#include "derive.h" #include "session.h" #include "walk.h" namespace ledger { entry_t * derive_new_entry(report_t& report, strings_list::iterator i, strings_list::iterator end) { session_t& session(report.session); std::auto_ptr<entry_t> added(new entry_t); entry_t * matching = NULL; // jww (2008-04-20): Need to parse the string here //added->_date = *i++; added->_date = boost::posix_time::time_from_string(*i++); if (i == end) throw new error("Too few arguments to 'entry'"); mask_t regexp(*i++); journals_iterator iter(session); entries_list::reverse_iterator j; for (journal_t * journal = iter(); journal; journal = iter()) { for (j = journal->entries.rbegin(); j != journal->entries.rend(); j++) { if (regexp.match((*j)->payee)) { matching = *j; break; } } if (matching) break; } added->payee = matching ? matching->payee : regexp.expr.str(); if (! matching) { account_t * acct; if (i == end || ((*i)[0] == '-' || std::isdigit((*i)[0]))) { acct = session.find_account("Expenses"); } else if (i != end) { acct = session.find_account_re(*i); if (! acct) acct = session.find_account(*i); assert(acct); i++; } if (i == end) { added->add_xact(new xact_t(acct)); } else { xact_t * xact = new xact_t(acct, amount_t(*i++)); added->add_xact(xact); if (! xact->amount.commodity()) { // If the amount has no commodity, we can determine it given // the account by creating a final for the account and then // checking if it contains only a single commodity. An // account to which only dollars are applied would imply that // dollars are wanted now too. report.sum_all_accounts(); value_t total = account_xdata(*acct).total; if (total.is_type(value_t::AMOUNT)) xact->amount.set_commodity(total.as_amount().commodity()); } } acct = NULL; if (i != end) { if (! acct) acct = session.find_account_re(*i); if (! acct) acct = session.find_account(*i); } if (! acct) { if (matching && matching->journal->basket) acct = matching->journal->basket; else acct = session.find_account("Equity"); } added->add_xact(new xact_t(acct)); } else if (i == end) { // If no argument were given but the payee, assume the user wants // to see the same xact as last time. added->code = matching->code; for (xacts_list::iterator k = matching->xacts.begin(); k != matching->xacts.end(); k++) added->add_xact(new xact_t(**k)); } else if ((*i)[0] == '-' || std::isdigit((*i)[0])) { xact_t * m_xact, * xact, * first; m_xact = matching->xacts.front(); first = xact = new xact_t(m_xact->account, amount_t(*i++)); added->add_xact(xact); if (! xact->amount.commodity()) xact->amount.set_commodity(m_xact->amount.commodity()); m_xact = matching->xacts.back(); xact = new xact_t(m_xact->account, - first->amount); added->add_xact(xact); if (i != end) { account_t * acct = session.find_account_re(*i); if (! acct) acct = session.find_account(*i); assert(acct); added->xacts.back()->account = acct; } } else { account_t * draw_acct = NULL; while (i != end) { string& re_pat(*i++); account_t * acct = NULL; amount_t * amt = NULL; mask_t acct_regex(re_pat); for (; j != matching->journal->entries.rend(); j++) if (regexp.match((*j)->payee)) { entry_t * entry = *j; for (xacts_list::const_iterator x = entry->xacts.begin(); x != entry->xacts.end(); x++) if (acct_regex.match((*x)->account->fullname())) { acct = (*x)->account; amt = &(*x)->amount; matching = entry; goto found; } } found: xact_t * xact; if (i == end) { if (amt) xact = new xact_t(acct, *amt); else xact = new xact_t(acct); } else { amount_t amount(*i++); strings_list::iterator x = i; if (i != end && ++x == end) { draw_acct = session.find_account_re(*i); if (! draw_acct) draw_acct = session.find_account(*i); i++; } if (! acct) acct = session.find_account_re(re_pat); if (! acct) acct = session.find_account(re_pat); xact = new xact_t(acct, amount); if (! xact->amount.commodity()) { if (amt) xact->amount.set_commodity(amt->commodity()); else if (amount_t::current_pool->default_commodity) xact->amount.set_commodity(*amount_t::current_pool->default_commodity); } } added->add_xact(xact); } if (! draw_acct) { assert(matching->xacts.back()->account); draw_acct = matching->xacts.back()->account; } if (draw_acct) added->add_xact(new xact_t(draw_acct)); } if ((matching && ! matching->journal->entry_finalize_hooks.run_hooks(*added, false)) || ! added->finalize() || (matching && ! matching->journal->entry_finalize_hooks.run_hooks(*added, true))) throw new error("Failed to finalize derived entry (check commodities)"); return added.release(); } } // namespace ledger