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\f0\fs28 \cf0 The most common use of the register command is to summarize\
postings based on the account(s) they affect.  Using\
@file\{sample.dat\} as as example, we could look at all book purchases\
ledger reg books\
@end example\
2004/05/29 Book Store           Expenses:Books               $20.00       $20.00\
@end smallexample\
If a double-dash (@samp\{--\}) occurs in the list of regular\
expressions, any following arguments are matched against payee names,\
instead of account names:\
ledger reg ^liab -- credit\
@end example\
2004/05/29 Credit card company  Liabilities:MasterCard       $20.00       $20.00\
@end smallexample\
There are many reporting options for tailoring which postings are\
found, and also how to summarize the various amounts and totals that\
result.  These are plumbed in greater depth below.}