#include "amount.h" #include "binary.h" #include "error.h" #include "util.h" #include #include #include "gmp.h" namespace ledger { #define BIGINT_BULK_ALLOC 0x0001 class amount_t::bigint_t { public: mpz_t val; unsigned short prec; unsigned short flags; unsigned int ref; unsigned int index; bigint_t() : prec(0), flags(0), ref(1), index(0) { DEBUG_PRINT("ledger.memory.ctors", "ctor amount_t::bigint_t"); mpz_init(val); } bigint_t(mpz_t _val) : prec(0), flags(0), ref(1), index(0) { DEBUG_PRINT("ledger.memory.ctors", "ctor amount_t::bigint_t"); mpz_init_set(val, _val); } bigint_t(const bigint_t& other) : prec(other.prec), flags(0), ref(1), index(0) { DEBUG_PRINT("ledger.memory.ctors", "ctor amount_t::bigint_t"); mpz_init_set(val, other.val); } ~bigint_t() { DEBUG_PRINT("ledger.memory.dtors", "dtor amount_t::bigint_t"); #if DEBUG_LEVEL >= BETA assert(ref == 0); #endif mpz_clear(val); } }; unsigned int sizeof_bigint_t() { return sizeof(amount_t::bigint_t); } #define MPZ(x) ((x)->val) static mpz_t temp; static mpz_t divisor; static amount_t::bigint_t true_value; commodity_t::updater_t * commodity_t::updater = NULL; commodities_map commodity_t::commodities; commodity_t * commodity_t::null_commodity; void initialize_amounts() { mpz_init(temp); mpz_init(divisor); mpz_set_ui(true_value.val, 1); commodity_t::updater = NULL; commodity_t::null_commodity = commodity_t::find_commodity("", true); } void clean_commodity_history(char * item_pool, char * item_pool_end) { for (commodities_map::iterator i = commodity_t::commodities.begin(); i != commodity_t::commodities.end(); i++) for (history_map::iterator j = (*i).second->history.begin(); j != (*i).second->history.end(); j++) { amount_t::bigint_t * quantity = (*j).second.quantity; if (quantity && (char *)quantity >= item_pool && (char *)quantity < item_pool_end) { assert(quantity->flags & BIGINT_BULK_ALLOC); // Since the journal in which this price was bulk alloc'd (on // reading from a binary file) is going away, we must make a // new copy of the value, because other journals might still // be using it. amount_t::bigint_t * q = new amount_t::bigint_t(*quantity); if (--quantity->ref == 0) quantity->~bigint_t(); (*j).second.quantity = q; } } } void shutdown_amounts() { mpz_clear(divisor); mpz_clear(temp); if (commodity_t::updater) { delete commodity_t::updater; commodity_t::updater = NULL; } for (commodities_map::iterator i = commodity_t::commodities.begin(); i != commodity_t::commodities.end(); i++) delete (*i).second; commodity_t::commodities.clear(); true_value.ref--; } static void mpz_round(mpz_t out, mpz_t value, int value_prec, int round_prec) { // Round `value', with an encoding precision of `value_prec', to a // rounded value with precision `round_prec'. Result is stored in // `out'. assert(value_prec > round_prec); mpz_t quotient; mpz_t remainder; mpz_init(quotient); mpz_init(remainder); mpz_ui_pow_ui(divisor, 10, value_prec - round_prec); mpz_tdiv_qr(quotient, remainder, value, divisor); mpz_divexact_ui(divisor, divisor, 10); mpz_mul_ui(divisor, divisor, 5); if (mpz_sgn(remainder) < 0) { mpz_neg(divisor, divisor); if (mpz_cmp(remainder, divisor) < 0) { mpz_ui_pow_ui(divisor, 10, value_prec - round_prec); mpz_add(remainder, divisor, remainder); mpz_ui_sub(remainder, 0, remainder); mpz_add(out, value, remainder); } else { mpz_sub(out, value, remainder); } } else { if (mpz_cmp(remainder, divisor) >= 0) { mpz_ui_pow_ui(divisor, 10, value_prec - round_prec); mpz_sub(remainder, divisor, remainder); mpz_add(out, value, remainder); } else { mpz_sub(out, value, remainder); } } mpz_clear(quotient); mpz_clear(remainder); // chop off the rounded bits mpz_ui_pow_ui(divisor, 10, value_prec - round_prec); mpz_tdiv_q(out, out, divisor); } amount_t::amount_t(const bool value) { DEBUG_PRINT("ledger.memory.ctors", "ctor