#include "gnucash.h" #include "journal.h" #include "format.h" #include "error.h" #include "acconf.h" #include #include #include extern "C" { #if defined(HAVE_EXPAT) #include // expat XML parser #elif defined(HAVE_XMLPARSE) #include // expat XML parser #else #error "No XML parser library defined." #endif } namespace ledger { typedef std::map accounts_map; typedef std::pair accounts_pair; typedef std::map account_comm_map; typedef std::pair account_comm_pair; static journal_t * curr_journal; static account_t * master_account; static account_t * curr_account; static std::string curr_account_id; static entry_t * curr_entry; static commodity_t * entry_comm; static commodity_t * curr_comm; static amount_t curr_value; static amount_t curr_quant; static XML_Parser current_parser; static accounts_map accounts_by_id; static account_comm_map account_comms; static unsigned int count; static std::string have_error; static std::istream * instreamp; static unsigned int offset; static XML_Parser parser; static std::string path; #ifdef USE_EDITOR static unsigned int src_idx; static istream_pos_type beg_pos; static unsigned long beg_line; #endif static transaction_t::state_t curr_state; static enum action_t { NO_ACTION, ACCOUNT_NAME, ACCOUNT_ID, ACCOUNT_PARENT, COMM_SYM, COMM_NAME, COMM_PREC, ENTRY_NUM, ALMOST_ENTRY_DATE, ENTRY_DATE, ENTRY_DESC, XACT_STATE, XACT_AMOUNT, XACT_VALUE, XACT_QUANTITY, XACT_ACCOUNT, XACT_NOTE } action; static void startElement(void *userData, const char *name, const char **atts) { if (std::strcmp(name, "gnc:account") == 0) { curr_account = new account_t(master_account); } else if (std::strcmp(name, "act:name") == 0) action = ACCOUNT_NAME; else if (std::strcmp(name, "act:id") == 0) action = ACCOUNT_ID; else if (std::strcmp(name, "act:parent") == 0) action = ACCOUNT_PARENT; else if (std::strcmp(name, "gnc:commodity") == 0) { assert(! curr_comm); curr_comm = new commodity_t(""); } else if (std::strcmp(name, "cmdty:id") == 0) action = COMM_SYM; else if (std::strcmp(name, "cmdty:name") == 0) action = COMM_NAME; else if (std::strcmp(name, "cmdty:fraction") == 0) action = COMM_PREC; else if (std::strcmp(name, "gnc:transaction") == 0) { assert(! curr_entry); curr_entry = new entry_t; } else if (std::strcmp(name, "trn:num") == 0) action = ENTRY_NUM; else if (std::strcmp(name, "trn:date-posted") == 0) action = ALMOST_ENTRY_DATE; else if (action == ALMOST_ENTRY_DATE && std::strcmp(name, "ts:date") == 0) action = ENTRY_DATE; else if (std::strcmp(name, "trn:description") == 0) action = ENTRY_DESC; else if (std::strcmp(name, "trn:split") == 0) { assert(curr_entry); curr_entry->add_transaction(new transaction_t(curr_account)); } else if (std::strcmp(name, "split:reconciled-state") == 0) action = XACT_STATE; else if (std::strcmp(name, "split:amount") == 0) action = XACT_AMOUNT; else if (std::strcmp(name, "split:value") == 0) action = XACT_VALUE; else if (std::strcmp(name, "split:quantity") == 0) action = XACT_QUANTITY; else if (std::strcmp(name, "split:account") == 0) action = XACT_ACCOUNT; else if (std::strcmp(name, "split:memo") == 0) action = XACT_NOTE; } static void endElement(void *userData, const char *name) { if (std::strcmp(name, "gnc:account") == 0) { assert(curr_account); if (curr_account->parent == master_account) curr_journal->add_account(curr_account); accounts_by_id.insert(accounts_pair(curr_account_id, curr_account)); curr_account = NULL; } else if (std::strcmp(name, "gnc:commodity") == 0) { assert(curr_comm); commodity_t::add_commodity(curr_comm); curr_comm = NULL; } else if (std::strcmp(name, "gnc:transaction") == 0) { assert(curr_entry); // Add the new entry (what gnucash calls a 'transaction') to the // journal if (! curr_journal->add_entry(curr_entry)) { print_entry(std::cerr, *curr_entry); have_error = "The above entry does not balance"; delete curr_entry; } else { #ifdef USE_EDITOR curr_entry->src_idx = src_idx; curr_entry->beg_pos = beg_pos; curr_entry->beg_line = beg_line; curr_entry->end_pos = instreamp->tellg(); curr_entry->end_line = XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(parser) - offset; #endif count++; } // Clear the relevant variables for the next run curr_entry = NULL; entry_comm = NULL; } else if (std::strcmp(name, "trn:split") == 0) { transaction_t * xact = curr_entry->transactions.back(); // Identify the commodity to use for the value of this // transaction. The quantity indicates how many times that value // the transaction is worth. amount_t value; commodity_t * default_commodity = NULL; if (entry_comm) { default_commodity = entry_comm; } else { account_comm_map::iterator ac = account_comms.find(xact->account); if (ac != account_comms.end()) default_commodity = (*ac).second; } if (default_commodity) { curr_quant.set_commodity(*default_commodity); value = curr_quant.round(default_commodity->precision); if (curr_value.commodity() == *default_commodity) curr_value = value; } else { value = curr_quant; } xact->state = curr_state; xact->amount = value; if (value != curr_value) xact->cost = new amount_t(curr_value); #ifdef USE_EDITOR xact->beg_pos = beg_pos; xact->beg_line = beg_line; xact->end_pos = instreamp->tellg(); xact->end_line = XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(parser) - offset; #endif // Clear the relevant variables for the next run curr_state = transaction_t::UNCLEARED; curr_value = amount_t(); curr_quant = amount_t(); } action = NO_ACTION; } static amount_t convert_number(const std::string& number, int * precision = NULL) { const char * num = number.c_str(); if (char * p = std::strchr(num, '/')) { std::string numer_str(num, p - num); std::string denom_str(p + 1); amount_t amt(numer_str); amount_t den(denom_str); if (precision) *precision = denom_str.length() - 1; if (! den) { have_error = "Denominator in entry is zero!"; return amt; } else { return amt / den; } } else { return amount_t(number); } } static void dataHandler(void *userData, const char *s, int len) { switch (action) { case ACCOUNT_NAME: curr_account->name = std::string(s, len); break; case ACCOUNT_ID: curr_account_id = std::string(s, len); break; case ACCOUNT_PARENT: { accounts_map::iterator i = accounts_by_id.find(std::string(s, len)); assert(i != accounts_by_id.end()); curr_account->parent = (*i).second; curr_account->depth = curr_account->parent->depth + 1; (*i).second->add_account(curr_account); break; } case COMM_SYM: if (curr_comm) { curr_comm->set_symbol(std::string(s, len)); } else if (curr_account) { std::string symbol(s, len); commodity_t * comm = commodity_t::find_commodity(symbol, true); if (symbol != "$" && symbol != "USD") comm->flags |= COMMODITY_STYLE_SEPARATED; account_comms.insert(account_comm_pair(curr_account, comm)); } else if (curr_entry) { std::string symbol(s, len); entry_comm = commodity_t::find_commodity(symbol, true); if (symbol != "$" && symbol != "USD") entry_comm->flags |= COMMODITY_STYLE_SEPARATED; } break; case COMM_NAME: curr_comm->name = std::string(s, len); break; case COMM_PREC: curr_comm->precision = len - 1; break; case ENTRY_NUM: curr_entry->code = std::string(s, len); break; case ENTRY_DATE: { struct tm when; strptime(std::string(s, len).c_str(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z", &when); curr_entry->_date = std::mktime(&when); break; } case ENTRY_DESC: curr_entry->payee = std::string(s, len); break; case XACT_STATE: if (*s == 'y') curr_state = transaction_t::CLEARED; else if (*s == 'n') curr_state = transaction_t::UNCLEARED; else curr_state = transaction_t::PENDING; break; case XACT_VALUE: { int precision; assert(entry_comm); curr_value = convert_number(std::string(s, len), &precision); curr_value.set_commodity(*entry_comm); if (precision > entry_comm->precision) entry_comm->precision = precision; break; } case XACT_QUANTITY: curr_quant = convert_number(std::string(s, len)); break; case XACT_ACCOUNT: { transaction_t * xact = curr_entry->transactions.back(); accounts_map::iterator i = accounts_by_id.find(std::string(s, len)); if (i != accounts_by_id.end()) { xact->account = (*i).second; } else { xact->account = curr_journal->find_account(""); have_error = (std::string("Could not find account ") + std::string(s, len)); } break; } case XACT_NOTE: curr_entry->transactions.back()->note = std::string(s, len); break; case NO_ACTION: case ALMOST_ENTRY_DATE: case XACT_AMOUNT: break; default: assert(0); break; } } bool gnucash_parser_t::test(std::istream& in) const { char buf[5]; in.read(buf, 5); in.clear(); in.seekg(0, std::ios::beg); return std::strncmp(buf, "master; curr_account = NULL; curr_entry = NULL; curr_comm = NULL; entry_comm = NULL; curr_state = transaction_t::UNCLEARED; instreamp = ∈ path = original_file ? *original_file : ""; #ifdef USE_EDITOR src_idx = journal->sources.size() - 1; #endif // GnuCash uses the USD commodity without defining it, which really // means $. commodity_t * usd; usd = new commodity_t("$", 2, COMMODITY_STYLE_THOUSANDS); commodity_t::add_commodity(usd, "$"); usd = new commodity_t("$", 2, COMMODITY_STYLE_THOUSANDS); commodity_t::add_commodity(usd, "USD"); offset = 2; parser = current_parser = XML_ParserCreate(NULL); XML_SetElementHandler(parser, startElement, endElement); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, dataHandler); while (in.good() && ! in.eof()) { #ifdef USE_EDITOR beg_pos = in.tellg(); beg_line = (XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(parser) - offset) + 1; #endif in.getline(buf, BUFSIZ - 1); std::strcat(buf, "\n"); if (! XML_Parse(parser, buf, std::strlen(buf), in.eof())) { unsigned long line = XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(parser) - offset++; const char * msg = XML_ErrorString(XML_GetErrorCode(parser)); XML_ParserFree(parser); throw parse_error(path, line, msg); } if (! have_error.empty()) { unsigned long line = XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(parser) - offset++; parse_error err(path, line, have_error); std::cerr << "Error: " << err.what() << std::endl; have_error = ""; } } XML_ParserFree(parser); accounts_by_id.clear(); curr_account_id.clear(); return count; } } // namespace ledger