Doxygen]**: generates programming documentation from source code files. Primarily used on C++ sources, but works on all. Uses the `doc/` file. **[GCC]**: Gnu Compiler Collection, which includes the *gcc* compiler and *gcov* coverage/profiler tool. **[clang]**: C language family frontend for LLVM, which includes the *clang* compiler. **[GMP]**: Gnu Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library provides arbitrary precision math. **[MPFR]**: Gnu Multiple Precision Floating-point Library with correct rounding. **[Markdown]**: A typesetter format that produces *html* files from *.md* files. Note that GitHub automatically renders *.md* files. **[SHA1]**: a marginally secure cryptographic hash function, used only for signing the license file. **[Texinfo]**: Gnu documentation typesetter that produces *html* and *pdf* files from the `doc/\*.texi` files. **[Travis CI]**: a hosted continuous integration service that builds and runs tests each commit posted to GitHub. Each build creates a [log], updates a [small badge] at the top left of the main project's [], and emails the author of the commit if any tests fail. **[utfcpp]**: a library for handling utf-8 in a variety of C++ versions. Orientation --- The source tree can be confusing to a new developer. Here is a selective orientation: **./acprep**: a custom thousand-line script to install dependencies, grab updates, and build. It also creates `\*.cmake`, `./CmakeFiles/` and other CMake temporary files. Use `./acprep --help` for more information. **./**: user readme file in markdown format, also used as the project description on GitHub. **./contrib/**: contributed scripts of random quality and completion. They usually require editing to run. **./doc/**: documentation, licenses, and tools for generating documents such as the *pdf* manual. **./lib/**: a couple of libraries used in development. **./python/**: samples using the Python ledger module. **./src/**: the C++ header and source files in a flat directory. **./test/**: a testing harness with subdirectories full of tests **./tools/**: an accretion of tools, mostly small scripts, to aid development [Boost]: [Boost.Python]: [Bugzilla]: [Deskzilla]: [GMP]: [MPFR]: [Cheetah]: [CMake]: [Doxygen]: [Markdown]: [SHA1]: [Texinfo]: [Travis CI]: [GCC]: [utfcpp]: [log]: [small badge]: [git-flow]: []: [clang]: