{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf949\cocoasubrtf460 {\fonttbl\f0\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \pard\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\sl264\slmult1\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural \f0\fs28 \cf0 @c -n, --collapse register: collapse transactions with multiple postings\ \ When multiple postings relate to a single transaction, they are reported\ as part of that transaction. For example, in the case of @file\{sample.dat\}:\ \ @example\ ledger reg -- book\ @end example\ \ Reports:\ \ @smallexample\ 2004/05/29 Book Store Expenses:Books $20.00 $20.00\ Liabilities:MasterCard $-20.00 0\ (Liabilities:Taxes) $-2.00 $-2.00\ @end smallexample\ \ All three postings are part of one transaction, and as such the transaction\ details are printed only once. To report every transaction on a single\ line, use @option\{-n\} to collapse transactions with multiple postings:\ \ @example\ ledger -n reg -- book\ @end example\ \ Reports:\ \ @smallexample\ 2004/05/29 Book Store <Total> $-2.00 $-2.00\ @end smallexample\ \ In the balance report, @option\{-n\} causes the grand total not to be\ displayed at the bottom of the report.\ \ @c -s, --subtotal balance: show sub-accounts; other: show subtotals\ \ If an account occurs more than once in a report, it is possible to\ combine them all and report the total per-account, using @option\{-s\}.\ For example, this command:\ \ @example\ ledger -B reg ^assets\ @end example\ \ Reports:\ \ @smallexample\ 2004/05/01 Checking balance Assets:Bank:Checking $1,000.00 $1,000.00\ 2004/05/01 Investment balance Assets:Brokerage $1,500.00 $2,500.00\ 2004/05/14 Pay day Assets:Bank:Checking $500.00 $3,000.00\ 2004/05/27 Credit card company Assets:Bank:Checking $-20.00 $2,980.00\ @end smallexample\ \ But if the @option\{-s\} option is added, the result becomes:\ \ @smallexample\ 2004/05/01 - 2004/05/29 Assets:Bank:Checking $1,480.00 $1,480.00\ Assets:Brokerage $1,500.00 $2,980.00\ @end smallexample\ \ When account subtotaling is used, only one transaction is printed, and the\ date and name reflect the range of the combined postings.\ \ @c -P, --by-payee show summarized totals by payee\ \ With @option\{-P\}, postings relating to the same payee are\ combined. In this case, the date of the combined transaction is that of the\ latest posting.\ \ @c -x, --comm-as-payee set commodity name as the payee, for reporting\ \ @option\{-x\} changes the payee name for each posting to be the same\ as the commodity it uses. This can be especially useful combined with\ other options, like @option\{-P\}. For example:\ \ @example\ ledger -Px reg ^assets\ @end example\ \ Reports:\ \ @smallexample\ 2004/05/29 $ Assets:Bank:Checking $1,480.00 $1,480.00\ 2004/05/01 AAPL Assets:Brokerage 50 AAPL $1,480.00\ 50 AAPL\ @end smallexample\ \ This reports shows the subtotal for each commodity held, and where it\ is located. To see the basis cost, or initial investment, add\ @option\{-B\}. Applied to the example above:\ \ @smallexample\ 2004/05/29 $ Assets:Bank:Checking $1,480.00 $1,480.00\ 2004/05/01 AAPL Assets:Brokerage $1,500.00 $2,980.00\ @end smallexample\ \ @c -E, --empty balance: show accounts with zero balance\ \ The only other options which affect summarized totals is @option\{-E\},\ which works only in the balance report. In this case, it shows\ matching accounts with a zero a balance, which are ordinarily\ excluded. This can be useful to see all the accounts involved in a\ report, even if some have no total.}