# - Try to find utfcpp # Once done, this will define # # UTFCPP_FOUND - system has utfcpp's utf8.h # UTFCPP_PATH - the utfcpp include directories include(CheckCXXSourceCompiles) set(UTFCPP_FOUND FALSE) find_path(UTFCPP_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES utf8.h HINTS "${UTFCPP_PATH}" PATHS "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/utfcpp/v2_0/source" ) if (UTFCPP_INCLUDE_DIR) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES "${UTFCPP_INCLUDE_DIR}") set(UTFCPP_FOUND TRUE) endif() check_cxx_source_compiles(" #include #include \"utf8.h\" int main(int argc, char** argv) { std::string input = std::string(\"utfcpp\"); const char * p = input.c_str(); std::size_t len = input.length(); utf8::is_valid(p, p + len); }" HAVE_WORKING_UTFCPP)