{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf949\cocoasubrtf460 {\fonttbl\f0\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \pard\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\sl264\slmult1\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural \f0\fs28 \cf0 @c -y, --date-format STR use STR as the date format (default: %Y/%m/%d)\ \ When dates are printed in any report, the default format is\ @samp\{%Y/%m/%d\}, which yields dates of the form @samp\{YYYY/mm/dd\}.\ This can be changed with @option\{-y\}, whose argument is a\ @code\{strftime\} string---see your system's C library documentation for\ the allowable codes. Mostly you will want to use @samp\{%Y\}, @samp\{%m\}\ and @samp\{%d\}, in whatever combination is convenient for your locale.\ \ @c -F, --format STR use STR as the format; for each report type, use:\ @c --balance-format --register-format --print-format\ @c --plot-amount-format --plot-total-format --equity-format\ @c --prices-format --wide-register-format\ \ To change the format of the entire reported line, use @option\{-F\}. It\ supports quite a large number of options, which are all documented in\ @ref\{Format strings\}. In addition, each specific kind of report\ (except for @command\{xml\}) can be changed using one of the following\ options:\ \ @table @option\ @item --balance-format\ @command\{balance\} report. Default:\ @smallexample\ %20T %2_%-a\\n\ @end smallexample\ \ @item --register-format\ @command\{register\} report. Default:\ @smallexample\ %D %-.20P %-.22A %12.66t %12.80T\\n%/%32|%-.22A %12.66t %12.80T\\n\ @end smallexample\ \ @item --print-format\ @command\{print\} report. Default:\ @smallexample\ %D %-.35P %-.38A %22.108t %22.132T\\n%/%48|%-.38A %22.108t %22.132T\\n\ @end smallexample\ \ @item --plot-amount-format\ @command\{register\} report when @option\{-j\} (plot amount) is used. Default:\ @smallexample\ %D %(St)\\n\ @end smallexample\ \ @item --plot-total-format\ @command\{register\} report when @option\{-J\} (plot total) is used. Default:\ @smallexample\ %D %(ST)\\n\ @end smallexample\ \ @item --equity-format\ @command\{equity\} report. Default:\ @smallexample\ \\n%D %Y%C%P\\n %-34W %12o%n\\n%/ %-34W %12o%n\\n\ @end smallexample\ \ @item --prices-format\ @command\{prices\} report. Default:\ @smallexample\ \\n%D %Y%C%P\\n%/ %-34W %12t\\n\ @end smallexample\ \ @item --wide-register-format\ @command\{register\} report when @option\{-w\} (wide) is used. Default:\ @smallexample\ %D %-.35P %-.38A %22.108t %22.132T\\n%/%48|%-.38A %22.108t %22.132T\\n\ @end smallexample\ @end table}