"ooolib-python - Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Joseph Colton"
# ooolib-python - Python module for creating Open Document Format documents.
# Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Joseph Colton
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
# You can contact me by email at josephcolton@gmail.com
# Import Standard Modules
import zipfile # Needed for reading/writing documents
import time
import sys
import glob
import os
import re
import xml.parsers.expat # Needed for parsing documents
def version_number():
"Get the ooolib-python version number"
return "0.0.17"
def version():
"Get the ooolib-python version"
return "ooolib-python-%s" % version_number()
def clean_string(data):
"Returns an XML friendly copy of the data string"
data = unicode(data) # This line thanks to Chris Ender
data = data.replace('&', '&')
data = data.replace("'", ''')
data = data.replace('"', '"')
data = data.replace('<', '<')
data = data.replace('>', '>')
data = data.replace('\t', '')
data = data.replace('\n', '')
return data
class XML:
"XML Class - Used to convert nested lists into XML"
def __init__(self):
"Initialize ooolib XML instance"
def _xmldata(self, data):
datatype = data.pop(0)
datavalue = data.pop(0)
outstring = '%s' % datavalue
return outstring
def _xmltag(self, data):
outstring = ''
# First two
datatype = data.pop(0)
dataname = data.pop(0)
outstring = '<%s' % dataname
# Element Section
element = 1
# elements
newdata = data.pop(0)
if (newdata[0] == 'element' and element):
newstring = self._xmlelement(newdata)
outstring = '%s %s' % (outstring, newstring)
if (newdata[0] != 'element' and element):
element = 0
outstring = '%s>' % outstring
if (newdata[0] == 'tag' or newdata[0] == 'tagline'):
outstring = '%s\n' % outstring
if (newdata[0] == 'tag'):
newstring = self._xmltag(newdata)
outstring = '%s%s' % (outstring, newstring)
if (newdata[0] == 'tagline'):
newstring = self._xmltagline(newdata)
outstring = '%s%s' % (outstring, newstring)
if (newdata[0] == 'data'):
newstring = self._xmldata(newdata)
outstring = '%s%s' % (outstring, newstring)
if (element):
element = 0
outstring = '%s>\n' % outstring
outstring = '%s%s>\n' % (outstring, dataname)
return outstring
def _xmltagline(self, data):
outstring = ''
# First two
datatype = data.pop(0)
dataname = data.pop(0)
outstring = '<%s' % dataname
# Element Section
# elements
newdata = data.pop(0)
if (newdata[0] != 'element'): break
newstring = self._xmlelement(newdata)
outstring = '%s %s' % (outstring, newstring)
outstring = '%s/>\n' % outstring
# Non-Element Section should not exist
return outstring
def _xmlelement(self, data):
datatype = data.pop(0)
dataname = data.pop(0)
datavalue = data.pop(0)
outstring = '%s="%s"' % (dataname, datavalue)
return outstring
def convert(self, data):
"""Convert nested lists into XML
The convert method takes a nested lists and converts them
into XML to be used in Open Document Format documents.
There are three types of lists that are recognized at this
time. They are as follows:
'tag' - Tag opens a set of data that is eventually closed
with a similar tag.
List: ['tag', 'xml']
'tagline' - Taglines are similar to tags, except they open
and close themselves.
List: ['tagline', 'xml']
'element' - Elements are pieces of information stored in an
opening tag or tagline.
List: ['element', 'color', 'blue']
XML: color="blue"
'data' - Data is plain text directly inserted into the XML
List: ['data', 'hello']
XML: hello
Bring them all together for something like this.
['tag', 'xml', ['element', 'a', 'b'], ['tagline', 'xml2'],
['data', 'asdf']]
outlines = []
if (type(data) == type([]) and len(data) > 0):
if data[0] == 'tag': outlines.append(self._xmltag(data))
return outlines
class Meta:
"Meta Data Class"
def __init__(self, doctype, debug=False):
self.doctype = doctype
# Set the debug mode
self.debug = debug
# The generator should always default to the version number
self.meta_generator = version()
self.meta_title = ''
self.meta_subject = ''
self.meta_description = ''
self.meta_keywords = []
self.meta_creator = 'ooolib-python'
self.meta_editor = ''
self.meta_user1_name = 'Info 1'
self.meta_user2_name = 'Info 2'
self.meta_user3_name = 'Info 3'
self.meta_user4_name = 'Info 4'
self.meta_user1_value = ''
self.meta_user2_value = ''
self.meta_user3_value = ''
self.meta_user4_value = ''
self.meta_creation_date = self.meta_time()
# Parser data
self.parser_element_list = []
self.parser_element = ""
self.parser_count = 0
def set_meta(self, metaname, value):
"""Set meta data in your document.
Currently implemented metaname options are as follows:
'creator' - The document author
if metaname == 'creator': self.meta_creator = value
if metaname == 'editor': self.meta_editor = value
if metaname == 'title': self.meta_title = value
if metaname == 'subject': self.meta_subject = value
if metaname == 'description': self.meta_description = value
if metaname == 'user1name': self.meta_user1_name = value
if metaname == 'user2name': self.meta_user2_name = value
if metaname == 'user3name': self.meta_user3_name = value
if metaname == 'user4name': self.meta_user4_name = value
if metaname == 'user1value': self.meta_user1_value = value
if metaname == 'user2value': self.meta_user2_value = value
if metaname == 'user3value': self.meta_user3_value = value
if metaname == 'user4value': self.meta_user4_value = value
if metaname == 'keyword':
if value not in self.meta_keywords:
def get_meta_value(self, metaname):
"Get meta data value for a given metaname."
