" Vim Compiler File " Compiler: ledger " by Johann Klähn; Use according to the terms of the GPL>=2. " vim:ts=2:sw=2:sts=2:foldmethod=marker if exists("current_compiler") finish endif let current_compiler = "ledger" if exists(":CompilerSet") != 2 command -nargs=* CompilerSet setlocal endif " default value will be set in ftplugin if ! exists("g:ledger_bin") || empty(g:ledger_bin) || ! executable(split(g:ledger_bin, '\s')[0]) finish endif " %-G throws away blank lines, everything else is assumed to be part of a " multi-line error message. CompilerSet errorformat=%-G,%EWhile\ parsing\ file\ \"%f\"\\,\ line\ %l:%.%#,%ZError:\ %m,%C%.%# CompilerSet errorformat+=%tarning:\ \"%f\"\\,\ line\ %l:\ %m " unfortunately there is no 'check file' command, " so we will just use a query that returns no results. ever. exe 'CompilerSet makeprg='.substitute(g:ledger_bin, ' ', '\\ ', 'g').'\ -f\ %\ reg\ not\ ''.*''\ \>\ /dev/null'