#!/usr/bin/perl # fund-report.plx -*- Perl -*- # # Script to generate end-of-year summary reports. # # Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, Bradley M. Kuhn # # This program gives you software freedom; you can copy, modify, convey, # and/or redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program in a file called 'GPLv3'. If not, write to the: # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. use strict; use warnings; use Math::BigFloat; use Date::Manip; my $VERBOSE = 0; my $DEBUG = 0; my $LEDGER_BIN = "/usr/local/bin/ledger"; my $ACCT_WIDTH = 70; sub Commify ($) { my $text = reverse $_[0]; $text =~ s/(\d\d\d)(?=\d)(?!\d*\.)/$1,/g; return scalar reverse $text; } sub ParseNumber($) { $_[0] =~ s/,//g; return Math::BigFloat->new($_[0]); } Math::BigFloat->precision(-2); my $ZERO = Math::BigFloat->new("0.00"); my $ONE_PENNY = Math::BigFloat->new("0.01"); if (@ARGV < 2) { print STDERR "usage: $0 \n"; exit 1; } my($startDate, $endDate, @mainLedgerOptions) = @ARGV; my $err; my $formattedEndDate = UnixDate(DateCalc(ParseDate($endDate), ParseDateDelta("- 1 day"), \$err), "%B %e, %Y"); die "Date calculation error on $endDate" if ($err); my $formattedStartDate = UnixDate(ParseDate($startDate), "%B %e, %Y"); die "Date calculation error on $startDate" if ($err); my %reportFields = ('Cash' => { args => [ '-e', $endDate, 'bal', '/^Assets/' ] }, 'Accounts Receivable' => {args => [ '-e', $endDate, 'bal', '/^Accrued:Accounts Receivable/' ]}, 'Loans Receivable' => {args => [ '-e', $endDate, 'bal', '/^Accrued:Loans Receivable/' ]}, 'Accounts Payable' => {args => [ '-e', $endDate, 'bal', '/^Accrued.*Accounts Payable/' ]}, 'Accrued Expenses' => {args => [ '-e', $endDate, 'bal', '/^Accrued.*Expenses/' ]}, 'Liabilities, Credit Cards' => {args => [ '-e', $endDate, 'bal', '/^Liabilities:Credit Card/' ]}, 'Liabilities, Other' => {args => [ '-e', $endDate, 'bal', '/^Liabilities/', 'and', 'not', '/^Liabilities:Credit Card/']}, 'Unearned Income, Conference Registration' => {args => [ '-e', $endDate, 'bal', '/^Unearned Income.*Conf.*Reg/' ]}, 'Unearned Income, Other' => {args => [ '-e', $endDate, 'bal', '/^Unearned Income/', 'and', 'not', '/^Unearned Income.*Conf.*Reg/' ]}, 'Unrestricted Net Assets' => {args => [ '-e', $endDate, 'bal', '/^(Income|Expenses):Conservancy/' ]}, 'Temporarily Restricted Net Assets' => {args => [ '-e', $endDate, 'bal', '/^(Income|Expenses)/', 'and', 'not', '/^(Unearned Income|(Income|Expenses):Conservancy)/' ]}, 'Total Net Assets' => {args => [ '-e', $endDate, 'bal', '/^(Income|Expenses)/' ]}, ); foreach my $item (keys %reportFields) { my(@fullCommand) = ($LEDGER_BIN, @mainLedgerOptions, '-V', '-X', '$', '-S', 'T', '-s', '-d', 'T', @{$reportFields{$item}{args}}); open(FILE, "-|", @fullCommand) or die "unable to run command ledger command: @fullCommand: $!"; my $foundBalance; my $seenTotalLine = 0; print STDERR ($VERBOSE ? "Running: @fullCommand\n" : "."); print STDERR " Output of @fullCommand\n" if $DEBUG; while (my $line = ) { print STDERR $line if ($DEBUG); $seenTotalLine = 1 if $line =~ /^\s*\-+\s*/; # Skip lines until the total line $foundBalance = $1 if (not $seenTotalLine and $line =~ /^\s*[^0-9\-]+\s*([\-\d,\.]+)\s+/); if ($line =~ /^\s*\$\s*([\-\d,\.]