if metaname == 'creator': return self.meta_creator
if metaname == 'editor': return self.meta_editor
if metaname == 'title': return self.meta_title
if metaname == 'subject': return self.meta_subject
if metaname == 'description': return self.meta_description
if metaname == 'user1name': return self.meta_user1_name
if metaname == 'user2name': return self.meta_user2_name
if metaname == 'user3name': return self.meta_user3_name
if metaname == 'user4name': return self.meta_user4_name
if metaname == 'user1value': return self.meta_user1_value
if metaname == 'user2value': return self.meta_user2_value
if metaname == 'user3value': return self.meta_user3_value
if metaname == 'user4value': return self.meta_user4_value
if metaname == 'keyword': return self.meta_keywords
def meta_time(self):
"Return time string in meta data format"
t = time.localtime()
stamp = "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d" % (t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], t[5])
return stamp
def parse_start_element(self, name, attrs):
if self.debug: print '* Start element:', name
self.parser_element = self.parser_element_list[-1]
# Need the meta name from the user-defined tags
if (self.parser_element == "meta:user-defined"):
self.parser_count += 1
# Set user-defined name
self.set_meta("user%dname" % self.parser_count, attrs['meta:name'])
# Debugging statements
if self.debug: print " List: ", self.parser_element_list
if self.debug: print " Attributes: ", attrs
def parse_end_element(self, name):
if self.debug: print '* End element:', name
if name != self.parser_element:
print "Tag Mismatch: '%s' != '%s'" % (name, self.parser_element)
# Readjust parser_element_list and parser_element
if (self.parser_element_list):
self.parser_element = self.parser_element_list[-1]
self.parser_element = ""
def parse_char_data(self, data):
if self.debug: print " Character data: ", repr(data)
# Collect Meta data fields
if (self.parser_element == "dc:title"):
self.set_meta("title", data)
if (self.parser_element == "dc:description"):
self.set_meta("description", data)
if (self.parser_element == "dc:subject"):
self.set_meta("subject", data)
if (self.parser_element == "meta:initial-creator"):
self.set_meta("creator", data)
# Try to maintain the same creation date
if (self.parser_element == "meta:creation-date"):
self.meta_creation_date = data
# The user defined fields need to be kept track of, parser_count does that
if (self.parser_element == "meta:user-defined"):
self.set_meta("user%dvalue" % self.parser_count, data)
def meta_parse(self, data):
"Parse Meta Data from a meta.xml file"
# Debugging statements
if self.debug:
# Sometimes it helps to see the document that was read from
print data
print "\n\n\n"
# Create parser
parser = xml.parsers.expat.ParserCreate()
# Set up parser callback functions
parser.StartElementHandler = self.parse_start_element
parser.EndElementHandler = self.parse_end_element
parser.CharacterDataHandler = self.parse_char_data
# Actually parse the data
parser.Parse(data, 1)
def get_meta(self):
"Generate meta.xml file data"
self.meta_date = self.meta_time()
self.data = ['tag', 'office:document-meta',
['element', 'xmlns:office', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:office:1.0'],
['element', 'xmlns:xlink', 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink'],
['element', 'xmlns:dc', 'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/'],
['element', 'xmlns:meta', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:meta:1.0'],
['element', 'xmlns:ooo', 'http://openoffice.org/2004/office'],
['element', 'office:version', '1.0'],
['tag', 'office:meta',
['tag', 'meta:generator', # Was: 'OpenOffice.org/2.0$Linux OpenOffice.org_project/680m5$Build-9011'
['data', self.meta_generator]], # Generator is set the the ooolib-python version.
['tag', 'dc:title',
['data', self.meta_title]], # This data is the document title
['tag', 'dc:description',
['data', self.meta_description]], # This data is the document description
['tag', 'dc:subject',
['data', self.meta_subject]], # This data is the document subject
['tag', 'meta:initial-creator',
['data', self.meta_creator]], # This data is the document creator
['tag', 'meta:creation-date',
['data', self.meta_creation_date]], # This is the original creation date of the document
['tag', 'dc:creator',
['data', self.meta_editor]], # This data is the document editor
['tag', 'dc:date',
['data', self.meta_date]], # This is the last modified date of the document
['tag', 'dc:language',
['data', 'en-US']], # We will probably always use en-US for language
['tag', 'meta:editing-cycles',
['data', '1']], # Edit cycles will probably always be 1 for generated documents
['tag', 'meta:editing-duration',
['data', 'PT0S']], # Editing duration is modified - creation date
['tag', 'meta:user-defined',
['element', 'meta:name', self.meta_user1_name],
['data', self.meta_user1_value]],
['tag', 'meta:user-defined',
['element', 'meta:name', self.meta_user2_name],
['data', self.meta_user2_value]],
['tag', 'meta:user-defined',
['element', 'meta:name', self.meta_user3_name],
['data', self.meta_user3_value]],
['tag', 'meta:user-defined',
['element', 'meta:name', self.meta_user4_name],
['data', self.meta_user4_value]]]]
# ['tagline', 'meta:document-statistic',
# ['element', 'meta:table-count', len(self.sheets)], # len(self.sheets) ?
# ['element', 'meta:cell-count', '15']]]] # Not sure how to keep track
# Generate content.xml XML data
xml = XML()
self.lines = xml.convert(self.data)
self.filedata = '\n'.join(self.lines)
# Return generated data
return self.filedata
class CalcStyles:
"Calc Style Management - Used to keep track of created styles."
def __init__(self):
self.style_config = {}
# Style Counters
self.style_table = 1
self.style_column = 1
self.style_row = 1
self.style_cell = 1
# Style Properties (Defaults) - To be used later
self.property_column_width_default = '0.8925in' # Default Column Width
self.property_row_height_default = '0.189in' # Default Row Height
# Set Defaults
self.property_column_width = '0.8925in' # Default Column Width
self.property_row_height = '0.189in' # Default Row Height
self.property_cell_bold = False # Bold off be default
self.property_cell_italic = False # Italic off be default
self.property_cell_underline = False # Underline off be default
self.property_cell_fg_color = 'default' # Text Color Default
self.property_cell_bg_color = 'default' # Cell Background Default
self.property_cell_bg_image = 'none' # Cell Background Default
self.property_cell_fontsize = '10' # Cell Font Size Default
self.property_cell_valign = 'default' # Vertial Alignment Default
self.property_cell_halign = 'default' # Horizantal Alignment Default
def get_next_style(self, style):
"Returns the next style code for the given style"
style_code = ""
if style == 'table':
style_code = 'ta%d' % self.style_table
if style == 'column':
style_code = 'co%d' % self.style_column
if style == 'row':
style_code = 'ro%d' % self.style_row
if style == 'cell':
style_code = 'ce%d' % self.style_cell
return style_code
def set_property(self, style, name, value):
"Sets a property which will later be turned into a code"
if style == 'table':
if style == 'column':
if name == 'style:column-width': self.property_column_width = value
if style == 'row':
if name == 'style:row-height': self.property_row_height = value
if style == 'cell':
if name == 'bold' and type(value) == type(True): self.property_cell_bold = value
if name == 'italic' and type(value) == type(True): self.property_cell_italic = value
if name == 'underline' and type(value) == type(True): self.property_cell_underline = value
if name == 'fontsize': self.property_cell_fontsize = value
if name == 'color':
self.property_cell_fg_color = 'default'
redata = re.search("^(#[\da-fA-F]{6})$", value)
if redata: self.property_cell_fg_color = value.lower()
if name == 'background':
self.property_cell_bg_color = 'default'
redata = re.search("^(#[\da-fA-F]{6})$", value)
if redata: self.property_cell_bg_color = value.lower()
if name == 'backgroundimage':
self.property_cell_bg_image = value
if name == 'valign':
self.property_cell_valign = value
if name == 'halign':
self.property_cell_halign = value
def get_style_code(self, style):
style_code = ""
if style == 'table':
style_code = "ta1"
if style == 'column':
style_data = tuple([style,
('style:column-width', self.property_column_width)])
if style_data in self.style_config:
# Style Exists, return code
style_code = self.style_config[style_data]
# Style does not exist, create code and return it
style_code = self.get_next_style(style)
self.style_config[style_data] = style_code
if style == 'row':
style_data = tuple([style,
('style:row-height', self.property_row_height)])
if style_data in self.style_config:
# Style Exists, return code
style_code = self.style_config[style_data]
# Style does not exist, create code and return it
style_code = self.get_next_style(style)
self.style_config[style_data] = style_code
if style == 'cell':
style_data = [style]
# Add additional styles
if self.property_cell_bold: style_data.append(('bold', True))
if self.property_cell_italic: style_data.append(('italic', True))
if self.property_cell_underline: style_data.append(('underline', True))
if self.property_cell_fontsize != '10':
style_data.append(('fontsize', self.property_cell_fontsize))
if self.property_cell_fg_color != 'default':
style_data.append(('color', self.property_cell_fg_color))
if self.property_cell_bg_color != 'default':
style_data.append(('background', self.property_cell_bg_color))
if self.property_cell_bg_image != 'none':
style_data.append(('backgroundimage', self.property_cell_bg_image))
if self.property_cell_valign != 'default':
style_data.append(('valign', self.property_cell_valign))
if self.property_cell_halign != 'default':
style_data.append(('halign', self.property_cell_halign))
style_data = tuple(style_data)
if style_data in self.style_config:
# Style Exists, return code
style_code = self.style_config[style_data]
# Style does not exist, create code and return it
style_code = self.get_next_style(style)
self.style_config[style_data] = style_code
return style_code
def get_automatic_styles(self):
"Return 'office:automatic-styles' lists"
automatic_styles = ['tag', 'office:automatic-styles']
for style_data in self.style_config:
style_code = self.style_config[style_data]
style_data = list(style_data)
style = style_data.pop(0)
if style == 'column':
style_list = ['tag', 'style:style',
['element', 'style:name', style_code], # Column 'co1' properties
['element', 'style:family', 'table-column']]
tagline = ['tagline', 'style:table-column-properties',
['element', 'fo:break-before', 'auto']] # unsure what break before means
for set in style_data:
name, value = set
if name == 'style:column-width':
tagline.append(['element', 'style:column-width', value])
if style == 'row':
style_list = ['tag', 'style:style',
['element', 'style:name', style_code], # Column 'ro1' properties
['element', 'style:family', 'table-row']]
tagline = ['tagline', 'style:table-row-properties']
for set in style_data:
name, value = set
if name == 'style:row-height':
tagline.append(['element', 'style:row-height', value])
tagline.append(['element', 'fo:break-before', 'auto'])
# tagline.append(['element', 'style:use-optimal-row-height', 'true']) # Overrides settings
if style == 'pagebreak':
style_list = ['tag', 'style:style',
['element', 'style:name', style_code], # Column 'ro1' properties
['element', 'style:family', 'table-row']]
tagline = ['tagline', 'style:table-row-properties']
for set in style_data:
name, value = set
if name == 'style:row-height':
tagline.append(['element', 'style:row-height', value])
tagline.append(['element', 'fo:break-before', 'page'])
# tagline.append(['element', 'style:use-optimal-row-height', 'true']) # Overrides settings
if style == 'cell':
style_list = ['tag', 'style:style',
['element', 'style:name', style_code], # ce1 style
['element', 'style:family', 'table-cell'], # cell
['element', 'style:parent-style-name', 'Default']] # parent is Default
# hack for currency
if style_code == 'ce1':
# Cell Properties
tagline = ['tag', 'style:table-cell-properties']
tagline_additional = []
for set in style_data:
name, value = set
if name == 'background':
tagline.append(['element', 'fo:background-color', value])
if name == 'backgroundimage':
tagline.append(['element', 'fo:background-color', 'transparent'])
# Additional tags added later
bgimagetag = ['tagline', 'style:background-image']
bgimagetag.append(['element', 'xlink:href', value])
bgimagetag.append(['element', 'xlink:type', 'simple'])
bgimagetag.append(['element', 'xlink:actuate', 'onLoad'])
if name == 'valign':
if value in ['top', 'bottom', 'middle']:
tagline.append(['element', 'style:vertical-align', value])
if name == 'halign':
tagline.append(['element', 'style:text-align-source', 'fix'])
if value in ['filled']:
tagline.append(['element', 'style:repeat-content', 'true'])
tagline.append(['element', 'style:repeat-content', 'false'])
# Add any additional internal tags
while tagline_additional:
tagadd = tagline_additional.pop(0)
# Paragraph Properties
tagline = ['tagline', 'style:paragraph-properties']
tagline_valid = False
for set in style_data:
name, value = set
if name == 'halign':
tagline_valid = True
if value in ['center']:
tagline.append(['element', 'fo:text-align', 'center'])
if value in ['end', 'right']:
tagline.append(['element', 'fo:text-align', 'end'])
if value in ['start', 'filled', 'left']:
tagline.append(['element', 'fo:text-align', 'start'])
if value in ['justify']:
tagline.append(['element', 'fo:text-align', 'justify'])
# Conditionally add the tagline
if tagline_valid: style_list.append(tagline)
# Text Properties
tagline = ['tagline', 'style:text-properties']
for set in style_data:
name, value = set
if name == 'bold':
tagline.append(['element', 'fo:font-weight', 'bold'])
if name == 'italic':
tagline.append(['element', 'fo:font-style', 'italic'])
if name == 'underline':
tagline.append(['element', 'style:text-underline-style', 'solid'])
tagline.append(['element', 'style:text-underline-width', 'auto'])
tagline.append(['element', 'style:text-underline-color', 'font-color'])
if name == 'color':
tagline.append(['element', 'fo:color', value])
if name == 'fontsize':
tagline.append(['element', 'fo:font-size', '%spt' % value])
# Attach ta1 style
automatic_styles.append(['tag', 'style:style',
['element', 'style:name', 'ta1'],
['element', 'style:family', 'table'],
['element', 'style:master-page-name', 'Default'],
['tagline', 'style:table-properties',
['element', 'table:display', 'true'],
['element', 'style:writing-mode', 'lr-tb']]])
return automatic_styles
class CalcSheet:
"Calc Sheet Class - Used to keep track of the data for an individual sheet."
