" Vim syntax file " filetype: ledger " Version: 0.1.0 " by Johann Klähn; Use according to the terms of the GPL>=2. " by Stefan Karrmann; Use according to the terms of the GPL>=2. " by Wolfgang Oertl; Use according to the terms of the GPL>=2. " Revision history " 2009-06-12 J. Klähn: Use all available columns for foldtext " 2009-03-25 J. Klähn: Allow Metadata " in transactions and postings (Ledger 3.0) " Also fixed alignment for multi-byte-characters " 2009-01-28 S.Karrmann: minor fixes " 2009-01-27 third version by S.Karrmann. " better extraction of the amount of the posting " decimal separator can be one of '.' and ','. " 2005-02-05 first version (partly copied from ledger.vim 0.0.1) " vim:ts=2:sw=2:sts=2:foldmethod=marker if version < 600 syntax clear elseif exists("b:current_sytax") finish endif " for debugging syntax clear " DATE[=EDATE] [*|!] [(CODE)] DESC <-- first line of transaction " ACCOUNT AMOUNT [; NOTE] <-- posting syn region ledgerTransaction start=/^[[:digit:]~]/ skip=/^\s/ end=/^/ \ fold keepend transparent contains=ledgerTransactionDate,ledgerMetadata,ledgerPosting syn match ledgerTransactionDate /^\d\S\+/ contained syn match ledgerPosting /^\s\+[^[:blank:];][^;]*\ze\%($\|;\)/ \ contained transparent contains=ledgerAccount " every space in an account name shall be surrounded by two non-spaces " every account name ends with a tab, two spaces or the end of the line syn match ledgerAccount /^\s\+\zs\%(\S \S\|\S\)\+\ze\%( \|\t\|\s*$\)/ contained syn match ledgerComment /^;.*$/ syn region ledgerMetadata start=/;/ skip=/^\s\+;/ end=/^/ \ keepend contained contains=ledgerTag syn match ledgerTag /:[^:]\+:/hs=s+1,he=e-1 contained syn match ledgerTag /\%(\%(;\|^tag\)[^:]\+\)\@<=[^:]\+\ze:[^:]\+$/ contained syn region ledgerTagStack \ matchgroup=ledgerTagPush start=/^tag\>/ \ matchgroup=ledgerTagPop end=/^pop\>/ \ contains=ledgerTagHead,ledgerTagStack,ledgerTransaction,ledgerComment syn match ledgerTagHead /\%(^tag\s\+\)\@<=\S.*$/ contained contains=ledgerTag transparent highlight default link ledgerTransactionDate Constant highlight default link ledgerMetadata Tag highlight default link ledgerTag Type highlight default link ledgerTagPop Tag highlight default link ledgerTagPush Tag highlight default link ledgerAccount Identifier " syncinc is easy: search for the first transaction. syn sync clear syn sync match ledgerSync grouphere ledgerTransaction "^[[:digit:]~]" let b:current_syntax = "ledger"