+)\s*$/) { $foundBalance = $1; last; } } close FILE; die "problem running ledger command: @fullCommand: $!" unless ($? == 0); if (not defined $foundBalance) { $foundBalance = $ZERO; } else { $foundBalance =~ s/,//g; $foundBalance = Math::BigFloat->new($foundBalance); } $foundBalance = $ZERO if not defined $foundBalance; $reportFields{$item}{total} = abs($foundBalance); print STDERR "$item: $reportFields{$item}{total}\n" if $VERBOSE; } open(BALANCE_SHEET, ">", "balance-sheet.txt") or die "unable to open balance-sheet.txt for writing: $!"; print BALANCE_SHEET " BALANCE SHEET\n", " Ending ", $formattedEndDate, "\n", "\n\nASSETS\n\n"; my $formatStr = " %-42s \$%13s\n"; my $formatStrTotal = "%-45s \$%13s\n"; my $tot = $ZERO; foreach my $item ('Cash', 'Accounts Receivable', 'Loans Receivable') { next if $reportFields{$item}{total} == $ZERO; print BALANCE_SHEET sprintf($formatStr, "$item:", Commify($reportFields{$item}{total})); $tot += $reportFields{$item}{total}; } print BALANCE_SHEET "\n", sprintf($formatStrTotal, "TOTAL ASSETS", Commify($tot)), "\n\nLIABILITIES\n\n"; my $totLiabilities = $ZERO; foreach my $item ('Accounts Payable', 'Accrued Expenses', 'Liabilities, Credit Cards', 'Liabilities, Other', 'Unearned Income, Conference Registration', 'Unearned Income, Other') { next if $reportFields{$item}{total} == $ZERO; print BALANCE_SHEET sprintf($formatStr, "$item:", Commify($reportFields{$item}{total})); $totLiabilities += $reportFields{$item}{total}; } print BALANCE_SHEET "\n", sprintf($formatStr, "TOTAL LIABILTIES", Commify($totLiabilities)), "\n\nNET ASSETS\n\n"; my $totNetAssets = $ZERO; foreach my $item ('Unrestricted Net Assets', 'Temporarily Restricted Net Assets') { next if $reportFields{$item}{total} == $ZERO; print BALANCE_SHEET sprintf($formatStr, "$item:", Commify($reportFields{$item}{total})); $totNetAssets += $reportFields{$item}{total}; } print BALANCE_SHEET "\n", sprintf($formatStr, "TOTAL NET ASSETS", Commify($totNetAssets)), "\n\n", sprintf($formatStrTotal, "TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS", Commify($totNetAssets + $totLiabilities)); close BALANCE_SHEET; print STDERR "\n"; die "unable to write to balance-sheet.txt: $!" unless ($? == 0); die "Cash+accounts receivable total does not equal net assets and liabilities total" if (abs( ($reportFields{'Cash'}{total} + $reportFields{'Accounts Receivable'}{total} + $reportFields{'Loans Receivable'}{total})) - abs($reportFields{'Accounts Payable'}{total} + $reportFields{'Accrued Expenses'}{total} + $reportFields{'Unearned Income, Conference Registration'}{total} + $reportFields{'Unearned Income, Other'}{total} + $reportFields{'Liabilities, Credit Cards'}{total} + $reportFields{'Liabilities, Other'}{total} + $reportFields{'Total Net Assets'}{total}) > $ONE_PENNY); die "Total net assets doesn't equal sum of restricted and unrestricted ones!" if (abs($reportFields{'Total Net Assets'}{total}) - abs($reportFields{'Unrestricted Net Assets'}{total} + $reportFields{'Temporarily Restricted Net Assets'}{total}) > $ONE_PENNY); my %incomeGroups = ('INTEREST INCOME' => { args => ['/^Income.*Interest/' ] }, 'DONATIONS' => { args => [ '/^Income.*Donation/' ] }, 'BOOK ROYALTIES & AFFILIATE PROGRAMS' => { args => [ '/^Income.*(Royalt|Affilate)/' ] }, 'CONFERENCES, REGISTRATION' => {args => [ '/^Income.*Conf.*Reg/' ] }, 'CONFERENCES, RELATED BUSINESS INCOME' => { args => [ '/^Income.*(Booth|RBI)/'] }, 'LICENSE ENFORCEMENT' => { args => [ '/^Income.*Enforce/' ]}, 'TRADEMARKS' => {args => [ '/^Income.*Trademark/' ]}, 'ADVERSITING' => {args => [ '/^Income.*Advertising/' ]}); my @otherArgs; foreach my $type (keys %incomeGroups) { @otherArgs = ("/^Income/") if @otherArgs == 0; push(@otherArgs, 'and', 'not', @{$incomeGroups{$type}{args}}); } $incomeGroups{"OTHER"}{args} = \@otherArgs; $incomeGroups{"TOTAL"}{args} = ['/^Income/']; open(INCOME, ">", "income.txt") or die "unable to open income.txt for writing: $!"; foreach my $type (keys %incomeGroups) { my(@fullCommand) = ($LEDGER_BIN, @mainLedgerOptions, '-V', '-X', '$', '-b', $startDate, '-e', $endDate, '-F', '%-.80A %22.108t\n', '-s', 'reg', @{$incomeGroups{$type}{args}}); open(FILE, "-|", @fullCommand) or die "unable to run command ledger command: @fullCommand: $!"; print STDERR ($VERBOSE ? "Running: @fullCommand\n" : "."); $incomeGroups{$type}{total} = $ZERO; $incomeGroups{$type}{output} = ""; foreach my $line () { die "Unable to parse output line from second funds command: $line" unless $line =~ /^\s*([^\$]+)\s+\$\s*([\-\d\.\,]+)/; my($account, $amount) = ($1, $2); $amount = ParseNumber($amount); $account =~ s/\s+$//; next if $account =~ /\/ and (abs($amount) <= 0.02); die "Weird account found, $account with amount of $amount in income command\n" unless $account =~ s/^\s*Income://; $incomeGroups{$type}{total} += $amount; $incomeGroups{$type}{output} .= " $line"; } } print INCOME " INCOME\n", " Between $formattedStartDate and $formattedEndDate\n\n"; my $overallTotal = $ZERO; $formatStrTotal = "%-90s \$%14s\n"; foreach my $type ('DONATIONS', 'LICENSE ENFORCEMENT', 'CONFERENCES, REGISTRATION', 'CONFERENCES, RELATED BUSINESS INCOME', 'BOOK ROYALTIES & AFFILIATE PROGRAMS', 'ADVERSITING', 'TRADEMARKS', 'INTEREST INCOME', 'OTHER') { next if ($incomeGroups{$type}{output} =~ /^\s*$/ and $incomeGroups{$type}{total} == $ZERO); print INCOME "\n$type\n", $incomeGroups{$type}{output}, "\n", sprintf($formatStrTotal, "TOTAL $type:", Commify($incomeGroups{$type}{total})); $overallTotal += $incomeGroups{$type}{total}; } print INCOME "\n\n\n", sprintf($formatStrTotal, "OVERALL TOTAL:", Commify($overallTotal)); close INCOME; die "unable to write to income.txt: $!" unless ($? == 0); die "calculated total of $overallTotal does equal $incomeGroups{TOTAL}{total}" if (abs($overallTotal) - abs($incomeGroups{TOTAL}{total}) > $ONE_PENNY); print STDERR "\n"; my %expenseGroups = ('BANKING FEES' => { regex => '^Expenses.*(Banking Fees|Currency Conversion)' }, 'COMPUTING, HOSTING AND EQUIPMENT' => { regex => '^Expenses.*(Hosting|Computer Equipment)' }, 'CONFERENCES' => { regex => '^Expenses.*(Conferences|Sprint)' }, 'DEVELOPER MENTORING' => {regex => '^Expenses.*Mentor' }, 'LICENSE ENFORCEMENT' => { regex => '^Expenses.*Enforce' }, 'ACCOUNTING' => { regex => '^Expenses.*(Accounting|Annual Audit)' }, 'PAYROLL' => { regex => '^Expenses.*Payroll' }, 'OFFICE' => { regex => '^Expenses.*(Office|Phones)' }, 'RENT' => { regex => '^Expenses.*Rent' }, 'SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT' => { regex => '^Expenses.