def __init__(self, sheetname):
"Initialize a sheet"
self.sheet_name = sheetname
self.sheet_values = {}
self.sheet_config = {}
self.max_col = 0
self.max_row = 0
def get_sheet_dimensions(self):
"Returns the max column and row"
return (self.max_col, self.max_row)
def clean_formula(self, data):
"Returns a formula for use in ODF"
# Example Translations
# '=SUM(A1:A2)'
# datavalue = 'oooc:=SUM([.A1:.A2])'
# '=IF((A5>A4);A4;"")'
# datavalue = 'oooc:=IF(([.A5]>[.A4]);[.A4];"")'
data = str(data)
data = clean_string(data)
redata = re.search('^=([A-Z]+)(\(.*)$', data)
if redata:
# funct is the function name. The rest if the string will be the functArgs
funct = redata.group(1)
functArgs = redata.group(2)
# Search for cell lebels and replace them
reList = re.findall('([A-Z]+\d+)', functArgs)
# sort and keep track so we do not do a cell more than once
lastVar = ''
while reList:
# Replace each cell label
curVar = reList.pop()
if curVar == lastVar: continue
lastVar = curVar
functArgs = functArgs.replace(curVar, '[.%s]' % curVar)
data = 'oooc:=%s%s' % (funct, functArgs)
return data
def get_name(self):
"Returns the sheet name"
return self.sheet_name
def set_name(self, sheetname):
"Resets the sheet name"
self.sheet_name = sheetname
def get_sheet_values(self):
"Returns the sheet cell values"
return self.sheet_values
def get_sheet_value(self, col, row):
"Get the value contents of a cell"
cell = (col, row)
if cell in self.sheet_values:
return self.sheet_values[cell]
return None
def get_sheet_config(self):
"Returns the sheet cell properties"
return self.sheet_config
def set_sheet_config(self, location, style_code):
"Sets Style Code for a given location"
self.sheet_config[location] = style_code
def set_sheet_value(self, cell, datatype, datavalue):
"""Sets the value for a specific cell
cell must be in the format (col, row) where row and col are int.
Example: B5 would be written as (2, 5)
datatype must be one of 'string', 'float', 'formula', 'currency'
datavalue should be a string
# Catch invalid data
if type(cell) != type(()) or len(cell) != 2:
print "Invalid Cell"
(col, row) = cell
if type(col) != type(1):
print "Invalid Cell"
if type(row) != type(1):
print "Invalid Cell"
# Fix String Data
if datatype in ['string', 'annotation']:
datavalue = clean_string(datavalue)
# Fix Link Data. Link's value is a tuple containing (url, description)
if (datatype == 'link'):
url = clean_string(datavalue[0])
desc = clean_string(datavalue[1])
datavalue = (url, desc)
# Fix Formula Data
if datatype == 'formula':
datavalue = self.clean_formula(datavalue)
# Adjust maximum sizes
if col > self.max_col: self.max_col = col
if row > self.max_row: self.max_row = row
datatype = str(datatype)
if (datatype not in ['string', 'float', 'currency', 'formula', 'annotation', 'link']):
# Set all unknown cell types to string
datatype = 'string'
datavalue = str(datavalue)
# The following lines are taken directly from HPS
# self.sheet_values[cell] = (datatype, datavalue)
# HPS: Cell content is now a list of tuples instead of a tuple
# While storing here, store the cell contents first and the annotation next. While generating the XML reverse this
contents = self.sheet_values.get(cell, {'annotation':None,'link':None, 'value':None})
if datatype == 'annotation':
contents['annotation'] = (datatype, datavalue)
elif datatype == 'link':
contents['link'] = (datatype, datavalue)
contents['value'] = (datatype, datavalue)
self.sheet_values[cell] = contents
def get_lists(self):
"Returns nested lists for XML processing"
if (self.max_col == 0 and self.max_row == 0):
sheet_lists = ['tag', 'table:table',
['element', 'table:name', self.sheet_name], # Set the Sheet Name
['element', 'table:style-name', 'ta1'],
['element', 'table:print', 'false'],
['tagline', 'table:table-column',
['element', 'table:style-name', 'co1'],
['element', 'table:default-cell-style-name', 'Default']],
['tag', 'table:table-row',
['element', 'table:style-name', 'ro1'],
['tagline', 'table:table-cell']]]
# Base Information
sheet_lists = ['tag', 'table:table',
['element', 'table:name', self.sheet_name], # Set the sheet name
['element', 'table:style-name', 'ta1'],
['element', 'table:print', 'false']]
# ['tagline', 'table:table-column',
# ['element', 'table:style-name', 'co1'],
# ['element', 'table:number-columns-repeated', self.max_col], # max_col? '2'
# ['element', 'table:default-cell-style-name', 'Default']],
# Need to add column information
for col in range(1, self.max_col+1):
location = ('col', col)
style_code = 'co1'
if location in self.sheet_config:
style_code = self.sheet_config[location]
sheet_lists.append(['tagline', 'table:table-column',
['element', 'table:style-name', style_code],
['element', 'table:default-cell-style-name', 'Default']])
# Need to create each row
for row in range(1, self.max_row + 1):
location = ('row', row)
style_code = 'ro1'
if location in self.sheet_config:
style_code = self.sheet_config[location]
rowlist = ['tag', 'table:table-row',
['element', 'table:style-name', style_code]]
for col in range(1, self.max_col + 1):
cell = (col, row)
style_code = 'ce1' # Default all cells to ce1
if cell in self.sheet_config:
style_code = self.sheet_config[cell] # Lookup cell if available
if cell in self.sheet_values:
# (datatype, datavalue) = self.sheet_values[cell] # Marked for removal
collist = ['tag', 'table:table-cell']
if style_code != 'ce1':
collist.append(['element', 'table:style-name', style_code])
# Contents, annotations, and links added by HPS
contents = self.sheet_values[cell] # cell contents is a dictionary
if contents['value']:
(datatype, datavalue) = contents['value']
if datatype == 'float':
collist.append(['element', 'office:value-type', datatype])
collist.append(['element', 'office:value', datavalue])
if datatype == 'currency':
collist.append(['element', 'table:style-name', "ce1"])
collist.append(['element', 'office:value-type', datatype])
collist.append(['element', 'office:currency', 'USD'])
collist.append(['element', 'office:value', datavalue])
if datatype == 'string':
collist.append(['element', 'office:value-type', datatype])
if datatype == 'formula':
collist.append(['element', 'table:formula', datavalue])
collist.append(['element', 'office:value-type', 'float'])
collist.append(['element', 'office:value', '0'])
datavalue = '0'
datavalue = None
if contents['annotation']:
(annotype, annoval) = contents['annotation']
collist.append(['tag', 'office:annotation',
['tag', 'text:p', ['data', annoval]]])
if contents['link']:
(linktype, linkval) = contents['link']
if datavalue:
collist.append(['tag', 'text:p', ['data', datavalue],
['tag', 'text:a', ['element', 'xlink:href', linkval[0]],
['data', linkval[1]]]])
else: # no value; just fill the link
collist.append(['tag', 'text:p',
['tag', 'text:a', ['element', 'xlink:href', linkval[0]],
['data', linkval[1]]]])
if datavalue:
collist.append(['tag', 'text:p', ['data', datavalue]])
collist = ['tagline', 'table:table-cell']
return sheet_lists
class Calc:
"Calc Class - Used to create OpenDocument Format Calc Spreadsheets."
def __init__(self, sheetname=None, opendoc=None, debug=False):
"Initialize ooolib Calc instance"
# Default to no debugging
self.debug = debug
if not sheetname: sheetname = "Sheet1"
self.sheets = [CalcSheet(sheetname)] # The main sheet will be initially called 'Sheet1'
self.sheet_index = 0 # We initially start on the first sheet
self.styles = CalcStyles()
self.meta = Meta('ods')
self.styles.get_style_code('column') # Force generation of default column
self.styles.get_style_code('row') # Force generation of default row
self.styles.get_style_code('table') # Force generation of default table
self.styles.get_style_code('cell') # Force generation of default cell
self.manifest_files = [] # List of extra files included
self.manifest_index = 1 # Index of added manifest files
# Data Parsing
self.parser_element_list = []
self.parser_element = ""
self.parser_sheet_num = 0
self.parser_sheet_row = 0
self.parser_sheet_column = 0
self.parser_cell_repeats = 0
self.parser_cell_string_pending = False
self.parser_cell_string_line = ""
# See if we need to read a document
if opendoc:
# Verify that the document exists
if self.debug: print "Opening Document: %s" % opendoc
# Okay, now we load the file
def debug_level(self, level):
"""Set debug level:
True if you want debugging messages
False if you do not.
self.debug = level
def file_mimetype(self, filename):
"Determine the filetype from the filename"
parts = filename.lower().split('.')
ext = parts[-1]
if (ext == 'png'): return (ext, "image/png")
if (ext == 'gif'): return (ext, "image/gif")
return (ext, "image/unknown")
def add_file(self, filename):
"""Prepare a file for loading into ooolib
The filename should be the local filesystem name for
the file. The file is then prepared to be included in
the creation of the final document. The file needs to
remain in place so that it is available when the actual
document creation happens.
# mimetype set to (ext, filetype)
mimetype = self.file_mimetype(filename)
newname = "Pictures/%08d.%s" % (self.manifest_index, mimetype[0])
self.manifest_index += 1
filetype = mimetype[1]
self.manifest_files.append((filename, filetype, newname))
return newname
def set_meta(self, metaname, value):
"Set meta data in your document."
self.meta.set_meta(metaname, value)
def get_meta_value(self, metaname):
"Get meta data value for a given metaname"
return self.meta.get_meta_value(metaname)
def get_sheet_name(self):
"Returns the sheet name"
return self.sheets[self.sheet_index].get_name()
def get_sheet_dimensions(self):
"Returns the sheet dimensions in (cols, rows)"
return self.sheets[self.sheet_index].get_sheet_dimensions()
def set_column_property(self, column, name, value):
"Set Column Properties"
if name == 'width':
# column number column needs column-width set to value
self.styles.set_property('column', 'style:column-width', value)
style_code = self.styles.get_style_code('column')
self.sheets[self.sheet_index].set_sheet_config(('col', column), style_code)
def set_row_property(self, row, name, value):
"Set row Properties"
if name == 'height':
# row number row needs row-height set to value
self.styles.set_property('row', 'style:row-height', value)
style_code = self.styles.get_style_code('row')
self.sheets[self.sheet_index].set_sheet_config(('row', row), style_code)
def set_cell_property(self, name, value):
"""Turn and off cell properties
Actual application of properties is handled by setting a value."""
# background images need to be handled a little differently
# because they need to also be inserted into the final document
if (name == 'backgroundimage'):
# Add file and modify value
value = self.add_file(value)
self.styles.set_property('cell', name, value)
def get_sheet_index(self):
"Return the current sheet index number"
return self.sheet_index
def set_sheet_index(self, index):
"Set the sheet index"
if type(index) == type(1):
if index >= 0 and index < len(self.sheets):
self.sheet_index = index
return self.sheet_index
def get_sheet_count(self):
"Returns the number of existing sheets"
return len(self.sheets)
def new_sheet(self, sheetname):
"Create a new sheet"
self.sheet_index = len(self.sheets)
return self.sheet_index
def set_cell_value(self, col, row, datatype, value):
"Set the value for a given cell"
self.sheets[self.sheet_index].set_sheet_value((col, row), datatype, value)
style_code = self.styles.get_style_code('cell')
self.sheets[self.sheet_index].set_sheet_config((col, row), style_code)
def get_cell_value(self, col, row):
"Get a cell value tuple (type, value) for a given cell"
sheetvalue = self.sheets[self.sheet_index].get_sheet_value(col, row)
# We stop here if there is no value for sheetvalue
if sheetvalue == None: return sheetvalue
# Now check to see if we have a value tuple
if 'value' in sheetvalue:
return sheetvalue['value']
return None
def load(self, filename):
"""Load .ods spreadsheet.
The load function loads data from a document into the current cells.
# Read in the important files
# meta.xml
data = self._zip_read(filename, "meta.xml")
# content.xml
data = self._zip_read(filename, "content.xml")
# settings.xml - I do not remember putting anything here
# styles.xml - I do not remember putting anything here
def parse_content_start_element(self, name, attrs):
if self.debug: print '* Start element:', name
self.parser_element = self.parser_element_list[-1]
# Keep track of the current sheet number
if (self.parser_element == 'table:table'):
# Move to starting cell
self.parser_sheet_row = 0
self.parser_sheet_column = 0
# Increment the sheet number count
self.parser_sheet_num += 1
if (self.parser_sheet_num - 1 != self.sheet_index):
# We are not on the first sheet and need to create a new sheet.
# We will automatically move to the new sheet
sheetname = "Sheet%d" % self.parser_sheet_num
if 'table:name' in attrs: sheetname = attrs['table:name']
# We are on the first sheet and will need to overwrite the default name
sheetname = "Sheet%d" % self.parser_sheet_num
if 'table:name' in attrs: sheetname = attrs['table:name']
# Update the row numbers
if (self.parser_element == 'table:table-row'):
self.parser_sheet_row += 1
self.parser_sheet_column = 0
# Okay, now keep track of the sheet cell data
if (self.parser_element == 'table:table-cell'):
# By default it will repeat zero times
self.parser_cell_repeats = 0
# We must be in a new column
self.parser_sheet_column += 1
# Set some default values
datatype = ""
value = ""
# Get values from attrs hash
if 'office:value-type' in attrs: datatype = attrs['office:value-type']
if 'office:value' in attrs: value = attrs['office:value']
if 'table:formula' in attrs:
datatype = 'formula'
value = attrs['table:formula']
if datatype == 'string':
datatype = ""
self.parser_cell_string_pending = True
self.parser_cell_string_line = ""
if 'table:number-columns-repeated' in attrs:
self.parser_cell_repeats = int(attrs['table:number-columns-repeated']) - 1
# Set the cell value
if datatype:
# I should do this once per cell repeat above 0
for i in range(0, self.parser_cell_repeats+1):
self.set_cell_value(self.parser_sheet_column+i, self.parser_sheet_row, datatype, value)
# There are lots of interesting cases with table:table-cell data. One problem is
# reading the number of embedded spaces correctly. This code should help us get
# the number of spaces out.
if (self.parser_element == 'text:s'):
# This means we have a number of spaces
count_num = 0
if 'text:c' in attrs:
count_alpha = attrs['text:c']
if (count_alpha.isdigit()):
count_num = int(count_alpha)
# I am not sure what to do if we do not have a string pending
if (self.parser_cell_string_pending == True):
# Append the currect number of spaces to the end
self.parser_cell_string_line = "%s%s" % (self.parser_cell_string_line, ' '*count_num)
if (self.parser_element == 'text:tab-stop'):
if (self.parser_cell_string_pending == True):
self.parser_cell_string_line = "%s\t" % (self.parser_cell_string_line)
if (self.parser_element == 'text:line-break'):
if (self.parser_cell_string_pending == True):
self.parser_cell_string_line = "%s\n" % (self.parser_cell_string_line)
# Debugging statements
if self.debug: print " List: ", self.parser_element_list
if self.debug: print " Attributes: ", attrs
def parse_content_end_element(self, name):
if self.debug: print '* End element:', name
if name != self.parser_element:
print "Tag Mismatch: '%s' != '%s'" % (name, self.parser_element)
# If the element was text:p and we are in string mode
if (self.parser_element == 'text:p'):
if (self.parser_cell_string_pending):
self.parser_cell_string_pending = False
# Take care of repeated cells
if (self.parser_element == 'table:table-cell'):
self.parser_sheet_column += self.parser_cell_repeats
# Readjust parser_element_list and parser_element
if (self.parser_element_list):
self.parser_element = self.parser_element_list[-1]
self.parser_element = ""
def parse_content_char_data(self, data):
if self.debug: print " Character data: ", repr(data)
if (self.parser_element == 'text:p' or self.parser_element == 'text:span'):
if (self.parser_cell_string_pending):
# Set the string and leave string pending mode
# This does feel a little kludgy, but it does the job
self.parser_cell_string_line = "%s%s" % (self.parser_cell_string_line, data)
# I should do this once per cell repeat above 0
for i in range(0, self.parser_cell_repeats+1):
self.set_cell_value(self.parser_sheet_column+i, self.parser_sheet_row,
'string', self.parser_cell_string_line)
def content_parse(self, data):
"Parse Content Data from a content.xml file"
# Debugging statements
if self.debug:
# Sometimes it helps to see the document that was read from
print data
print "\n\n\n"
# Create parser
parser = xml.parsers.expat.ParserCreate()
# Set up parser callback functions
parser.StartElementHandler = self.parse_content_start_element
parser.EndElementHandler = self.parse_content_end_element
parser.CharacterDataHandler = self.parse_content_char_data
# Actually parse the data
parser.Parse(data, 1)
def save(self, filename):
"""Save .ods spreadsheet.
The save function saves the current cells and settings into a document.
if self.debug: print "Writing %s" % filename
self.savefile = zipfile.ZipFile(filename, "w")
if self.debug: print " meta.xml"
self._zip_insert(self.savefile, "meta.xml", self.meta.get_meta())
if self.debug: print " mimetype"
self._zip_insert(self.savefile, "mimetype", "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet")
if self.debug: print " Configurations2/accelerator/current.xml"
self._zip_insert(self.savefile, "Configurations2/accelerator/current.xml", "")
if self.debug: print " META-INF/manifest.xml"
self._zip_insert(self.savefile, "META-INF/manifest.xml", self._ods_manifest())
if self.debug: print " content.xml"
self._zip_insert(self.savefile, "content.xml", self._ods_content())
if self.debug: print " settings.xml"
self._zip_insert(self.savefile, "settings.xml", self._ods_settings())
if self.debug: print " styles.xml"
self._zip_insert(self.savefile, "styles.xml", self._ods_styles())
# Add additional files if needed
for fileset in self.manifest_files:
(filename, filetype, newname) = fileset
# Read in the file
data = self._file_load(filename)
if self.debug: print " Inserting '%s' as '%s'" % (filename, newname)
self._zip_insert_binary(self.savefile, newname, data)
def _file_load(self, filename):
"Load a file"
file = open(filename, "rb")
data = file.read()
return data
def _zip_insert_binary(self, file, filename, data):
"Insert a binary file into the zip archive"
now = time.localtime(time.time())[:6]
info = zipfile.ZipInfo(filename)
info.date_time = now
info.compress_type = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED
file.writestr(info, data)
def _zip_insert(self, file, filename, data):
"Insert a file into the zip archive"
# zip seems to struggle with non-ascii characters
data = data.encode('utf-8')
now = time.localtime(time.time())[:6]
info = zipfile.ZipInfo(filename)
info.date_time = now
info.compress_type = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED
file.writestr(info, data)
def _zip_read(self, file, filename):
"Get the data from a file in the zip archive by filename"
file = zipfile.ZipFile(file, "r")
data = file.read(filename)
# Need to close the file
return data
def _ods_content(self):
"Generate ods content.xml data"
# This will list all of the sheets in the document
self.sheetdata = ['tag', 'office:spreadsheet']
for sheet in self.sheets:
if self.debug:
sheet_name = sheet.get_name()
print " Creating Sheet '%s'" % sheet_name
sheet_list = sheet.get_lists()
# Automatic Styles
self.automatic_styles = self.styles.get_automatic_styles()
self.data = ['tag', 'office:document-content',
['element', 'xmlns:office', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:office:1.0'],
['element', 'xmlns:style', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:style:1.0'],
['element', 'xmlns:text', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:text:1.0'],
['element', 'xmlns:table', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:table:1.0'],
['element', 'xmlns:draw', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:drawing:1.0'],
['element', 'xmlns:fo', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:xsl-fo-compatible:1.0'],
['element', 'xmlns:xlink', 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink'],
['element', 'xmlns:dc', 'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/'],
['element', 'xmlns:meta', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:meta:1.0'],
['element', 'xmlns:number', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:datastyle:1.0'],
['element', 'xmlns:svg', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:svg-compatible:1.0'],
['element', 'xmlns:chart', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:chart:1.0'],
['element', 'xmlns:dr3d', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:dr3d:1.0'],
['element', 'xmlns:math', 'http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML'],
['element', 'xmlns:form', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:form:1.0'],
['element', 'xmlns:script', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:script:1.0'],
['element', 'xmlns:ooo', 'http://openoffice.org/2004/office'],
['element', 'xmlns:ooow', 'http://openoffice.org/2004/writer'],
['element', 'xmlns:oooc', 'http://openoffice.org/2004/calc'],
['element', 'xmlns:dom', 'http://www.w3.org/2001/xml-events'],
['element', 'xmlns:xforms', 'http://www.w3.org/2002/xforms'],
['element', 'xmlns:xsd', 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema'],
['element', 'xmlns:xsi', 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'],
['element', 'office:version', '1.0'],
['tagline', 'office:scripts'],
['tag', 'office:font-face-decls',
['tagline', 'style:font-face',
['element', 'style:name', 'DejaVu Sans'],
['element', 'svg:font-family', ''DejaVu Sans''],
['element', 'style:font-pitch', 'variable']],
['tagline', 'style:font-face',
['element', 'style:name', 'Nimbus Sans L'],
['element', 'svg:font-family', ''Nimbus Sans L''],
['element', 'style:font-family-generic', 'swiss'],
['element', 'style:font-pitch', 'variable']]],
# Automatic Styles
['tag', 'office:body',
self.sheetdata]] # Sheets are generated from the CalcSheet class
# Generate content.xml XML data
xml = XML()
self.lines = xml.convert(self.data)
self.filedata = '\n'.join(self.lines)
# Return generated data
return self.filedata
def _ods_manifest(self):
"Generate ods manifest.xml data"
self.data = ['tag', 'manifest:manifest',
['element', 'xmlns:manifest', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:manifest:1.0'],
['tagline', 'manifest:file-entry',
['element', 'manifest:media-type', 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet'],
['element', 'manifest:full-path', '/']],
['tagline', 'manifest:file-entry',
['element', 'manifest:media-type', 'application/vnd.sun.xml.ui.configuration'],
['element', 'manifest:full-path', 'Configurations2/']],
['tagline', 'manifest:file-entry',
['element', 'manifest:media-type', ''],
['element', 'manifest:full-path', 'Configurations2/accelerator/']],
['tagline', 'manifest:file-entry',
['element', 'manifest:media-type', ''],
['element', 'manifest:full-path', 'Configurations2/accelerator/current.xml']],
['tagline', 'manifest:file-entry',
['element', 'manifest:media-type', 'text/xml'],
['element', 'manifest:full-path', 'content.xml']],
['tagline', 'manifest:file-entry',
['element', 'manifest:media-type', 'text/xml'],
['element', 'manifest:full-path', 'styles.xml']],
['tagline', 'manifest:file-entry',
['element', 'manifest:media-type', 'text/xml'],
['element', 'manifest:full-path', 'meta.xml']],
['tagline', 'manifest:file-entry',
['element', 'manifest:media-type', 'text/xml'],
['element', 'manifest:full-path', 'settings.xml']]]
# Add additional files to manifest list
for fileset in self.manifest_files:
(filename, filetype, newname) = fileset
addfile = ['tagline', 'manifest:file-entry',
['element', 'manifest:media-type', filetype],
['element', 'manifest:full-path', newname]]
# Generate content.xml XML data
xml = XML()
self.lines = xml.convert(self.data)
self.filedata = '\n'.join(self.lines)
# Return generated data
return self.filedata
def _ods_settings(self):
"Generate ods settings.xml data"
self.data = ['tag', 'office:document-settings',
['element', 'xmlns:office', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:office:1.0'],
['element', 'xmlns:xlink', 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink'],
['element', 'xmlns:config', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:config:1.0'],
['element', 'xmlns:ooo', 'http://openoffice.org/2004/office'],
['element', 'office:version', '1.0'],
['tag', 'office:settings',
['tag', 'config:config-item-set',
['element', 'config:name', 'ooo:view-settings'],
['tag', 'config:config-item',
['element', 'config:name', 'VisibleAreaTop'],
['element', 'config:type', 'int'],
['data', '0']],
['tag', 'config:config-item',
['element', 'config:name', 'VisibleAreaLeft'],
['element', 'config:type', 'int'],
['data', '0']],
['tag', 'config:config-item',
['element', 'config:name', 'VisibleAreaWidth'],
['element', 'config:type', 'int'],
['data', '6774']],
['tag', 'config:config-item',
['element', 'config:name', 'VisibleAreaHeight'],
['element', 'config:type', 'int'],
['data', '2389']],
['tag', 'config:config-item-map-indexed',
['element', 'config:name', 'Views'],
['tag', 'config:config-item-map-entry',
['tag', 'config:config-item',
['element', 'config:name', 'ViewId'],
['element', 'config:type', 'string'],
['data', 'View1']],
['tag', 'config:config-item-map-named',
['element', 'config:name', 'Tables'],
['tag', 'config:config-item-map-entry',
['element', 'config:name', 'Sheet1'],
['tag', 'config:config-item',
['element', 'config:name', 'CursorPositionX'], # Cursor Position A
['element', 'config:type', 'int'],
['data', '0']],
['tag', 'config:config-item',
['element', 'config:name', 'CursorPositionY'], # Cursor Position 1
['element', 'config:type', 'int'],
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# Generate content.xml XML data
xml = XML()
self.lines = xml.convert(self.data)
self.filedata = '\n'.join(self.lines)
# Return generated data
return self.filedata
def _ods_styles(self):
"Generate ods styles.xml data"
self.data = ['tag', 'office:document-styles',
['element', 'xmlns:office', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:office:1.0'],
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['tag', 'text:p',
['data', '09/29/2006, 13:02:56']]]],
['tagline', 'style:header-left',
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['tag', 'text:p',
['data', 'Page 1 / 99']]],
['tagline', 'style:footer-left',
['element', 'style:display', 'false']]]]]
# Generate content.xml XML data
xml = XML()
self.lines = xml.convert(self.data)
self.filedata = '\n'.join(self.lines)
# Return generated data
return self.filedata
class Writer:
"Writer Class - Used to create OpenDocument Format Writer Documents."
def __init__(self):
"Initialize ooolib Writer instance"
# Default to no debugging
self.debug = False
self.meta = Meta('odt')
def set_meta(self, metaname, value):
"Set meta data in your document."
self.meta.set_meta(metaname, value)
def save(self, filename):
"""Save .odt document
The save function saves the current .odt document.
if self.debug: print "Writing %s" % filename
self.savefile = zipfile.ZipFile(filename, "w")
if self.debug: print " meta.xml"
self._zip_insert(self.savefile, "meta.xml", self.meta.get_meta())
if self.debug: print " mimetype"
self._zip_insert(self.savefile, "mimetype", "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text")
if self.debug: print " META-INF/manifest.xml"
self._zip_insert(self.savefile, "META-INF/manifest.xml", self._odt_manifest())
if self.debug: print " content.xml"
self._zip_insert(self.savefile, "content.xml", self._odt_content())
if self.debug: print " settings.xml"
# self._zip_insert(self.savefile, "settings.xml", self._odt_settings())
if self.debug: print " styles.xml"
# self._zip_insert(self.savefile, "styles.xml", self._odt_styles())
# We need to close the file now that we are done creating it.
def _zip_insert(self, file, filename, data):
now = time.localtime(time.time())[:6]
info = zipfile.ZipInfo(filename)
info.date_time = now
info.compress_type = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED
file.writestr(info, data)
def _odt_manifest(self):
"Generate odt manifest.xml data"
self.data = ['tag', 'manifest:manifest',
['element', 'xmlns:manifest', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:manifest:1.0'],
['tagline', 'manifest:file-entry',
['element', 'manifest:media-type', 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text'],
['element', 'manifest:full-path', '/']],
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['element', 'manifest:full-path', 'content.xml']],
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['element', 'manifest:full-path', 'styles.xml']],
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['element', 'manifest:full-path', 'meta.xml']],
['tagline', 'manifest:file-entry',
['element', 'manifest:media-type', 'text/xml'],
['element', 'manifest:full-path', 'settings.xml']]]
# Generate content.xml XML data
xml = XML()
self.lines = xml.convert(self.data)
self.lines.insert(1, '')
self.filedata = '\n'.join(self.lines)
# Return generated data
return self.filedata
def _odt_content(self):
"Generate odt content.xml data"
self.data = ['tag', 'office:document-content',
['element', 'xmlns:office', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:office:1.0'],
['element', 'xmlns:style', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:style:1.0'],
['element', 'xmlns:text', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:text:1.0'],
['element', 'xmlns:table', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:table:1.0'],
['element', 'xmlns:draw', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:drawing:1.0'],
['element', 'xmlns:fo', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:xsl-fo-compatible:1.0'],
['element', 'xmlns:xlink', 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink'],
['element', 'xmlns:dc', 'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/'],
['element', 'xmlns:meta', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:meta:1.0'],
['element', 'xmlns:number', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:datastyle:1.0'],
['element', 'xmlns:svg', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:svg-compatible:1.0'],
['element', 'xmlns:chart', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:chart:1.0'],
['element', 'xmlns:dr3d', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:dr3d:1.0'],
['element', 'xmlns:math', 'http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML'],
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['element', 'xmlns:ooo', 'http://openoffice.org/2004/office'],
['element', 'xmlns:ooow', 'http://openoffice.org/2004/writer'],
['element', 'xmlns:oooc', 'http://openoffice.org/2004/calc'],
['element', 'xmlns:dom', 'http://www.w3.org/2001/xml-events'],
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['tagline', 'text:sequence-decl',
['element', 'text:display-outline-level', '0'],
['element', 'text:name', 'Illustration']],
['tagline', 'text:sequence-decl',
['element', 'text:display-outline-level', '0'],
['element', 'text:name', 'Table']],
['tagline', 'text:sequence-decl',
['element', 'text:display-outline-level', '0'],
['element', 'text:name', 'Text']],
['tagline', 'text:sequence-decl',
['element', 'text:display-outline-level', '0'],
['element', 'text:name', 'Drawing']]],
['tagline', 'text:p',
['element', 'text:style-name', 'Standard']]]]]
# Generate content.xml XML data
xml = XML()
self.lines = xml.convert(self.data)
self.filedata = '\n'.join(self.lines)
# Return generated data
return self.filedata