#include "journal.h" #include "datetime.h" #include "valexpr.h" #include "mask.h" #include "format.h" #include "acconf.h" #include namespace ledger { const std::string version = PACKAGE_VERSION; bool transaction_t::use_effective_date = false; transaction_t::~transaction_t() { DEBUG_PRINT("ledger.memory.dtors", "dtor transaction_t"); if (cost) delete cost; } datetime_t transaction_t::actual_date() const { if (! _date && entry) return entry->actual_date(); return _date; } datetime_t transaction_t::effective_date() const { if (! _date_eff && entry) return entry->effective_date(); return _date_eff; } bool transaction_t::valid() const { if (! entry) { DEBUG_PRINT("ledger.validate", "transaction_t: ! entry"); return false; } if (state != UNCLEARED && state != CLEARED && state != PENDING) { DEBUG_PRINT("ledger.validate", "transaction_t: state is bad"); return false; } bool found = false; for (transactions_list::const_iterator i = entry->transactions.begin(); i != entry->transactions.end(); i++) if (*i == this) { found = true; break; } if (! found) { DEBUG_PRINT("ledger.validate", "transaction_t: ! found"); return false; } if (! account) { DEBUG_PRINT("ledger.validate", "transaction_t: ! account"); return false; } if (! amount.valid()) { DEBUG_PRINT("ledger.validate", "transaction_t: ! amount.valid()"); return false; } if (cost && ! cost->valid()) { DEBUG_PRINT("ledger.validate", "transaction_t: cost && ! cost->valid()"); return false; } if (flags & ~0x003f) { DEBUG_PRINT("ledger.validate", "transaction_t: flags are bad"); return false; } return true; } void entry_base_t::add_transaction(transaction_t * xact) { transactions.push_back(xact); } bool entry_base_t::remove_transaction(transaction_t * xact) { transactions.remove(xact); return true; } bool entry_base_t::finalize() { // Scan through and compute the total balance for the entry. This // is used for auto-calculating the value of entries with no cost, // and the per-unit price of unpriced commodities. value_t balance; bool no_amounts = true; bool saw_null = false; for (transactions_list::const_iterator x = transactions.begin(); x != transactions.end(); x++) if (! ((*x)->flags & TRANSACTION_VIRTUAL) || ((*x)->flags & TRANSACTION_BALANCE)) { amount_t * p = (*x)->cost ? (*x)->cost : &(*x)->amount; if (*p) { if (no_amounts) { balance = *p; no_amounts = false; } else { balance += *p; } if ((*x)->cost && (*x)->amount.commodity().annotated) { annotated_commodity_t& ann_comm(static_cast ((*x)->amount.commodity())); if (ann_comm.price) balance += ann_comm.price * (*x)->amount - *((*x)->cost); } } else { saw_null = true; } } // If it's a null entry, then let the user have their fun if (no_amounts) return true; // If there is only one transaction, balance against the basket // account if one has been set. if (journal && journal->basket && transactions.size() == 1) { assert(balance.type < value_t::BALANCE); transaction_t * nxact = new transaction_t(journal->basket); // The amount doesn't need to be set because the code below will // balance this transaction against the other. add_transaction(nxact); nxact->flags |= TRANSACTION_CALCULATED; } // If the first transaction of a two-transaction entry is of a // different commodity than the other, and it has no per-unit price, // determine its price by dividing the unit count into the value of // the balance. This is done for the last eligible commodity. if (! saw_null && balance && balance.type == value_t::BALANCE && ((balance_t *) balance.data)->amounts.size() == 2) { transactions_list::const_iterator x = transactions.begin(); commodity_t& this_comm = (*x)->amount.commodity(); amounts_map::const_iterator this_bal = ((balance_t *) balance.data)->amounts.find(&this_comm); amounts_map::const_iterator other_bal = ((balance_t *) balance.data)->amounts.begin(); if (this_bal == other_bal) other_bal++; amount_t per_unit_cost = amount_t((*other_bal).second / (*this_bal).second).unround(); for (; x != transactions.end(); x++) { if ((*x)->cost || ((*x)->flags & TRANSACTION_VIRTUAL) || ! (*x)->amount || (*x)->amount.commodity() != this_comm) continue; assert((*x)->amount); balance -= (*x)->amount; entry_t * entry = dynamic_cast(this); if ((*x)->amount.commodity() && ! (*x)->amount.commodity().annotated) (*x)->amount.annotate_commodity (abs(per_unit_cost), entry ? entry->actual_date() : datetime_t(), entry ? entry->code : ""); (*x)->cost = new amount_t(- (per_unit_cost * (*x)->amount)); balance += *(*x)->cost; } } // Walk through each of the transactions, fixing up any that we // can, and performing any on-the-fly calculations. bool empty_allowed = true; for (transactions_list::const_iterator x = transactions.begin(); x != transactions.end(); x++) { if (! (*x)->amount.null() || (((*x)->flags & TRANSACTION_VIRTUAL) && ! ((*x)->flags & TRANSACTION_BALANCE))) continue; if (! empty_allowed) throw new error("Only one transaction with null amount allowed per entry"); empty_allowed = false; // If one transaction gives no value at all, its value will become // the inverse of the value of the others. If multiple // commodities are involved, multiple transactions will be // generated to balance them all. balance_t * bal = NULL; switch (balance.type) { case value_t::BALANCE_PAIR: bal = &((balance_pair_t *) balance.data)->quantity; // fall through... case value_t::BALANCE: if (! bal) bal = (balance_t *) balance.data; if (bal->amounts.size() < 2) { balance.cast(value_t::AMOUNT); } else { bool first = true; for (amounts_map::const_iterator i = bal->amounts.begin(); i != bal->amounts.end(); i++) { amount_t amt = (*i).second; amt.negate(); if (first) { (*x)->amount = amt; first = false; } else { transaction_t * nxact = new transaction_t((*x)->account); add_transaction(nxact); nxact->flags |= TRANSACTION_CALCULATED; nxact->amount = amt; } balance += amt; } break; } // fall through... case value_t::AMOUNT: (*x)->amount = *((amount_t *) balance.data); (*x)->amount.negate(); (*x)->flags |= TRANSACTION_CALCULATED; balance += (*x)->amount; break; default: break; } } if (balance) { error * err = new balance_error("Entry does not balance", new entry_context(*this, "While balancing entry:")); err->context.push_front (new value_context(balance, "Unbalanced remainder is:")); throw err; } return true; } entry_t::entry_t(const entry_t& e) : entry_base_t(e), _date(e._date), _date_eff(e._date_eff), code(e.code), payee(e.payee) { DEBUG_PRINT("ledger.memory.ctors", "ctor entry_t"); for (transactions_list::const_iterator i = transactions.begin(); i != transactions.end(); i++) (*i)->entry = this; } void entry_t::add_transaction(transaction_t * xact) { xact->entry = this; entry_base_t::add_transaction(xact); } bool entry_t::valid() const { if (! _date || ! journal) { DEBUG_PRINT("ledger.validate", "entry_t: ! _date || ! journal"); return false; } for (transactions_list::const_iterator i = transactions.begin(); i != transactions.end(); i++) if ((*i)->entry != this || ! (*i)->valid()) { DEBUG_PRINT("ledger.validate", "entry_t: transaction not valid"); return false; } return true; } auto_entry_t::auto_entry_t(const std::string& _predicate) : predicate_string(_predicate) { DEBUG_PRINT("ledger.memory.ctors", "ctor auto_entry_t"); predicate = new item_predicate(predicate_string); } auto_entry_t::~auto_entry_t() { DEBUG_PRINT("ledger.memory.dtors", "dtor auto_entry_t"); if (predicate) delete predicate; } void auto_entry_t::extend_entry(entry_base_t& entry, bool post) { transactions_list initial_xacts(entry.transactions.begin(), entry.transactions.end()); for (transactions_list::iterator i = initial_xacts.begin(); i != initial_xacts.end(); i++) { if ((*predicate)(**i)) { for (transactions_list::iterator t = transactions.begin(); t != transactions.end(); t++) { amount_t amt; if (! (*t)->amount.commodity()) { if (! post) continue; amt = (*i)->amount * (*t)->amount; } else { if (post) continue; amt = (*t)->amount; } account_t * account = (*t)->account; std::string fullname = account->fullname(); assert(! fullname.empty()); if (fullname == "$account" || fullname == "@account") account = (*i)->account; transaction_t * xact = new transaction_t(account, amt, (*t)->flags | TRANSACTION_AUTO); entry.add_transaction(xact); } } } } account_t::~account_t() { DEBUG_PRINT("ledger.memory.dtors", "dtor account_t " << this); //assert(! data); for (accounts_map::iterator i = accounts.begin(); i != accounts.end(); i++) delete (*i).second; } account_t * account_t::find_account(const std::string& name, const bool auto_create) { accounts_map::const_iterator i = accounts.find(name); if (i != accounts.end()) return (*i).second; char buf[256]; std::string::size_type sep = name.find(':'); assert(sep < 256|| sep == std::string::npos); const char * first, * rest; if (sep == std::string::npos) { first = name.c_str(); rest = NULL; } else { std::strncpy(buf, name.c_str(), sep); buf[sep] = '\0'; first = buf; rest = name.c_str() + sep + 1; } account_t * account; i = accounts.find(first); if (i == accounts.end()) { if (! auto_create) return NULL; account = new account_t(this, first); account->journal = journal; std::pair result = accounts.insert(accounts_pair(first, account)); assert(result.second); } else { account = (*i).second; } if (rest) account = account->find_account(rest, auto_create); return account; } static inline account_t * find_account_re_(account_t * account, const mask_t& regexp) { if (regexp.match(account->fullname())) return account; for (accounts_map::iterator i = account->accounts.begin(); i != account->accounts.end(); i++) if (account_t * a = find_account_re_((*i).second, regexp)) return a; return NULL; } account_t * journal_t::find_account_re(const std::string& regexp) { return find_account_re_(master, mask_t(regexp)); } std::string account_t::fullname() const { if (! _fullname.empty()) { return _fullname; } else { const account_t * first = this; std::string fullname = name; while (first->parent) { first = first->parent; if (! first->name.empty()) fullname = first->name + ":" + fullname; } _fullname = fullname; return fullname; } } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const account_t& account) { out << account.fullname(); return out; } bool account_t::valid() const { if (depth > 256 || ! journal) { DEBUG_PRINT("ledger.validate", "account_t: depth > 256 || ! journal"); return false; } for (accounts_map::const_iterator i = accounts.begin(); i != accounts.end(); i++) { if (this == (*i).second) { DEBUG_PRINT("ledger.validate", "account_t: parent refers to itself!"); return false; } if (! (*i).second->valid()) { DEBUG_PRINT("ledger.validate", "account_t: child not valid"); return false; } } return true; } journal_t::~journal_t() { DEBUG_PRINT("ledger.memory.dtors", "dtor journal_t"); assert(master); delete master; // Don't bother unhooking each entry's transactions from the // accounts they refer to, because all accounts are about to // be deleted. for (entries_list::iterator i = entries.begin(); i != entries.end(); i++) if (! item_pool || ((char *) *i) < item_pool || ((char *) *i) >= item_pool_end) delete *i; else (*i)->~entry_t(); for (auto_entries_list::iterator i = auto_entries.begin(); i != auto_entries.end(); i++) if (! item_pool || ((char *) *i) < item_pool || ((char *) *i) >= item_pool_end) delete *i; else (*i)->~auto_entry_t(); for (period_entries_list::iterator i = period_entries.begin(); i != period_entries.end(); i++) if (! item_pool || ((char *) *i) < item_pool || ((char *) *i) >= item_pool_end) delete *i; else (*i)->~period_entry_t(); if (item_pool) delete[] item_pool; } bool journal_t::add_entry(entry_t * entry) { entry->journal = this; if (! run_hooks(entry_finalize_hooks, *entry, false) || ! entry->finalize() || ! run_hooks(entry_finalize_hooks, *entry, true)) { entry->journal = NULL; return false; } entries.push_back(entry); for (transactions_list::const_iterator i = entry->transactions.begin(); i != entry->transactions.end(); i++) if ((*i)->cost && (*i)->amount) (*i)->amount.commodity().add_price(entry->date(), *(*i)->cost / (*i)->amount); return true; } bool journal_t::remove_entry(entry_t * entry) { bool found = false; entries_list::iterator i; for (i = entries.begin(); i != entries.end(); i++) if (*i == entry) { found = true; break; } if (! found) return false; entries.erase(i); entry->journal = NULL; return true; } bool journal_t::valid() const { if (! master->valid()) { DEBUG_PRINT("ledger.validate", "journal_t: master not valid"); return false; } for (entries_list::const_iterator i = entries.begin(); i != entries.end(); i++) if (! (*i)->valid()) { DEBUG_PRINT("ledger.validate", "journal_t: entry not valid"); return false; } for (commodities_map::const_iterator i = commodity_t::commodities.begin(); i != commodity_t::commodities.end(); i++) if (! (*i).second->valid()) { DEBUG_PRINT("ledger.validate", "journal_t: commodity not valid"); return false; } return true; } void entry_context::describe(std::ostream& out) const throw() { if (! desc.empty()) out << desc << std::endl; print_entry(out, entry, " "); } xact_context::xact_context(const ledger::transaction_t& _xact, const std::string& desc) throw() : xact(_xact), file_context("", 0, desc) { const ledger::strings_list& sources(xact.entry->journal->sources); int x = 0; for (ledger::strings_list::const_iterator i = sources.begin(); i != sources.end(); i++, x++) if (x == xact.entry->src_idx) { file = *i; break; } line = xact.beg_line; } } // namespace ledger