#!/usr/bin/perl # general-ledger-report.plx -*- Perl -*- # # Script to generate a General Ledger report that accountants like # using Ledger. # # Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 Bradley M. Kuhn # Copyright (C) 2012 Tom Marble # # This program gives you software freedom; you can copy, modify, convey, # and/or redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program in a file called 'GPLv3'. If not, write to the: # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. use strict; use warnings; use Math::BigFloat; use Date::Manip; my $LEDGER_CMD = "/usr/local/bin/ledger"; my $ACCT_WIDTH = 75; sub ParseNumber($) { $_[0] =~ s/,//g; return Math::BigFloat->new($_[0]); } Math::BigFloat->precision(-2); my $ZERO = Math::BigFloat->new("0.00"); if (@ARGV < 3) { print STDERR "usage: $0 \n"; exit 1; } my($beginDate, $endDate, @otherLedgerOpts) = @ARGV; my(@chartOfAccountsOpts) = ('-F', "%150A\n", '-w', '-s', '-b', $beginDate, '-e', $endDate, @otherLedgerOpts, 'reg'); open(CHART_DATA, "-|", $LEDGER_CMD, @chartOfAccountsOpts) or die "Unable to run $LEDGER_CMD @chartOfAccountsOpts: $!"; open(CHART_OUTPUT, ">", "chart-of-accounts.txt") or die "unable to write chart-of-accounts.txt: $!"; my @accounts; while (my $line = ) { chomp $line; $line =~ s/^\s*//; $line =~ s/\s*$//; push(@accounts, $line); } close(CHART_DATA); die "error reading ledger output for chart of accounts: $!" unless $? == 0; open(CHART_OUTPUT, ">", "chart-of-accounts.txt") or die "unable to write chart-of-accounts.txt: $!"; my @sortedAccounts; foreach my $acct ( # Proper sorting for a chart of accounts sort { if ($a =~ /^Assets/ and $b !~ /^Assets/) { return -1; } elsif ($a =~ /^Liabilities/ and $b !~ /^Liabilitie/) { return -1; } else { return $a cmp $b; } } @accounts) { print CHART_OUTPUT "$acct\n"; push(@sortedAccounts, $acct); } close(CHART_OUTPUT); die "error writing to chart-of-accounts.txt: $!" unless $? == 0; my $formattedEndDate = new Date::Manip::Date; die "badly formatted end date, $endDate" if $formattedEndDate->parse($endDate); my $oneDayLess = new Date::Manip::Delta; die "bad one day less" if $oneDayLess->parse("- 1 day"); $formattedEndDate = $formattedEndDate->calc($oneDayLess); $formattedEndDate = $formattedEndDate->printf("%Y/%m/%d"); open(GL_TEXT_OUT, ">", "general-ledger.txt") or die "unable to write general-ledger.txt: $!"; open(GL_CSV_OUT, ">", "general-ledger.csv") or die "unable to write general-ledger.csv: $!"; foreach my $acct (@sortedAccounts) { print GL_TEXT_OUT "\n\nACCOUNT: $acct\nFROM: $beginDate TO $formattedEndDate\n\n"; my @acctLedgerOpts = ('-F', "%(date) %-.10C %-.80P %-.80N %18t %18T\n", '-w', '--sort', 'd', '-b', $beginDate, '-e', $endDate, @otherLedgerOpts, 'reg', $acct); open(GL_TEXT_DATA, "-|", $LEDGER_CMD, @acctLedgerOpts) or die "Unable to run $LEDGER_CMD @acctLedgerOpts: $!"; foreach my $line () { print GL_TEXT_OUT $line; } close(GL_TEXT_DATA); die "error reading ledger output for chart of accounts: $!" unless $? == 0; print GL_CSV_OUT "\n\"ACCOUNT:\",\"$acct\"\n\"PERIOD START:\",\"$beginDate\"\n\"PERIOD END:\",\"$formattedEndDate\"\n"; print GL_CSV_OUT '"DATE","CHECK NUM","NAME","Receipt","Invoice","TRANSACTION AMT","RUNNING TOTAL"', "\n"; @acctLedgerOpts = ('-F', '"%(date)","%C","%P","%(tag(\'Receipt\'))","%(tag(\'Invoice\'))","%t","%T"\n', '-w', '--sort', 'd', '-b', $beginDate, '-e', $endDate, @otherLedgerOpts, 'reg', $acct); open(GL_CSV_DATA, "-|", $LEDGER_CMD, @acctLedgerOpts) or die "Unable to run $LEDGER_CMD @acctLedgerOpts: $!"; foreach my $line () { print GL_CSV_OUT $line; } close(GL_CSV_DATA); die "error reading ledger output for chart of accounts: $!" unless $? == 0; } close(GL_TEXT_OUT); die "error writing to general-ledger.txt: $!" unless $? == 0; close(GL_CSV_OUT); die "error writing to general-ledger.csv: $!" unless $? == 0; ############################################################################### # # Local variables: # compile-command: "perl -c general-ledger-report.plx" # End: