To build this code after doing a Git clone, run:

    $ ./acprep update

If anything goes wrong, see "COMMON CONFIGURE/BUILD PROBLEMS" below.

If you try to configure and build without running acprep first, you are
almost certainly going to run into problems.  In future, you can run
'acprep update' again and again, and it will keep you updated to the
very latest version.

Now install it:

    $ sudo make install


To build and install Ledger requires several dependencies on various
platforms.  You can install these dependencies very simply for most of them

    $ ./acprep dependencies

The first order of business if acprep update doesn't work is to find out where
things went wrong.  So follow these steps to produce a bug report I can track
down easily:

    $ ./acprep --debug update          # shows what acprep was thinking
    $ <edit config.log>                # shows what configure was thinking

With the contents of config.log, and the output from acprep --debug update,
it's usually fairly obvious where things have gone astray.


 - Q: The build fails saying it can't find utf8.h

   A: You didn't run ./acprep update.


 - Q: './acprep update' gives errors or './acprep dependencies' fails

   A: You're probably missing some dependency libraries.  If you tried
      './acprep dependencies' already and that didn't solve the problem,
      then you may need to install dependencies by hand.  On a Debian
      GNU/Linux system (or Debian-based system such as Ubuntu), something
      like this should work (as root):

        sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake texinfo python-dev \
            zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev libgmp3-dev gettext libmpfr-dev \
            libboost-date-time-dev libboost-filesystem-dev \
            libboost-graph-dev libboost-iostreams-dev \
            libboost-python-dev libboost-regex-dev libboost-test-dev \
            doxygen libedit-dev libmpc-dev


 - Q: Configure fails saying it can't find boost_regex

   A: Look in config.log and search for "boost_regex", then scroll down a bit
      until you see the exact compile error.  Usually it's failing because
      your include directory is different from anything acprep is expecting to
      see.  It could also be failing because your Boost libraries have a
      custom "suffix" on them.

      Let's say your Boost was installed in ~/boost, and every library has the
      suffix '-xgcc42'.  This is what you would run:

        CPPFLAGS=-I$HOME/boost acprep --boost=xgcc42 update


 - Q: Configure fails saying it can't find MPFR

   A: You need MPFR version 2.4.0 or higher.  This version does not come with
      most Debian distributions, so you will need to build it.  The
      relevant packages are 'libmpfr-dev' and 'libmpfr-dbg'.  See also
      the question above about what to do if './acprep update' gives
      errors or './acprep dependencies' fails.


 - Q: I'm seeing a segfault deep inside the boost_regex code!

   A: Actually, the real segfault is in libstdc++'s facet code.  It's being
      caused by using a debug Boost with a non-debug build of Ledger, or


 - Q: Something else fails, or Ledger crashes on startup

   A: This, I am most interested in hearing about.  Please file a bug
      at the Ledger Bugzilla,  The more
      details you can provide, the better.  Also, if Ledger is crashing,
      try running it under gdb like so:

        $ gdb ledger
        (gdb) run <ARGS TO LEDGER>
        ... runs till crash ...
        (gdb) bt

      Put that backtrace output, and the output from "ledger
      --version" in the bug report.


 - Q: Whenever I try to use the Python support, I get a segfault

   A: Make sure that the boost_python library you linked against is using the
      exact same Python as the Ledger executable.  In particular I see this
      bug on OS X systems where boost_python is linked against the default
      Python, while Ledger is linked against the version provided by MacPorts.
      Or vice versa.

      Solution: Use one or the other.  If you prefer the system Python, run
      "port deactivate -f python26", to get MacPorts' version out of the way.
      You'll then need to delete the Ledger binary and run "make" to relink


 - Q: When I run "make check", the Python unit tests always crash

   A: This can happen for the same reason as above.  It can also happen if you
      have ICU support enabled.  This is a bug I'm still trying to track down.


 - Q: My distribution has versions of Boost and/or CMake that are too old for
      Ledger.  How do I build my own Boost and/or CMake binaries that will
      work properly with Ledger?  Thereafter, how do I configure Ledger
      properly to use those newly built verisons of Boost and/or CMake?

   A: Here's commands that one user used to make this work, for Boost 1.51.0
      on Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.x (aka Debian squeeze).  It's likely to work ok
      for other versions of Boost as well.  YMMV on other distributions and/or
      other Debian distribution versions, though.

      # Preparing and building Boost 1.51.0

      $ cd /somewhere/you/want/to/build/boost
      $ wget -N
      $ tar xvf boost_1_51_0.tar.bz2
      $ cd boost_1_51_0
      $ ./
      $ ./b2 --build-type=complete --layout=tagged --prefix=/where/you/want/boost/installed
      $ ./b2 --build-type=complete --layout=tagged --prefix=/where/you/want/boost/installed install

      # Preparing and building CMake 2.8.8

      $ cd /somewhere/you/want/to/build/cmake
      $ wget -N
      $ tar xvf cmake-2.8.8.tar.gz
      $ cd cmake-2.8.8
      $ ./configure --prefix=/where/you/want/cmake/installed/
      $ make
      $ make install

      # Building Ledger using the CMake and/or Boost as installed above

      $ cd /path/to/ledger/sources
      $ env PATH=/where/you/want/cmake/installed/bin:$PATH  BOOST_ROOT=/where/you/want/boost/installed ./acprep --prefix=/where/you/want/ledger/installed --debug --python config
      $ env PATH=/where/you/want/cmake/installed/bin:$PATH  BOOST_ROOT=/where/you/want/boost/installed ./acprep --prefix=/where/you/want/ledger/installed --debug --python make
      $ env PATH=/where/you/want/cmake/installed/bin:$PATH  BOOST_ROOT=/where/you/want/boost/installed ./acprep --prefix=/where/you/want/ledger/installed --debug --python install