#if defined(__GNUG__) && __GNUG__ < 3 #define _XOPEN_SOURCE #endif #include "datetime.h" #include "util.h" #include #include date_t date_t::now(std::time(NULL)); int date_t::current_year = date_t::now.year(); std::string date_t::input_format; std::string date_t::output_format = "%Y/%m/%d"; const char * date_t::formats[] = { "%Y/%m/%d", "%m/%d", "%Y.%m.%d", "%m.%d", "%Y-%m-%d", "%m-%d", "%a", "%A", "%b", "%B", "%Y", NULL }; datetime_t datetime_t::now(std::time(NULL)); namespace { static std::time_t base = -1; static int base_year = -1; static const int month_days[12] = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }; bool parse_date_mask(const char * date_str, struct std::tm * result) { if (! date_t::input_format.empty()) { std::memset(result, INT_MAX, sizeof(struct std::tm)); if (strptime(date_str, date_t::input_format.c_str(), result)) return true; } for (const char ** f = date_t::formats; *f; f++) { std::memset(result, INT_MAX, sizeof(struct std::tm)); if (strptime(date_str, *f, result)) return true; } return false; } bool parse_date(const char * date_str, std::time_t * result, const int year) { struct std::tm when; if (! parse_date_mask(date_str, &when)) return false; when.tm_hour = 0; when.tm_min = 0; when.tm_sec = 0; if (when.tm_year == -1) when.tm_year = ((year == -1) ? date_t::current_year : (year - 1900)); if (when.tm_mon == -1) when.tm_mon = 0; if (when.tm_mday == -1) when.tm_mday = 1; *result = std::mktime(&when); return true; } inline bool quick_parse_date(const char * date_str, std::time_t * result) { return parse_date(date_str, result, date_t::current_year + 1900); } } date_t::date_t(const std::string& _when) { if (! quick_parse_date(_when.c_str(), &when)) throw new date_error (std::string("Invalid date string: ") + _when); } void date_t::parse(std::istream& in) { char buf[256]; char c = peek_next_nonws(in); READ_INTO(in, buf, 255, c, std::isalnum(c) || c == '-' || c == '.' || c == '/'); if (! quick_parse_date(buf, &when)) throw new date_error (std::string("Invalid date string: ") + buf); } datetime_t::datetime_t(const std::string& _when) { std::istringstream datestr(_when); parse(datestr); // parse both the date and optional time } void datetime_t::parse(std::istream& in) { date_t::parse(in); // first grab the date part istream_pos_type beg_pos = in.tellg(); int hour = 0; int min = 0; int sec = 0; // Now look for the (optional) time specifier. If no time is given, // we use midnight of the given day. char buf[256]; char c = peek_next_nonws(in); if (! std::isdigit(c)) goto abort; READ_INTO(in, buf, 255, c, std::isdigit(c)); if (buf[0] == '\0') goto abort; hour = std::atoi(buf); if (hour > 23) goto abort; if (in.peek() == ':') { in.get(c); READ_INTO(in, buf, 255, c, std::isdigit(c)); if (buf[0] == '\0') goto abort; min = std::atoi(buf); if (min > 59) goto abort; if (in.peek() == ':') { in.get(c); READ_INTO(in, buf, 255, c, std::isdigit(c)); if (buf[0] == '\0') goto abort; sec = std::atoi(buf); if (sec > 59) goto abort; } } c = peek_next_nonws(in); if (c == 'a' || c == 'p' || c == 'A' || c == 'P') { if (hour > 12) goto abort; in.get(c); if (c == 'p' || c == 'P') { if (hour != 12) hour += 12; } else { if (hour == 12) hour = 0; } c = in.peek(); if (c == 'm' || c == 'M') in.get(c); } struct std::tm * desc = std::localtime(&when); desc->tm_hour = hour; desc->tm_min = min; desc->tm_sec = sec; desc->tm_isdst = -1; when = std::mktime(desc); return; // the time has been successfully parsed abort: // there was no valid time string to parse in.clear(); in.seekg(beg_pos, std::ios::beg); } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const datetime_t& moment) { std::string format = datetime_t::output_format; std::tm * when = moment.localtime(); if (when->tm_hour != 0 || when->tm_min != 0 || when->tm_sec != 0) format += " %H:%M:%S"; char buf[64]; std::strftime(buf, 63, format.c_str(), when); out << buf; return out; } datetime_t interval_t::first(const datetime_t& moment) const { datetime_t quant(begin); if (moment && moment > quant) { // Find an efficient starting point for the upcoming while loop. // We want a date early enough that the range will be correct, but // late enough that we don't spend hundreds of thousands of loops // skipping through time. struct std::tm * desc = std::localtime(&moment.when); if (years) desc->tm_mon = 0; desc->tm_mday = 1; desc->tm_hour = 0; desc->tm_min = 0; desc->tm_sec = 0; desc->tm_isdst = -1; quant = std::mktime(desc); datetime_t temp; while (moment >= (temp = increment(quant))) { if (quant == temp) break; quant = temp; } } return quant; } datetime_t interval_t::increment(const datetime_t& moment) const { struct std::tm * desc = std::localtime(&moment.when); if (years) desc->tm_year += years; if (months) desc->tm_mon += months; if (days) desc->tm_mon += days; desc->tm_hour += hours; desc->tm_min += minutes; desc->tm_sec += seconds; desc->tm_isdst = -1; return std::mktime(desc); } namespace { void parse_inclusion_specifier(const std::string& word, datetime_t * begin, datetime_t * end) { struct std::tm when; if (! parse_date_mask(word.c_str(), &when)) throw new datetime_error(std::string("Could not parse date mask: ") + word); when.tm_hour = 0; when.tm_min = 0; when.tm_sec = 0; when.tm_isdst = -1; bool saw_year = true; bool saw_mon = true; bool saw_day = true; if (when.tm_year == -1) { when.tm_year = date_t::current_year; saw_year = false; } if (when.tm_mon == -1) { when.tm_mon = 0; saw_mon = false; } else { saw_year = false; // don't increment by year if month used } if (when.tm_mday == -1) { when.tm_mday = 1; saw_day = false; } else { saw_mon = false; // don't increment by month if day used saw_year = false; // don't increment by year if day used } if (begin) { *begin = std::mktime(&when); if (end) *end = interval_t(saw_day ? 86400 : 0, saw_mon ? 1 : 0, saw_year ? 1 : 0).increment(*begin); } else if (end) { *end = std::mktime(&when); } } inline void read_lower_word(std::istream& in, std::string& word) { in >> word; for (int i = 0, l = word.length(); i < l; i++) word[i] = std::tolower(word[i]); } void parse_date_words(std::istream& in, std::string& word, datetime_t * begin, datetime_t * end) { std::string type; bool mon_spec = false; char buf[32]; if (word == "this" || word == "last" || word == "next") { type = word; if (! in.eof()) read_lower_word(in, word); else word = "month"; } else { type = "this"; } if (word == "month") { std::strftime(buf, 31, "%B", datetime_t::now.localtime()); word = buf; mon_spec = true; } else if (word == "year") { std::strftime(buf, 31, "%Y", datetime_t::now.localtime()); word = buf; } parse_inclusion_specifier(word, begin, end); if (type == "last") { if (mon_spec) { if (begin) *begin = interval_t(0, -1, 0).increment(*begin); if (end) *end = interval_t(0, -1, 0).increment(*end); } else { if (begin) *begin = interval_t(0, 0, -1).increment(*begin); if (end) *end = interval_t(0, 0, -1).increment(*end); } } else if (type == "next") { if (mon_spec) { if (begin) *begin = interval_t(0, 1, 0).increment(*begin); if (end) *end = interval_t(0, 1, 0).increment(*end); } else { if (begin) *begin = interval_t(0, 0, 1).increment(*begin); if (end) *end = interval_t(0, 0, 1).increment(*end); } } } } void interval_t::parse(std::istream& in) { std::string word; while (! in.eof()) { read_lower_word(in, word); if (word == "every") { read_lower_word(in, word); if (std::isdigit(word[0])) { int quantity = std::atol(word.c_str()); read_lower_word(in, word); if (word == "days") days = quantity; else if (word == "weeks") days = 7 * quantity; else if (word == "months") months = quantity; else if (word == "quarters") months = 3 * quantity; else if (word == "years") years = quantity; else if (word == "hours") hours = quantity; else if (word == "minutes") minutes = quantity; else if (word == "seconds") seconds = quantity; } else if (word == "day") days = 1; else if (word == "week") days = 7; else if (word == "month") months = 1; else if (word == "quarter") months = 3; else if (word == "year") years = 1; else if (word == "hour") hours = 1; else if (word == "minute") minutes = 1; else if (word == "second") seconds = 1; } else if (word == "daily") days = 1; else if (word == "weekly") days = 7; else if (word == "biweekly") days = 14; else if (word == "monthly") months = 1; else if (word == "bimonthly") months = 2; else if (word == "quarterly") months = 3; else if (word == "yearly") years = 1; else if (word == "hourly") hours = 1; else if (word == "this" || word == "last" || word == "next") { parse_date_words(in, word, &begin, &end); } else if (word == "in") { read_lower_word(in, word); parse_date_words(in, word, &begin, &end); } else if (word == "from" || word == "since") { read_lower_word(in, word); parse_date_words(in, word, &begin, NULL); } else if (word == "to" || word == "until") { read_lower_word(in, word); parse_date_words(in, word, NULL, &end); } else { parse_inclusion_specifier(word, &begin, &end); } } } #ifdef USE_BOOST_PYTHON #include using namespace boost::python; unsigned int interval_len(interval_t& interval) { int periods = 1; std::time_t when = interval.first(); while (interval.end && when < interval.end) { when = interval.increment(when); if (when < interval.end) periods++; } return periods; } std::time_t interval_getitem(interval_t& interval, int i) { static std::time_t last_index = 0; static std::time_t last_moment = 0; if (i == 0) { last_index = 0; last_moment = interval.first(); } else { last_moment = interval.increment(last_moment); if (interval.end && last_moment >= interval.end) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IndexError, "Index out of range"); throw_error_already_set(); } } return last_moment; } std::time_t py_parse_date(const char * date_str) { std::time_t temp; if (parse_date(date_str, &temp)) return temp; return 0; } std::time_t py_parse_date_yr(const char * date_str, const int year) { std::time_t temp; if (parse_date(date_str, &temp, year)) return temp; return 0; } void export_datetime() { class_< date_t > ("Date") .def("now", &date_t::now) .def("formats", &date_t::formats) .def("current_year", &date_t::current_year) .def("input_format", &date_t::input_format) .def("output_format", &date_t::output_format) .def(init<>()) .def(init()) .def(init()) .def(init()) .def(init()) .def(self += other()) .def(self -= other()) .def(self += long()) .def(self -= long()) .def(self < other()) .def(self <= other()) .def(self > other()) .def(self >= other()) .def(self == other()) .def(self != other()) .def("year", &date_t::year) .def("month", &date_t::month) .def("day", &date_t::day) .def("wday", &date_t::wday) .def("localtime", &date_t::localtime) .def("write", &date_t::write) .def("parse", &date_t::parse) ; class_< interval_t > ("Interval", init >()) .def(init()) .def(! self) .def_readwrite("years", &interval_t::years) .def_readwrite("months", &interval_t::months) .def_readwrite("days", &interval_t::days) .def_readwrite("hours", &interval_t::hours) .def_readwrite("minutes", &interval_t::minutes) .def_readwrite("seconds", &interval_t::seconds) .def_readwrite("begin", &interval_t::begin) .def_readwrite("end", &interval_t::end) .def("__len__", interval_len) .def("__getitem__", interval_getitem) .def("start", &interval_t::start) .def("first", &interval_t::first) .def("increment", &interval_t::increment) ; def("parse_date", py_parse_date); def("parse_date", py_parse_date_yr); } #endif // USE_BOOST_PYTHON