amount_t"); if (value) { quantity = &true_value; quantity->ref++; } else { quantity = NULL; } commodity_ = NULL; } amount_t::amount_t(const int value) { DEBUG_PRINT("ledger.memory.ctors", "ctor amount_t"); if (value != 0) { quantity = new bigint_t; mpz_set_si(MPZ(quantity), value); } else { quantity = NULL; } commodity_ = NULL; } amount_t::amount_t(const unsigned int value) { DEBUG_PRINT("ledger.memory.ctors", "ctor amount_t"); if (value != 0) { quantity = new bigint_t; mpz_set_ui(MPZ(quantity), value); } else { quantity = NULL; } commodity_ = NULL; } amount_t::amount_t(const double value) { DEBUG_PRINT("ledger.memory.ctors", "ctor amount_t"); if (value != 0.0) { quantity = new bigint_t; mpz_set_d(MPZ(quantity), value); // jww (2004-08-20): How do I calculate this? } else { quantity = NULL; } commodity_ = NULL; } void amount_t::_release() { if (--quantity->ref == 0) { if (! (quantity->flags & BIGINT_BULK_ALLOC)) delete quantity; else quantity->~bigint_t(); } } void amount_t::_init() { if (! quantity) { quantity = new bigint_t; } else if (quantity->ref > 1) { _release(); quantity = new bigint_t; } } void amount_t::_dup() { if (quantity->ref > 1) { bigint_t * q = new bigint_t(*quantity); _release(); quantity = q; } } void amount_t::_copy(const amount_t& amt) { if (quantity != amt.quantity) { if (quantity) _release(); quantity = amt.quantity; quantity->ref++; } commodity_ = amt.commodity_; } amount_t& amount_t::operator=(const std::string& value) { std::istringstream str(value); parse(str); return *this; } amount_t& amount_t::operator=(const char * value) { std::string valstr(value); std::istringstream str(valstr); parse(str); return *this; } // assignment operator amount_t& amount_t::operator=(const amount_t& amt) { if (this != &amt) { if (amt.quantity) _copy(amt); else if (quantity) _clear(); } return *this; } amount_t& amount_t::operator=(const bool value) { if (! value) { if (quantity) _clear(); } else { commodity_ = NULL; if (quantity) _release(); quantity = &true_value; quantity->ref++; } return *this; } amount_t& amount_t::operator=(const int value) { if (value == 0) { if (quantity) _clear(); } else { commodity_ = NULL; _init(); mpz_set_si(MPZ(quantity), value); } return *this; } amount_t& amount_t::operator=(const unsigned int value) { if (value == 0) { if (quantity) _clear(); } else { commodity_ = NULL; _init(); mpz_set_ui(MPZ(quantity), value); } return *this; } amount_t& amount_t::operator=(const double value) { if (value == 0.0) { if (quantity) _clear(); } else { commodity_ = NULL; _init(); // jww (2004-08-20): How do I calculate precision? mpz_set_d(MPZ(quantity), value); } return *this; } void amount_t::_resize(unsigned int prec) { assert(prec < 256); if (! quantity || prec == quantity->prec) return; _dup(); if (prec < quantity->prec) { mpz_ui_pow_ui(divisor, 10, quantity->prec - prec); mpz_tdiv_q(MPZ(quantity), MPZ(quantity), divisor); } else { mpz_ui_pow_ui(divisor, 10, prec - quantity->prec); mpz_mul(MPZ(quantity), MPZ(quantity), divisor); } quantity->prec = prec; } amount_t& amount_t::operator+=(const amount_t& amt) { if (! amt.quantity) return *this; if (! quantity) { _copy(amt); return *this; } _dup(); if (commodity_ != amt.commodity_) throw amount_error("Adding amounts with different commodities"); if (quantity->prec == amt.quantity->prec) { mpz_add(MPZ(quantity), MPZ(quantity), MPZ(amt.quantity)); } else if (quantity->prec < amt.quantity->prec) { _resize(amt.quantity->prec); mpz_add(MPZ(quantity), MPZ(quantity), MPZ(amt.quantity)); } else { amount_t temp = amt; temp._resize(quantity->prec); mpz_add(MPZ(quantity), MPZ(quantity), MPZ(temp.quantity)); } return *this; } amount_t& amount_t::operator-=(const amount_t& amt) { if (! amt.quantity) return *this; if (! quantity) { quantity = new bigint_t(*amt.quantity); commodity_ = amt.commodity_; mpz_neg(MPZ(quantity), MPZ(quantity)); return *this; } _dup(); if (commodity_ != amt.commodity_) throw amount_error("Subtracting amounts with different commodities"); if (quantity->prec == amt.quantity->prec) { mpz_sub(MPZ(quantity), MPZ(quantity), MPZ(amt.quantity)); } else if (quantity->prec < amt.quantity->prec) { _resize(amt.quantity->prec); mpz_sub(MPZ(quantity), MPZ(quantity), MPZ(amt.quantity)); } else { amount_t temp = amt; temp._resize(quantity->prec); mpz_sub(MPZ(quantity), MPZ(quantity), MPZ(temp.quantity)); } return *this; } amount_t& amount_t::operator*=(const amount_t& amt) { if (! amt.quantity || ! quantity) return *this; _dup(); mpz_mul(MPZ(quantity), MPZ(quantity), MPZ(amt.quantity)); quantity->prec += amt.quantity->prec; unsigned int comm_prec = commodity().precision; if (quantity->prec > comm_prec + 6U) { mpz_round(MPZ(quantity), MPZ(quantity), quantity->prec, comm_prec + 6U); quantity->prec = comm_prec + 6U; } return *this; } amount_t& amount_t::operator/=(const amount_t& amt) { if (! quantity) return *this; if (! amt.quantity) throw amount_error("Divide by zero"); _dup(); // Increase the value's precision, to capture fractional parts after // the divide. mpz_ui_pow_ui(divisor, 10, amt.quantity->prec + 6); mpz_mul(MPZ(quantity), MPZ(quantity), divisor); mpz_tdiv_q(MPZ(quantity), MPZ(quantity), MPZ(amt.quantity)); quantity->prec += 6; unsigned int comm_prec = commodity().precision; if (quantity->prec > comm_prec + 6U) { mpz_round(MPZ(quantity), MPZ(quantity), quantity->prec, comm_prec + 6U); quantity->prec = comm_prec + 6U; } return *this; } // unary negation void amount_t::negate() { if (quantity) { _dup(); mpz_neg(MPZ(quantity), MPZ(quantity)); } } // integer comparisons template static inline void parse_num(amount_t& amt, T num) { std::string str; { std::ostringstream strstr(str); strstr << num; } { std::istringstream strstr(str); amt.parse(strstr); } } #define AMOUNT_CMP_INT(OP) \ bool amount_t::operator OP (const int num) const \ { \ if (num == 0) { \ return quantity ? mpz_sgn(MPZ(quantity)) OP 0 : false; \ } else { \ amount_t amt; \ parse_num(amt, num); \ return *this OP amt; \ } \ } AMOUNT_CMP_INT(<) AMOUNT_CMP_INT(<=) AMOUNT_CMP_INT(>) AMOUNT_CMP_INT(>=) AMOUNT_CMP_INT(==) #define AMOUNT_CMP_UINT(OP) \ bool amount_t::operator OP (const unsigned int num) const \ { \ if (num == 0) { \ return quantity ? mpz_sgn(MPZ(quantity)) OP 0 : false; \ } else { \ amount_t amt; \ parse_num(amt, num); \ return *this OP amt; \ } \ } AMOUNT_CMP_UINT(<) AMOUNT_CMP_UINT(<=) AMOUNT_CMP_UINT(>) AMOUNT_CMP_UINT(>=) AMOUNT_CMP_UINT(==) // comparisons between amounts #define AMOUNT_CMP_AMOUNT(OP) \ bool amount_t::operator OP(const amount_t& amt) const \ { \ if (! quantity) \ return amt > 0; \ if (! amt.quantity) \ return *this < 0; \ \ if (commodity() && amt.commodity() && \ commodity() != amt.commodity()) \ return false; \ \ if (quantity->prec == amt.quantity->prec) { \ return mpz_cmp(MPZ(quantity), MPZ(amt.quantity)) OP 0; \ } \ else if (quantity->prec < amt.quantity->prec) { \ amount_t temp = *this; \ temp._resize(amt.quantity->prec); \ return mpz_cmp(MPZ(temp.quantity), MPZ(amt.quantity)) OP 0; \ } \ else { \ amount_t temp = amt; \ temp._resize(quantity->prec); \ return mpz_cmp(MPZ(quantity), MPZ(temp.quantity)) OP 0; \ } \ } AMOUNT_CMP_AMOUNT(<) AMOUNT_CMP_AMOUNT(<=) AMOUNT_CMP_AMOUNT(>) AMOUNT_CMP_AMOUNT(>=) AMOUNT_CMP_AMOUNT(==) amount_t::operator bool() const { if (! quantity) return false; if (quantity->prec <= commodity().precision) { return mpz_sgn(MPZ(quantity)) != 0; } else { assert(commodity_); mpz_set(temp, MPZ(quantity)); mpz_ui_pow_ui(divisor, 10, quantity->prec - commodity().precision); mpz_tdiv_q(temp, temp, divisor); bool zero = mpz_sgn(temp) == 0; return ! zero; } } amount_t amount_t::value(const std::time_t moment) const { if (quantity && ! (commodity().flags & COMMODITY_STYLE_NOMARKET)) if (amount_t amt = commodity().value(moment)) return (amt * *this).round(commodity().precision); return *this; } amount_t amount_t::round(unsigned int prec) const { if (! quantity || quantity->prec <= prec) return *this; amount_t temp = *this; temp._dup(); mpz_round(MPZ(temp.quantity), MPZ(temp.quantity), temp.quantity->prec, prec); temp.quantity->prec = prec; return temp; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& _out, const amount_t& amt) { if (! amt.quantity) return _out; std::ostringstream out; mpz_t quotient; mpz_t rquotient; mpz_t remainder; mpz_init(quotient); mpz_init(rquotient); mpz_init(remainder); bool negative = false; // Ensure the value is rounded to the commodity's precision before // outputting it. NOTE: `rquotient' is used here as a temp variable! commodity_t& commodity(amt.commodity()); if (commodity.precision < amt.quantity->prec) { mpz_round(rquotient, MPZ(amt.quantity), amt.quantity->prec, commodity.precision); mpz_ui_pow_ui(divisor, 10, commodity.precision); mpz_tdiv_qr(quotient, remainder, rquotient, divisor); } else if (commodity.precision > amt.quantity->prec) { mpz_ui_pow_ui(divisor, 10, commodity.precision - amt.quantity->prec); mpz_mul(rquotient, MPZ(amt.quantity), divisor); mpz_ui_pow_ui(divisor, 10, commodity.precision); mpz_tdiv_qr(quotient, remainder, rquotient, divisor); } else if (amt.quantity->prec) { mpz_ui_pow_ui(divisor, 10, amt.quantity->prec); mpz_tdiv_qr(quotient, remainder, MPZ(amt.quantity), divisor); } else { mpz_set(quotient, MPZ(amt.quantity)); mpz_set_ui(remainder, 0); } if (mpz_sgn(quotient) < 0 || mpz_sgn(remainder) < 0) { negative = true; mpz_abs(quotient, quotient); mpz_abs(remainder, remainder); } mpz_set(rquotient, remainder); if (! (commodity.flags & COMMODITY_STYLE_SUFFIXED)) { if (commodity.quote) out << "\"" << commodity.symbol << "\""; else out << commodity.symbol; if (commodity.flags & COMMODITY_STYLE_SEPARATED) out << " "; } if (negative) out << "-"; if (mpz_sgn(quotient) == 0) { out << '0'; } else if (! (commodity.flags & COMMODITY_STYLE_THOUSANDS)) { char * p = mpz_get_str(NULL, 10, quotient); out << p; std::free(p); } else { strings_list strs; char buf[4]; for (int powers = 0; true; powers += 3) { if (powers > 0) { mpz_ui_pow_ui(divisor, 10, powers); mpz_tdiv_q(temp, quotient, divisor); if (mpz_sgn(temp) == 0) break; mpz_tdiv_r_ui(temp, temp, 1000); } else { mpz_tdiv_r_ui(temp, quotient, 1000); } mpz_get_str(buf, 10, temp); strs.push_back(buf); } bool printed = false; for (strings_list::reverse_iterator i = strs.rbegin(); i != strs.rend(); i++) { if (printed) { out << (commodity.flags & COMMODITY_STYLE_EUROPEAN ? '.' : ','); out.width(3); out.fill('0'); } out << *i; printed = true; } } if (commodity.precision) { out << ((commodity.flags & COMMODITY_STYLE_EUROPEAN) ? ',' : '.'); out.width(commodity.precision); out.fill('0'); char * p = mpz_get_str(NULL, 10, rquotient); out << p; std::free(p); } if (commodity.flags & COMMODITY_STYLE_SUFFIXED) { if (commodity.flags & COMMODITY_STYLE_SEPARATED) out << " "; if (commodity.quote) out << "\"" << commodity.symbol << "\""; else out << commodity.symbol; } mpz_clear(quotient); mpz_clear(rquotient); mpz_clear(remainder); // Things are output to a string first, so that if anyone has // specified a width or fill for _out, it will be applied to the // entire amount string, and not just the first part. _out << out.str(); return _out; } void parse_quantity(std::istream& in, std::string& value) { static char buf[256]; char c = peek_next_nonws(in); READ_INTO(in, buf, 256, c, std::isdigit(c) || c == '-' || c == '.' || c == ','); value = buf; } void parse_commodity(std::istream& in, std::string& symbol) { static char buf[256]; char c = peek_next_nonws(in); if (c == '"') { in.get(c); READ_INTO(in, buf, 256, c, c != '"'); if (c == '"') in.get(c); else throw amount_error("Quoted commodity symbol lacks closing quote"); } else { READ_INTO(in, buf, 256, c, ! std::isspace(c) && ! std::isdigit(c) && c != '-' && c != '.'); } symbol = buf; } void amount_t::parse(std::istream& in) { // The possible syntax for an amount is: // // [-]NUM[ ]SYM [@ AMOUNT] // SYM[ ][-]NUM [@ AMOUNT] std::string symbol; std::string quant; unsigned int flags = COMMODITY_STYLE_DEFAULTS;; _init(); char c = peek_next_nonws(in); if (std::isdigit(c) || c == '.' || c == '-') { parse_quantity(in, quant); char n; if (! in.eof() && ((n = in.peek()) != '\n')) { if (std::isspace(n)) flags |= COMMODITY_STYLE_SEPARATED; parse_commodity(in, symbol); flags |= COMMODITY_STYLE_SUFFIXED; } } else { parse_commodity(in, symbol); if (std::isspace(in.peek())) flags |= COMMODITY_STYLE_SEPARATED; parse_quantity(in, quant); } std::string::size_type last_comma = quant.rfind(','); std::string::size_type last_period = quant.rfind('.'); if (last_comma != std::string::npos && last_period != std::string::npos) { flags |= COMMODITY_STYLE_THOUSANDS; if (last_comma > last_period) { flags |= COMMODITY_STYLE_EUROPEAN; quantity->prec = quant.length() - last_comma - 1; } else { quantity->prec = quant.length() - last_period - 1; } } else if (last_comma != std::string::npos) { flags |= COMMODITY_STYLE_EUROPEAN; quantity->prec = quant.length() - last_comma - 1; } else if (last_period != std::string::npos) { quantity->prec = quant.length() - last_period - 1; } else { quantity->prec = 0; } // Create the commodity if has not already been seen. commodity_ = commodity_t::find_commodity(symbol, true); commodity_->flags |= flags; if (quantity->prec > commodity_->precision) commodity_->precision = quantity->prec; // Now we have the final number. Remove commas and periods, if // necessary. if (last_comma != std::string::npos || last_period != std::string::npos) { int len = quant.length(); char * buf = new char[len + 1]; const char * p = quant.c_str(); char * t = buf; while (*p) { if (*p == ',' || *p == '.') p++; *t++ = *p++; } *t = '\0'; mpz_set_str(MPZ(quantity), buf, 10); delete[] buf; } else { mpz_set_str(MPZ(quantity), quant.c_str(), 10); } } void amount_t::parse(const std::string& str) { std::istringstream stream(str); parse(stream); } static char buf[4096]; void amount_t::write_quantity(std::ostream& out) const { char byte; if (! quantity) { byte = 0; out.write(&byte, sizeof(byte)); return; } if (quantity->index == 0) { quantity->index = ++bigints_index; bigints_count++; byte = 1; out.write(&byte, sizeof(byte)); std::size_t size; mpz_export(buf, &size, 1, sizeof(short), 0, 0, MPZ(quantity)); unsigned short len = size * sizeof(short); out.write((char *)&len, sizeof(len)); if (len) { out.write(buf, len); byte = mpz_sgn(MPZ(quantity)) < 0 ? 1 : 0; out.write(&byte, sizeof(byte)); out.write((char *)&quantity->prec, sizeof(quantity->prec)); } } else { assert(quantity->ref > 1); // Since this value has already been written, we simply write // out a reference to which one it was. byte = 2; out.write(&byte, sizeof(byte)); out.write((char *)&quantity->index, sizeof(quantity->index)); } } void amount_t::read_quantity(char *& data) { char byte = *data++;; if (byte == 0) { quantity = NULL; } else if (byte == 1) { quantity = new(bigints_next++) bigint_t; quantity->flags |= BIGINT_BULK_ALLOC; unsigned short len = *((unsigned short *) data); data += sizeof(unsigned short); mpz_import(MPZ(quantity), len / sizeof(short), 1, sizeof(short), 0, 0, data); data += len; char negative = *data++; if (negative) mpz_neg(MPZ(quantity), MPZ(quantity)); quantity->prec = *((unsigned short *) data); data += sizeof(unsigned short); } else { unsigned int index = *((unsigned int *) data); data += sizeof(unsigned int); quantity = bigints + (index - 1); quantity->ref++; } } bool amount_t::valid() const { if (quantity) { if (! commodity_) return false; if (quantity->ref == 0) return false; } else if (commodity_) { return false; } return true; } void commodity_t::add_price(const std::time_t date, const amount_t& price) { history_map::iterator i = history.find(date); if (i != history.end()) { (*i).second = price; } else { std::pair result = history.insert(history_pair(date, price)); assert(result.second); } } commodity_t * commodity_t::find_commodity(const std::string& symbol, bool auto_create) { commodities_map::const_iterator i = commodities.find(symbol); if (i != commodities.end()) return (*i).second; if (auto_create) { commodity_t * commodity = new commodity_t(symbol); add_commodity(commodity); return commodity; } return NULL; } amount_t commodity_t::value(const std::time_t moment) { std::time_t age = 0; amount_t price; for (history_map::reverse_iterator i = history.rbegin(); i != history.rend(); i++) if (moment == 0 || std::difftime(moment, (*i).first) >= 0) { age = (*i).first; price = (*i).second; break; } if (updater) (*updater)(*this, moment, age, (history.size() > 0 ? (*history.rbegin()).first : 0), price); return price; } } // namespace ledger #ifdef USE_BOOST_PYTHON #include #include using namespace boost::python; using namespace ledger; void (amount_t::*parse_1)(std::istream& in) = &amount_t::parse; void (amount_t::*parse_2)(const std::string& str) = &amount_t::parse; struct commodity_updater_wrap : public commodity_t::updater_t { PyObject * self; commodity_updater_wrap(PyObject * self_) : self(self_) {} virtual void operator()(commodity_t& commodity, const std::time_t moment, const std::time_t date, const std::time_t last, amount_t& price) { call_method(self, "__call__", commodity, moment, date, last, price); } }; void export_amount() { class_< amount_t > ("Amount") .def(init()) .def(init()) .def(init()) .def(init()) .def(init()) .def(init()) .def(init()) .def("commodity", &amount_t::commodity, return_value_policy()) .def("set_commodity", &amount_t::set_commodity) .def(self += self) .def(self + self) .def(self -= self) .def(self - self) .def(self *= self) .def(self * self) .def(self /= self) .def(self / self) .def(self < int()) .def(self <= int()) .def(self > int()) .def(self >= int()) .def(self == int()) .def(self != int()) .def(self < self) .def(self <= self) .def(self > self) .def(self >= self) .def(self == self) .def(self != self) .def(- self) .def(! self) .def(abs(self)) .def(self_ns::str(self)) .def("negate", &amount_t::negate) .def("parse", parse_1) .def("parse", parse_2) .def("valid", &amount_t::valid) ; class_< commodity_t::updater_t, commodity_updater_wrap, boost::noncopyable > ("Updater") ; class_< commodity_t > ("Commodity") .def(init >()) // make this a function which called check_symbol after being set .def_readwrite("symbol", &commodity_t::symbol) .def_readwrite("quote", &commodity_t::quote) .def_readwrite("name", &commodity_t::name) .def_readwrite("note", &commodity_t::name) .def_readwrite("precision", &commodity_t::precision) .def_readwrite("flags", &commodity_t::flags) .def_readwrite("last_lookup", &commodity_t::last_lookup) .def_readwrite("conversion", &commodity_t::conversion) .def_readwrite("ident", &commodity_t::ident) .def_readwrite("updater", &commodity_t::updater) .def("add_commodity", &commodity_t::add_commodity) .def("remove_commodity", &commodity_t::remove_commodity) .def("find_commodity", &commodity_t::find_commodity, return_value_policy()) .def("check_symbol", &commodity_t::check_symbol) .def("add_price", &commodity_t::add_price) .def("remove_price", &commodity_t::remove_price) .def("set_conversion", &commodity_t::set_conversion) .def("value", &commodity_t::value) .def("valid", &commodity_t::valid) ; } #endif // USE_BOOST_PYTHON