#include "format.h" #include "error.h" #include "util.h" #include namespace ledger { format_t::elision_style_t format_t::elision_style = ABBREVIATE; int format_t::abbrev_length = 2; bool format_t::ansi_codes = false; bool format_t::ansi_invert = false; string format_t::truncate(const string& str, unsigned int width, const bool is_account) { const unsigned int len = str.length(); if (len <= width) return str; assert(width < 4095); char buf[4096]; switch (elision_style) { case TRUNCATE_LEADING: // This method truncates at the beginning. std::strncpy(buf, str.c_str() + (len - width), width); buf[0] = '.'; buf[1] = '.'; break; case TRUNCATE_MIDDLE: // This method truncates in the middle. std::strncpy(buf, str.c_str(), width / 2); std::strncpy(buf + width / 2, str.c_str() + (len - (width / 2 + width % 2)), width / 2 + width % 2); buf[width / 2 - 1] = '.'; buf[width / 2] = '.'; break; case ABBREVIATE: if (is_account) { std::list parts; string::size_type beg = 0; for (string::size_type pos = str.find(':'); pos != string::npos; beg = pos + 1, pos = str.find(':', beg)) parts.push_back(string(str, beg, pos - beg)); parts.push_back(string(str, beg)); string result; unsigned int newlen = len; for (std::list::iterator i = parts.begin(); i != parts.end(); i++) { // Don't contract the last element std::list::iterator x = i; if (++x == parts.end()) { result += *i; break; } if (newlen > width) { result += string(*i, 0, abbrev_length); result += ":"; newlen -= (*i).length() - abbrev_length; } else { result += *i; result += ":"; } } if (newlen > width) { // Even abbreviated its too big to show the last account, so // abbreviate all but the last and truncate at the beginning. std::strncpy(buf, result.c_str() + (result.length() - width), width); buf[0] = '.'; buf[1] = '.'; } else { std::strcpy(buf, result.c_str()); } break; } // fall through... case TRUNCATE_TRAILING: // This method truncates at the end (the default). std::strncpy(buf, str.c_str(), width - 2); buf[width - 2] = '.'; buf[width - 1] = '.'; break; } buf[width] = '\0'; return buf; } string partial_account_name(const account_t& account) { string name; for (const account_t * acct = &account; acct && acct->parent; acct = acct->parent) { if (account_has_xdata(*acct) && account_xdata_(*acct).dflags & ACCOUNT_DISPLAYED) break; if (name.empty()) name = acct->name; else name = acct->name + ":" + name; } return name; } element_t * format_t::parse_elements(const string& fmt) { std::auto_ptr result; element_t * current = NULL; char buf[1024]; char * q = buf; for (const char * p = fmt.c_str(); *p; p++) { if (*p != '%' && *p != '\\') { *q++ = *p; continue; } if (! result.get()) { result.reset(new element_t); current = result.get(); } else { current->next = new element_t; current = current->next; } if (q != buf) { current->type = element_t::STRING; current->chars = string(buf, q); q = buf; current->next = new element_t; current = current->next; } if (*p == '\\') { p++; current->type = element_t::STRING; switch (*p) { case 'b': current->chars = "\b"; break; case 'f': current->chars = "\f"; break; case 'n': current->chars = "\n"; break; case 'r': current->chars = "\r"; break; case 't': current->chars = "\t"; break; case 'v': current->chars = "\v"; break; } continue; } ++p; while (*p == '!' || *p == '-') { switch (*p) { case '-': current->flags |= ELEMENT_ALIGN_LEFT; break; case '!': current->flags |= ELEMENT_HIGHLIGHT; break; } ++p; } int num = 0; while (*p && std::isdigit(*p)) { num *= 10; num += *p++ - '0'; } current->min_width = num; if (*p == '.') { ++p; num = 0; while (*p && std::isdigit(*p)) { num *= 10; num += *p++ - '0'; } current->max_width = num; if (current->min_width == 0) current->min_width = current->max_width; } switch (*p) { case '%': current->type = element_t::STRING; current->chars = "%"; break; case '(': { ++p; const char * b = p; int depth = 1; while (*p) { if (*p == ')' && --depth == 0) break; else if (*p == '(') ++depth; p++; } if (*p != ')') throw new format_error("Missing ')'"); current->type = element_t::VALUE_EXPR; assert(! current->val_expr); current->val_expr.parse(string(b, p)); break; } case '[': { ++p; const char * b = p; int depth = 1; while (*p) { if (*p == ']' && --depth == 0) break; else if (*p == '[') ++depth; p++; } if (*p != ']') throw new format_error("Missing ']'"); current->type = element_t::DATE_STRING; current->chars = string(b, p); break; } case 'x': switch (*++p) { case 'B': current->type = element_t::XACT_BEG_POS; break; case 'b': current->type = element_t::XACT_BEG_LINE; break; case 'E': current->type = element_t::XACT_END_POS; break; case 'e': current->type = element_t::XACT_END_LINE; break; case '\0': goto END; } break; case 'd': current->type = element_t::COMPLETE_DATE_STRING; current->chars = output_time_format; break; case 'D': current->type = element_t::DATE_STRING; current->chars = output_time_format; break; case 'S': current->type = element_t::SOURCE; break; case 'B': current->type = element_t::ENTRY_BEG_POS; break; case 'b': current->type = element_t::ENTRY_BEG_LINE; break; case 'E': current->type = element_t::ENTRY_END_POS; break; case 'e': current->type = element_t::ENTRY_END_LINE; break; case 'X': current->type = element_t::CLEARED; break; case 'Y': current->type = element_t::ENTRY_CLEARED; break; case 'C': current->type = element_t::CODE; break; case 'P': current->type = element_t::PAYEE; break; case 'W': current->type = element_t::OPT_ACCOUNT; break; case 'a': current->type = element_t::ACCOUNT_NAME; break; case 'A': current->type = element_t::ACCOUNT_FULLNAME; break; case 't': current->type = element_t::AMOUNT; break; case 'o': current->type = element_t::OPT_AMOUNT; break; case 'T': current->type = element_t::TOTAL; break; case 'N': current->type = element_t::NOTE; break; case 'n': current->type = element_t::OPT_NOTE; break; case '|': current->type = element_t::SPACER; break; case '_': current->type = element_t::DEPTH_SPACER; break; } } END: if (q != buf) { if (! result.get()) { result.reset(new element_t); current = result.get(); } else { current->next = new element_t; current = current->next; } current->type = element_t::STRING; current->chars = string(buf, q); } return result.release(); } namespace { inline void mark_red(std::ostream& out, const element_t * elem) { out.setf(std::ios::left); out.width(0); out << "\e[31m"; if (elem->flags & ELEMENT_ALIGN_LEFT) out << std::left; else out << std::right; if (elem->min_width > 0) out.width(elem->min_width); } inline void mark_plain(std::ostream& out) { out << "\e[0m"; } } void format_t::format(std::ostream& out_str, const scope_t& scope) const { for (const element_t * elem = elements; elem; elem = elem->next) { std::ostringstream out; string name; bool ignore_max_width = false; if (elem->flags & ELEMENT_ALIGN_LEFT) out << std::left; else out << std::right; if (elem->min_width > 0) out.width(elem->min_width); switch (elem->type) { case element_t::STRING: out << elem->chars; break; #if 0 case element_t::AMOUNT: case element_t::TOTAL: case element_t::VALUE_EXPR: { expr_t * calc; switch (elem->type) { case element_t::AMOUNT: assert(value_expr::amount_expr.get()); calc = value_expr::amount_expr.get(); break; case element_t::TOTAL: assert(value_expr::total_expr.get()); calc = value_expr::total_expr.get(); break; case element_t::VALUE_EXPR: calc = const_cast(&elem->val_expr); break; default: assert(false); break; } if (! calc) break; value_t value; const balance_t * bal = NULL; calc->compute(value, details); if (! amount_t::keep_price || ! amount_t::keep_date || ! amount_t::keep_tag) { switch (value.type()) { case value_t::AMOUNT: case value_t::BALANCE: case value_t::BALANCE_PAIR: value = value.strip_annotations(); break; default: break; } } bool highlighted = false; switch (value.type()) { case value_t::BOOLEAN: out << (value.as_boolean() ? "true" : "false"); break; case value_t::INTEGER: if (ansi_codes && elem->flags & ELEMENT_HIGHLIGHT) { if (ansi_invert) { if (value.as_long() > 0) { mark_red(out, elem); highlighted = true; } } else { if (value.as_long() < 0) { mark_red(out, elem); highlighted = true; } } } out << value.as_long(); break; case value_t::DATETIME: out << value.as_datetime(); break; case value_t::AMOUNT: if (ansi_codes && elem->flags & ELEMENT_HIGHLIGHT) { if (ansi_invert) { if (value.as_amount().sign() > 0) { mark_red(out, elem); highlighted = true; } } else { if (value.as_amount().sign() < 0) { mark_red(out, elem); highlighted = true; } } } out << value.as_amount(); break; case value_t::BALANCE: bal = &(value.as_balance()); // fall through... case value_t::BALANCE_PAIR: if (! bal) bal = &(value.as_balance_pair().quantity()); if (ansi_codes && elem->flags & ELEMENT_HIGHLIGHT) { if (ansi_invert) { if (*bal > 0) { mark_red(out, elem); highlighted = true; } } else { if (*bal < 0) { mark_red(out, elem); highlighted = true; } } } bal->print(out, elem->min_width, (elem->max_width > 0 ? elem->max_width : elem->min_width)); ignore_max_width = true; break; default: assert(false); break; } if (highlighted) mark_plain(out); break; } case element_t::OPT_AMOUNT: if (details.xact) { string disp; bool use_disp = false; if (details.xact->cost && details.xact->amount) { std::ostringstream stream; if (! details.xact->amount_expr.expr_str.empty()) stream << details.xact->amount_expr.expr_str; else stream << details.xact->amount.strip_annotations(); if (details.xact->cost_expr) stream << details.xact->cost_expr->expr_str; else stream << " @ " << amount_t(*details.xact->cost / details.xact->amount).unround(); disp = stream.str(); use_disp = true; } else if (details.entry) { unsigned int xacts_count = 0; xact_t * first = NULL; xact_t * last = NULL; for (xacts_list::const_iterator i = details.entry->xacts.begin(); i != details.entry->xacts.end(); i++) if (xact_has_xdata(**i) && xact_xdata_(**i).dflags & XACT_TO_DISPLAY) { xacts_count++; if (! first) first = *i; last = *i; } use_disp = (xacts_count == 2 && details.xact == last && first->amount == - last->amount); } if (! use_disp) { if (! details.xact->amount_expr.expr_str.empty()) out << details.xact->amount_expr.expr_str; else out << details.xact->amount.strip_annotations(); } else { out << disp; } } break; case element_t::SOURCE: if (details.entry && details.entry->journal) { int idx = details.entry->src_idx; for (paths_list::const_iterator i = details.entry->journal->sources.begin(); i != details.entry->journal->sources.end(); i++) if (! idx--) { out << *i; break; } } break; case element_t::ENTRY_BEG_POS: if (details.entry) out << (unsigned long)details.entry->beg_pos; break; case element_t::ENTRY_BEG_LINE: if (details.entry) out << details.entry->beg_line; break; case element_t::ENTRY_END_POS: if (details.entry) out << (unsigned long)details.entry->end_pos; break; case element_t::ENTRY_END_LINE: if (details.entry) out << details.entry->end_line; break; case element_t::XACT_BEG_POS: if (details.xact) out << (unsigned long)details.xact->beg_pos; break; case element_t::XACT_BEG_LINE: if (details.xact) out << details.xact->beg_line; break; case element_t::XACT_END_POS: if (details.xact) out << (unsigned long)details.xact->end_pos; break; case element_t::XACT_END_LINE: if (details.xact) out << details.xact->end_line; break; case element_t::DATE_STRING: { datetime_t date; if (details.xact) date = details.xact->date(); else if (details.entry) date = details.entry->date(); #if 0 // jww (2008-04-20): This needs to be rewritten char buf[256]; std::strftime(buf, 255, elem->chars.c_str(), date.localtime()); out << (elem->max_width == 0 ? buf : truncate(buf, elem->max_width)); #endif break; } case element_t::COMPLETE_DATE_STRING: { datetime_t actual_date; datetime_t effective_date; if (details.xact) { actual_date = details.xact->actual_date(); effective_date = details.xact->effective_date(); } else if (details.entry) { actual_date = details.entry->actual_date(); effective_date = details.entry->effective_date(); } char abuf[256]; #if 0 // jww (2008-04-20): This needs to be rewritten std::strftime(abuf, 255, elem->chars.c_str(), actual_date.localtime()); #else abuf[0] = '\0'; #endif if (is_valid(effective_date) && effective_date != actual_date) { char buf[512]; char ebuf[256]; #if 0 // jww (2008-04-20): This needs to be rewritten std::strftime(ebuf, 255, elem->chars.c_str(), effective_date.localtime()); #else ebuf[0] = '\0'; #endif std::strcpy(buf, abuf); std::strcat(buf, "="); std::strcat(buf, ebuf); out << (elem->max_width == 0 ? buf : truncate(buf, elem->max_width)); } else { out << (elem->max_width == 0 ? abuf : truncate(abuf, elem->max_width)); } break; } case element_t::CLEARED: if (details.xact) { switch (details.xact->state) { case xact_t::CLEARED: out << "* "; break; case xact_t::PENDING: out << "! "; break; case xact_t::UNCLEARED: break; } } break; case element_t::ENTRY_CLEARED: if (details.entry) { xact_t::state_t state; if (details.entry->get_state(&state)) switch (state) { case xact_t::CLEARED: out << "* "; break; case xact_t::PENDING: out << "! "; break; case xact_t::UNCLEARED: break; } } break; case element_t::CODE: { string temp; if (details.entry && details.entry->code) { temp += "("; temp += *details.entry->code; temp += ") "; } out << temp; break; } case element_t::PAYEE: if (details.entry) out << (elem->max_width == 0 ? details.entry->payee : truncate(details.entry->payee, elem->max_width)); break; case element_t::OPT_NOTE: if (details.xact && details.xact->note) out << " ; "; // fall through... case element_t::NOTE: if (details.xact) out << (elem->max_width == 0 ? details.xact->note : truncate(*details.xact->note, elem->max_width)); break; case element_t::OPT_ACCOUNT: if (details.entry && details.xact) { xact_t::state_t state; if (! details.entry->get_state(&state)) switch (details.xact->state) { case xact_t::CLEARED: name = "* "; break; case xact_t::PENDING: name = "! "; break; case xact_t::UNCLEARED: break; } } // fall through... case element_t::ACCOUNT_NAME: case element_t::ACCOUNT_FULLNAME: if (details.account) { name += (elem->type == element_t::ACCOUNT_FULLNAME ? details.account->fullname() : partial_account_name(*details.account)); if (details.xact && details.xact->has_flags(XACT_VIRTUAL)) { if (elem->max_width > 2) name = truncate(name, elem->max_width - 2, true); if (details.xact->has_flags(XACT_BALANCE)) name = string("[") + name + "]"; else name = string("(") + name + ")"; } else if (elem->max_width > 0) name = truncate(name, elem->max_width, true); out << name; } else { out << " "; } break; case element_t::SPACER: out << " "; break; case element_t::DEPTH_SPACER: for (const account_t * acct = details.account; acct; acct = acct->parent) if (account_has_xdata(*acct) && account_xdata_(*acct).dflags & ACCOUNT_DISPLAYED) { if (elem->min_width > 0 || elem->max_width > 0) out.width(elem->min_width > elem->max_width ? elem->min_width : elem->max_width); out << " "; } break; #endif default: assert(false); break; } string temp = out.str(); if (! ignore_max_width && elem->max_width > 0 && elem->max_width < temp.length()) temp.erase(elem->max_width); out_str << temp; } } format_xacts::format_xacts(std::ostream& _output_stream, const string& format) : output_stream(_output_stream), last_entry(NULL), last_xact(NULL) { TRACE_CTOR(format_xacts, "std::ostream&, const string&"); const char * f = format.c_str(); if (const char * p = std::strstr(f, "%/")) { first_line_format.reset(string(f, 0, p - f)); next_lines_format.reset(string(p + 2)); } else { first_line_format.reset(format); next_lines_format.reset(format); } } void format_xacts::operator()(xact_t& xact) { #if 0 if (! xact_has_xdata(xact) || ! (xact_xdata_(xact).dflags & XACT_DISPLAYED)) { if (last_entry != xact.entry) { first_line_format.format(output_stream, details_t(xact)); last_entry = xact.entry; } else if (last_xact && last_xact->date() != xact.date()) { first_line_format.format(output_stream, details_t(xact)); } else { next_lines_format.format(output_stream, details_t(xact)); } xact_xdata(xact).dflags |= XACT_DISPLAYED; last_xact = &xact; } #endif } void format_entries::format_last_entry() { #if 0 bool first = true; for (xacts_list::const_iterator i = last_entry->xacts.begin(); i != last_entry->xacts.end(); i++) { if (xact_has_xdata(**i) && xact_xdata_(**i).dflags & XACT_TO_DISPLAY) { if (first) { first_line_format.format(output_stream, details_t(**i)); first = false; } else { next_lines_format.format(output_stream, details_t(**i)); } xact_xdata_(**i).dflags |= XACT_DISPLAYED; } } #endif } void format_entries::operator()(xact_t& xact) { xact_xdata(xact).dflags |= XACT_TO_DISPLAY; if (last_entry && xact.entry != last_entry) format_last_entry(); last_entry = xact.entry; } void print_entry(std::ostream& out, const entry_base_t& entry_base, const string& prefix) { string print_format; if (dynamic_cast(&entry_base)) { print_format = (prefix + "%D %X%C%P\n" + prefix + " %-34A %12o\n%/" + prefix + " %-34A %12o\n"); } else if (const auto_entry_t * entry = dynamic_cast(&entry_base)) { out << "= " << entry->predicate.predicate.text() << '\n'; print_format = prefix + " %-34A %12o\n"; } else if (const period_entry_t * entry = dynamic_cast(&entry_base)) { out << "~ " << entry->period_string << '\n'; print_format = prefix + " %-34A %12o\n"; } else { assert(false); } #if 0 format_entries formatter(out, print_format); walk_xacts(const_cast(entry_base.xacts), formatter); formatter.flush(); clear_xact_xdata cleaner; walk_xacts(const_cast(entry_base.xacts), cleaner); #endif } bool disp_subaccounts_p(const account_t& account, const optional >& disp_pred, const account_t *& to_show) { bool display = false; #if 0 unsigned int counted = 0; bool matches = disp_pred ? (*disp_pred)(account) : true; bool computed = false; #endif value_t acct_total; value_t result; to_show = NULL; #if 0 for (accounts_map::const_iterator i = account.accounts.begin(); i != account.accounts.end(); i++) { if (disp_pred && ! (*disp_pred)(*(*i).second)) continue; compute_total(result, details_t(*(*i).second)); if (! computed) { compute_total(acct_total, details_t(account)); computed = true; } if ((result != acct_total) || counted > 0) { display = matches; break; } to_show = (*i).second; counted++; } #endif return display; } bool display_account(const account_t& account, const optional >& disp_pred) { // Never display an account that has already been displayed. if (account_has_xdata(account) && account_xdata_(account).dflags & ACCOUNT_DISPLAYED) return false; // At this point, one of two possibilities exists: the account is a // leaf which matches the predicate restrictions; or it is a parent // and two or more children must be subtotaled; or it is a parent // and its child has been hidden by the predicate. So first, // determine if it is a parent that must be displayed regardless of // the predicate. const account_t * account_to_show = NULL; if (disp_subaccounts_p(account, disp_pred, account_to_show)) return true; return ! account_to_show && (! disp_pred || (*disp_pred)(account)); } void format_accounts::operator()(account_t& account) { #if 0 if (display_account(account, disp_pred)) { if (! account.parent) { account_xdata(account).dflags |= ACCOUNT_TO_DISPLAY; } else { format.format(output_stream, details_t(account)); account_xdata(account).dflags |= ACCOUNT_DISPLAYED; } } #endif } format_equity::format_equity(std::ostream& _output_stream, const string& _format, const string& display_predicate) : output_stream(_output_stream), disp_pred(display_predicate) { #if 0 const char * f = _format.c_str(); if (const char * p = std::strstr(f, "%/")) { first_line_format.reset(string(f, 0, p - f)); next_lines_format.reset(string(p + 2)); } else { first_line_format.reset(_format); next_lines_format.reset(_format); } entry_t header_entry; header_entry.payee = "Opening Balances"; header_entry._date = current_moment; first_line_format.format(output_stream, details_t(header_entry)); #endif } void format_equity::flush() { #if 0 account_xdata_t xdata; xdata.value = total; xdata.value.negate(); account_t summary(NULL, "Equity:Opening Balances"); summary.data = &xdata; if (total.type() >= value_t::BALANCE) { const balance_t * bal; if (total.is_type(value_t::BALANCE)) bal = &(total.as_balance()); else if (total.is_type(value_t::BALANCE_PAIR)) bal = &(total.as_balance_pair().quantity()); else assert(false); for (balance_t::amounts_map::const_iterator i = bal->amounts.begin(); i != bal->amounts.end(); i++) { xdata.value = (*i).second; xdata.value.negate(); next_lines_format.format(output_stream, details_t(summary)); } } else { next_lines_format.format(output_stream, details_t(summary)); } output_stream.flush(); #endif } void format_equity::operator()(account_t& account) { #if 0 if (display_account(account, disp_pred)) { if (account_has_xdata(account)) { value_t val = account_xdata_(account).value; if (val.type() >= value_t::BALANCE) { const balance_t * bal; if (val.is_type(value_t::BALANCE)) bal = &(val.as_balance()); else if (val.is_type(value_t::BALANCE_PAIR)) bal = &(val.as_balance_pair().quantity()); else assert(false); for (balance_t::amounts_map::const_iterator i = bal->amounts.begin(); i != bal->amounts.end(); i++) { account_xdata_(account).value = (*i).second; next_lines_format.format(output_stream, details_t(account)); } account_xdata_(account).value = val; } else { next_lines_format.format(output_stream, details_t(account)); } total += val; } account_xdata(account).dflags |= ACCOUNT_DISPLAYED; } #endif } } // namespace ledger