#include "ledger.h" #include "textual.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define TIMELOG_SUPPORT 1 namespace ledger { unsigned long magic_number = 0xFFEED765; static unsigned long format_version = 0x00020008; static char buf[4096]; static std::vector accounts; static std::vector commodities; static unsigned long ident; static unsigned long c_ident; void read_binary_amount(std::istream& in, amount_t& amt) { unsigned long id; #ifdef DEBUG { unsigned short guard; in.read((char *)&guard, sizeof(guard)); assert(guard == 0x1001); } #endif in.read((char *)&id, sizeof(id)); if (id == 0xffffffff) amt.commodity = NULL; else amt.commodity = commodities[id]; amt.read_quantity(in); #ifdef DEBUG { unsigned short guard; in.read((char *)&guard, sizeof(guard)); assert(guard == 0x1002); } #endif } transaction_t * read_binary_transaction(std::istream& in, entry_t * entry) { transaction_t * xact = new transaction_t(entry, NULL); unsigned long id; #ifdef DEBUG { unsigned short guard; in.read((char *)&guard, sizeof(guard)); assert(guard == 0x1003); } #endif in.read((char *)&id, sizeof(id)); xact->account = accounts[id]; xact->account->add_transaction(xact); read_binary_amount(in, xact->amount); read_binary_amount(in, xact->cost); in.read((char *)&xact->flags, sizeof(xact->flags)); unsigned short len; in.read((char *)&len, sizeof(len)); if (len) { in.read(buf, len); buf[len] = '\0'; xact->note = buf; } #ifdef DEBUG { unsigned short guard; in.read((char *)&guard, sizeof(guard)); assert(guard == 0x1004); } #endif return xact; } entry_t * read_binary_entry(std::istream& in, ledger_t * ledger) { entry_t * entry = new entry_t; #ifdef DEBUG { unsigned short guard; in.read((char *)&guard, sizeof(guard)); assert(guard == 0x1005); } #endif in.read((char *)&entry->date, sizeof(entry->date)); in.read((char *)&entry->state, sizeof(entry->state)); unsigned short len; in.read((char *)&len, sizeof(len)); if (len) { in.read(buf, len); buf[len] = '\0'; entry->code = buf; } in.read((char *)&len, sizeof(len)); if (len) { in.read(buf, len); buf[len] = '\0'; entry->payee = buf; } unsigned long count; in.read((char *)&count, sizeof(count)); for (int i = count; --i >= 0; ) { transaction_t * xact = read_binary_transaction(in, entry); entry->transactions.push_back(xact); } #ifdef DEBUG { unsigned short guard; in.read((char *)&guard, sizeof(guard)); assert(guard == 0x1006); } #endif return entry; } commodity_t * read_binary_commodity(std::istream& in) { unsigned long id; commodity_t * commodity = new commodity_t; commodities.push_back(commodity); #ifdef DEBUG { unsigned short guard; in.read((char *)&guard, sizeof(guard)); assert(guard == 0x1007); } #endif in.read((char *)&id, sizeof(id)); commodity->ident = id; assert(id == commodities.size() - 1); unsigned short len; in.read((char *)&len, sizeof(len)); if (len) { in.read(buf, len); buf[len] = '\0'; commodity->symbol = buf; } in.read((char *)&len, sizeof(len)); if (len) { in.read(buf, len); buf[len] = '\0'; commodity->name = buf; } in.read((char *)&len, sizeof(len)); if (len) { in.read(buf, len); buf[len] = '\0'; commodity->note = buf; } in.read((char *)&commodity->precision, sizeof(commodity->precision)); in.read((char *)&commodity->flags, sizeof(commodity->flags)); unsigned long count; in.read((char *)&count, sizeof(count)); for (int i = count; --i >= 0; ) { std::time_t when; in.read((char *)&when, sizeof(std::time_t)); amount_t amt; read_binary_amount(in, amt); commodity->history.insert(history_pair(when, amt)); } read_binary_amount(in, commodity->conversion); #ifdef DEBUG { unsigned short guard; in.read((char *)&guard, sizeof(guard)); assert(guard == 0x1008); } #endif return commodity; } account_t * read_binary_account(std::istream& in, account_t * master = NULL) { unsigned long id; account_t * acct = new account_t(NULL); accounts.push_back(acct); #ifdef DEBUG { unsigned short guard; in.read((char *)&guard, sizeof(guard)); assert(guard == 0x1009); } #endif in.read((char *)&id, sizeof(id)); acct->ident = id; assert(id == accounts.size() - 1); in.read((char *)&id, sizeof(id)); if (id == 0xffffffff) acct->parent = NULL; else acct->parent = accounts[id]; unsigned short len; in.read((char *)&len, sizeof(len)); if (len) { in.read(buf, len); buf[len] = '\0'; acct->name = buf; } in.read((char *)&len, sizeof(len)); if (len) { in.read(buf, len); buf[len] = '\0'; acct->note = buf; } in.read((char *)&len, sizeof(len)); // If all of the subaccounts will be added to a different master // account, throw away what we've learned about the recorded // ledger's own master account. if (master) { delete acct; acct = master; } for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { account_t * child = read_binary_account(in); child->parent = acct; acct->add_account(child); } #ifdef DEBUG { unsigned short guard; in.read((char *)&guard, sizeof(guard)); assert(guard == 0x1010); } #endif return acct; } unsigned int read_binary_ledger(std::istream& in, const std::string& leader, ledger_t * ledger, account_t * master) { ident = 0; c_ident = 0; unsigned long magic; in.read((char *)&magic, sizeof(magic)); if (magic != magic_number) return 0; #ifdef DEBUG { unsigned short guard; in.read((char *)&guard, sizeof(guard)); assert(guard == 0x1011); } #endif unsigned long this_ver; in.read((char *)&this_ver, sizeof(this_ver)); if (this_ver != format_version) return 0; unsigned short len; in.read((char *)&len, sizeof(len)); if (! len) return 0; in.read(buf, len); if (leader != buf) return 0; in.read((char *)&len, sizeof(len)); for (int i = len; --i >= 0; ) { in.read((char *)&len, sizeof(len)); assert(len); in.read(buf, len); buf[len] = '\0'; ledger->sources.push_back(buf); std::time_t old_mtime; struct stat info; in.read((char *)&old_mtime, sizeof(old_mtime)); stat(buf, &info); if (info.st_mtime > old_mtime) return 0; } ledger->master = read_binary_account(in, master); unsigned long count; in.read((char *)&count, sizeof(count)); for (int i = count; --i >= 0; ) { commodity_t * commodity = read_binary_commodity(in); std::pair result = ledger->commodities.insert(commodities_pair(commodity->symbol, commodity)); assert(result.second || master); } in.read((char *)&count, sizeof(count)); for (int i = count; --i >= 0; ) { entry_t * entry = read_binary_entry(in, ledger); ledger->entries.push_back(entry); } #ifdef DEBUG { unsigned short guard; in.read((char *)&guard, sizeof(guard)); assert(guard == 0x1012); } #endif accounts.clear(); commodities.clear(); return count; } void write_binary_amount(std::ostream& out, const amount_t& amt) { #ifdef DEBUG { unsigned short guard = 0x1001; out.write((char *)&guard, sizeof(guard)); } #endif if (amt.commodity) { out.write((char *)&amt.commodity->ident, sizeof(amt.commodity->ident)); } else { unsigned long end = 0xffffffff; out.write((char *)&end, sizeof(end)); } amt.write_quantity(out); #ifdef DEBUG { unsigned short guard = 0x1002; out.write((char *)&guard, sizeof(guard)); } #endif } void write_binary_transaction(std::ostream& out, transaction_t * xact) { #ifdef DEBUG { unsigned short guard = 0x1003; out.write((char *)&guard, sizeof(guard)); } #endif out.write((char *)&xact->account->ident, sizeof(xact->account->ident)); write_binary_amount(out, xact->amount); write_binary_amount(out, xact->cost); out.write((char *)&xact->flags, sizeof(xact->flags)); unsigned short len = xact->note.length(); out.write((char *)&len, sizeof(len)); if (len) out.write(xact->note.c_str(), len); #ifdef DEBUG { unsigned short guard = 0x1004; out.write((char *)&guard, sizeof(guard)); } #endif } void write_binary_entry(std::ostream& out, entry_t * entry) { #ifdef DEBUG { unsigned short guard = 0x1005; out.write((char *)&guard, sizeof(guard)); } #endif out.write((char *)&entry->date, sizeof(entry->date)); out.write((char *)&entry->state, sizeof(entry->state)); unsigned short len = entry->code.length(); out.write((char *)&len, sizeof(len)); if (len) out.write(entry->code.c_str(), len); len = entry->payee.length(); out.write((char *)&len, sizeof(len)); if (len) out.write(entry->payee.c_str(), len); unsigned long count = entry->transactions.size(); out.write((char *)&count, sizeof(count)); for (transactions_list::const_iterator i = entry->transactions.begin(); i != entry->transactions.end(); i++) write_binary_transaction(out, *i); #ifdef DEBUG { unsigned short guard = 0x1006; out.write((char *)&guard, sizeof(guard)); } #endif } void write_binary_commodity(std::ostream& out, commodity_t * commodity) { #ifdef DEBUG { unsigned short guard = 0x1007; out.write((char *)&guard, sizeof(guard)); } #endif out.write((char *)&c_ident, sizeof(c_ident)); commodity->ident = c_ident; ++c_ident; unsigned short len = commodity->symbol.length(); out.write((char *)&len, sizeof(len)); out.write(commodity->symbol.c_str(), len); len = commodity->name.length(); out.write((char *)&len, sizeof(len)); if (len) out.write(commodity->name.c_str(), len); len = commodity->note.length(); out.write((char *)&len, sizeof(len)); if (len) out.write(commodity->note.c_str(), len); out.write((char *)&commodity->precision, sizeof(commodity->precision)); out.write((char *)&commodity->flags, sizeof(commodity->flags)); unsigned long count = commodity->history.size(); out.write((char *)&count, sizeof(count)); for (history_map::const_iterator i = commodity->history.begin(); i != commodity->history.end(); i++) { out.write((char *)&((*i).first), sizeof(std::time_t)); write_binary_amount(out, (*i).second); } write_binary_amount(out, commodity->conversion); #ifdef DEBUG { unsigned short guard = 0x1008; out.write((char *)&guard, sizeof(guard)); } #endif } void write_binary_account(std::ostream& out, account_t * account) { #ifdef DEBUG { unsigned short guard = 0x1009; out.write((char *)&guard, sizeof(guard)); } #endif out.write((char *)&ident, sizeof(ident)); account->ident = ident; ++ident; if (account->parent) { out.write((char *)&account->parent->ident, sizeof(account->parent->ident)); } else { unsigned long end = 0xffffffff; out.write((char *)&end, sizeof(end)); } unsigned short len = account->name.length(); out.write((char *)&len, sizeof(len)); if (len) out.write(account->name.c_str(), len); len = account->note.length(); out.write((char *)&len, sizeof(len)); if (len) out.write(account->note.c_str(), len); len = account->accounts.size(); out.write((char *)&len, sizeof(len)); for (accounts_map::iterator i = account->accounts.begin(); i != account->accounts.end(); i++) write_binary_account(out, (*i).second); #ifdef DEBUG { unsigned short guard = 0x1010; out.write((char *)&guard, sizeof(guard)); } #endif } void write_binary_ledger(std::ostream& out, ledger_t * ledger, const std::string& leader) { out.write((char *)&magic_number, sizeof(magic_number)); #ifdef DEBUG { unsigned short guard = 0x1011; out.write((char *)&guard, sizeof(guard)); } #endif out.write((char *)&format_version, sizeof(format_version)); unsigned short len = leader.length(); assert(len > 0); out.write((char *)&len, sizeof(len)); out.write(leader.c_str(), len); len = ledger->sources.size(); out.write((char *)&len, sizeof(len)); for (std::list::const_iterator i = ledger->sources.begin(); i != ledger->sources.end(); i++) { len = (*i).length(); out.write((char *)&len, sizeof(len)); assert(len); out.write((*i).c_str(), len); struct stat info; stat((*i).c_str(), &info); out.write((char *)&info.st_mtime, sizeof(info.st_mtime)); } write_binary_account(out, ledger->master); unsigned long count = ledger->commodities.size(); out.write((char *)&count, sizeof(count)); for (commodities_map::const_iterator i = ledger->commodities.begin(); i != ledger->commodities.end(); i++) write_binary_commodity(out, (*i).second); count = ledger->entries.size(); out.write((char *)&count, sizeof(count)); for (entries_list::const_iterator i = ledger->entries.begin(); i != ledger->entries.end(); i++) write_binary_entry(out, *i); #ifdef DEBUG { unsigned short guard = 0x1012; out.write((char *)&guard, sizeof(guard)); } #endif } } // namespace ledger