*Development' }, 'OTHER PROGRAM ACTIVITY' => {regex => '^Expenses.*Gould' }, 'ADVOCACY AND PROMOTION' => {regex => '^Expenses.*(Slipstream|Advocacy Merchandise|Promotional)' }, 'ADVERSITING' => {regex => '^Expenses.*Advertising' }); foreach my $type (keys %expenseGroups, 'TRAVEL') { $expenseGroups{$type}{total} = $ZERO; $expenseGroups{$type}{output} = ""; } open(EXPENSE, ">", "expense.txt") or die "unable to open expense.txt for writing: $!"; my(@fullCommand) = ($LEDGER_BIN, @mainLedgerOptions, '-V', '-X', '$', '-b', $startDate, '-e', $endDate, '-F', '%-.80A %22.108t\n', '-s', 'reg', '/^Expenses/'); open(FILE, "-|", @fullCommand) or die "unable to run command ledger command: @fullCommand: $!"; print STDERR ($VERBOSE ? "Running: @fullCommand\n" : "."); my $firstTotal = $ZERO; foreach my $line () { die "Unable to parse output line from second funds command: $line" unless $line =~ /^\s*([^\$]+)\s+\$\s*([\-\d\.\,]+)/; my($account, $amount) = ($1, $2); $amount = ParseNumber($amount); $account =~ s/\s+$//; next if $account =~ /\/ and (abs($amount) <= 0.02); die "Weird account found, $account, with amount of $amount in expenses command\n" unless $account =~ /^\s*Expenses:/; if ($account =~ /Travel/) { $expenseGroups{'TRAVEL'}{total} += $amount; $expenseGroups{'TRAVEL'}{output} .= " $line"; } else { my $taken = 0; foreach my $type (keys %expenseGroups) { last if $taken; next if $type eq 'TRAVEL' or $type eq 'OTHER'; next unless $line =~ /$expenseGroups{$type}{regex}/; $taken = 1; $expenseGroups{$type}{total} += $amount; $expenseGroups{$type}{output} .= " $line"; } if (not $taken) { $expenseGroups{'OTHER'}{total} += $amount; $expenseGroups{'OTHER'}{output} .= " $line"; } } $firstTotal += $amount; } print EXPENSE " EXPENSES\n", " Between $formattedStartDate and $formattedEndDate\n\n"; $overallTotal = $ZERO; $formatStrTotal = "%-90s \$%14s\n"; my %verifyAllGroups; foreach my $key (keys %expenseGroups) { $verifyAllGroups{$key} = 1; } foreach my $type ('PAYROLL', 'SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT', 'LICENSE ENFORCEMENT', 'CONFERENCES', 'DEVELOPER MENTORING', 'TRAVEL', 'BANKING FEES', 'ADVOCACY AND PROMOTION', 'COMPUTING, HOSTING AND EQUIPMENT', 'ACCOUNTING', 'OFFICE', 'RENT', 'ADVERSITING', 'OTHER PROGRAM ACTIVITY', 'OTHER') { delete $verifyAllGroups{$type}; die "$type is not defined!" if not defined $expenseGroups{$type}; next if ($expenseGroups{$type}{output} =~ /^\s*$/ and $expenseGroups{$type}{total} == $ZERO); print EXPENSE "\n$type\n", $expenseGroups{$type}{output}, "\n", sprintf($formatStrTotal, "TOTAL $type:", Commify($expenseGroups{$type}{total})); $overallTotal += $expenseGroups{$type}{total}; } print EXPENSE "\n\n\n", sprintf($formatStrTotal, "OVERALL TOTAL:", Commify($overallTotal)); close EXPENSE; die "unable to write to expense.txt: $!" unless ($? == 0); die "GROUPS NOT INCLUDED : ", join(keys(%verifyAllGroups), ", "), "\n" unless (keys %verifyAllGroups == 0); die "calculated total of $overallTotal does equal $firstTotal" if (abs($overallTotal) - abs($firstTotal) > $ONE_PENNY); print STDERR "\n"; ############################################################################### # # Local variables: # compile-command: "perl -c summary-reports.plx" # End: