#include "ledger.h" #include namespace ledger { book * main_ledger; extern int linenum; commodity::~commodity() { if (price) delete price; } const std::string transaction::acct_as_str() const { char * begin = NULL; char * end = NULL; if (is_virtual) { if (must_balance) { begin = "["; end = "]"; } else { begin = "("; end = ")"; } } if (begin) return std::string(begin) + acct->as_str() + end; else return acct->as_str(); } void transaction::print(std::ostream& out, bool display_quantity, bool display_price) const { out.width(30); out << std::left << acct_as_str(); if (cost && display_quantity) { out << " "; out.width(10); std::string value = cost->as_str(true); if (! display_price) { int index = value.find('@'); value = std::string(value, index - 1); } out << std::right << value; } if (! note.empty()) out << " ; " << note; out << std::endl; } void entry::print(std::ostream& out, bool shortcut) const { char buf[32]; std::strftime(buf, 31, "%Y.%m.%d ", std::localtime(&date)); out << buf; if (cleared) out << "* "; if (! code.empty()) out << '(' << code << ") "; if (! desc.empty()) out << " " << desc; out << std::endl; // jww (2003-10-11): Unspecified virtual transactions should not // factor into the size computation. commodity * comm = NULL; int size = 0; for (std::list::const_iterator x = xacts.begin(); x != xacts.end(); x++) { if ((*x)->is_virtual && ! (*x)->specified) continue; if (! comm) { comm = (*x)->cost->commdty(); } else if (comm != (*x)->cost->commdty()) { shortcut = false; break; } size++; } if (shortcut && size != 2) shortcut = false; for (std::list::const_iterator x = xacts.begin(); x != xacts.end(); x++) { if ((*x)->is_virtual && ! (*x)->specified) continue; out << " "; // jww (2003-10-03): If we are shortcutting, don't print the // "per-unit price" of a commodity, if it is not necessary. (*x)->print(out, ! shortcut || x == xacts.begin()); } out << std::endl; } bool entry::validate(bool show_unaccounted) const { totals balance; for (std::list::const_iterator x = xacts.begin(); x != xacts.end(); x++) if ((*x)->cost && (*x)->must_balance) { amount * value = (*x)->cost->value(); balance.credit(value); delete value; } if (show_unaccounted && ! balance.is_zero()) { std::cerr << "Unaccounted-for balances are:" << std::endl; balance.print(std::cerr, 20); std::cerr << std::endl << std::endl; } return balance.is_zero(); // must balance to 0.0 } bool entry::finalize(bool do_compute) { // Scan through and compute the total balance for the entry. This // is used for auto-calculating the value of entries with no cost, // and the per-unit price of unpriced commodities. totals balance; for (std::list::iterator x = xacts.begin(); x != xacts.end(); x++) if ((*x)->cost && ! (*x)->is_virtual) { amount * value = (*x)->cost->value(); balance.credit(value); delete value; } // If one transaction is of a different commodity than the others, // and it has no per-unit price, determine its price by dividing // the unit count into the value of the balance. // // NOTE: We don't do this for prefix-style or joined-symbol // commodities. Also, do it for the last eligible commodity first, // if it meets the criteria. if (! balance.amounts.empty() && balance.amounts.size() == 2) { for (std::list::iterator x = xacts.begin(); x != xacts.end(); x++) { if ((*x)->is_virtual) continue; if (! (*x)->cost->has_price() && ! (*x)->cost->commdty()->prefix && (*x)->cost->commdty()->separate) { for (totals::iterator i = balance.amounts.begin(); i != balance.amounts.end(); i++) { if ((*i).second->commdty() != (*x)->cost->commdty()) { (*x)->cost->set_value((*i).second); break; } } break; } } } // Walk through each of the transactions, fixing up any that we // can, and performing any on-the-fly calculations. bool empty_allowed = true; for (std::list::iterator x = xacts.begin(); x != xacts.end(); x++) { if ((*x)->is_virtual || (*x)->cost) continue; if (! empty_allowed || balance.amounts.empty() || balance.amounts.size() != 1) { std::cerr << "Error, line " << linenum << ": Transaction entry is lacking an amount." << std::endl; return false; } empty_allowed = false; // If one transaction gives no value at all -- and all the // rest are of the same commodity -- then its value is the // inverse of the computed value of the others. totals::iterator i = balance.amounts.begin(); (*x)->cost = (*i).second->value(); (*x)->cost->negate(); if (do_compute) (*x)->acct->balance.credit((*x)->cost); } // If virtual accounts are being supported, walk through the // transactions and create new virtual transactions for all that // apply. for (book::virtual_map_iterator m = ledger->virtual_mapping.begin(); m != ledger->virtual_mapping.end(); m++) { std::list new_xacts; for (std::list::iterator x = xacts.begin(); x != xacts.end(); x++) { if ((*x)->is_virtual || ! ledger::matches(*((*m).first), (*x)->acct->as_str())) continue; for (std::list::iterator i = (*m).second->begin(); i != (*m).second->end(); i++) { transaction * t; if ((*i)->cost->commdty()) { t = new transaction((*i)->acct, (*i)->cost); } else { amount * temp = (*x)->cost->value(); t = new transaction((*i)->acct, temp->value((*i)->cost)); delete temp; } t->is_virtual = (*i)->is_virtual; t->must_balance = (*i)->must_balance; new_xacts.push_back(t); } } // Add to the current entry any virtual transactions which were // created. We have to do this afterward, otherwise the // iteration above is screwed up if we try adding new // transactions during the traversal. for (std::list::iterator x = new_xacts.begin(); x != new_xacts.end(); x++) { xacts.push_back(*x); if (do_compute) (*x)->acct->balance.credit((*x)->cost); } } // Compute the balances again, just to make sure it all comes out // right (i.e., zero for every commodity). if (! validate()) { std::cerr << "Error, line " << (linenum - 1) << ": Failed to balance the following transaction:" << std::endl; validate(true); return false; } return true; } bool entry::matches(const regexps_map& regexps) const { if (regexps.empty() || (ledger::matches(regexps, code) || ledger::matches(regexps, desc))) { return true; } else { bool match = false; for (std::list::const_iterator x = xacts.begin(); x != xacts.end(); x++) { if (ledger::matches(regexps, (*x)->acct->name) || ledger::matches(regexps, (*x)->note)) { match = true; break; } } return match; } } totals::~totals() { for (iterator i = amounts.begin(); i != amounts.end(); i++) delete (*i).second; } void totals::credit(const amount * val) { iterator i = amounts.find(val->commdty()); if (i != amounts.end()) (*i).second->credit(val); #ifndef DEBUG else amounts.insert(pair(val->commdty(), val->copy())); #else else { std::pair result = amounts.insert(pair(val->commdty(), val->copy())); assert(result.second); } #endif } void totals::credit(const totals& other) { for (const_iterator i = other.amounts.begin(); i != other.amounts.end(); i++) credit((*i).second); } bool totals::is_zero() const { for (const_iterator i = amounts.begin(); i != amounts.end(); i++) if (! (*i).second->is_zero()) return false; return true; } void totals::print(std::ostream& out, int width) const { bool first = true; for (const_iterator i = amounts.begin(); i != amounts.end(); i++) { if ((*i).second->is_zero()) continue; if (first) first = false; else out << std::endl; out.width(width); out << std::right << (*i).second->as_str(); } } account::~account() { for (accounts_map_iterator i = children.begin(); i != children.end(); i++) delete (*i).second; } const std::string account::as_str() const { if (! parent) return name; else if (full_name.empty()) full_name = parent->as_str() + ":" + name; return full_name; } mask::mask(const std::string& pat) : exclude(false) { const char * p = pat.c_str(); if (*p == '-') { exclude = true; p++; while (std::isspace(*p)) p++; } else if (*p == '+') { p++; while (std::isspace(*p)) p++; } pattern = p; const char *error; int erroffset; regexp = pcre_compile(pattern.c_str(), PCRE_CASELESS, &error, &erroffset, NULL); if (! regexp) std::cerr << "Warning: Failed to compile regexp: " << pattern << std::endl; } mask::mask(const mask& m) : exclude(m.exclude), pattern(m.pattern) { const char *error; int erroffset; regexp = pcre_compile(pattern.c_str(), PCRE_CASELESS, &error, &erroffset, NULL); assert(regexp); } void read_regexps(const std::string& path, regexps_map& regexps) { if (access(path.c_str(), R_OK) != -1) { std::ifstream file(path.c_str()); while (! file.eof()) { char buf[80]; file.getline(buf, 79); if (*buf && ! std::isspace(*buf)) regexps.push_back(mask(buf)); } } } bool mask::match(const std::string& str) const { static int ovec[30]; int result = pcre_exec(regexp, NULL, str.c_str(), str.length(), 0, 0, ovec, 30); return result >= 0 && ! exclude; } bool matches(const regexps_map& regexps, const std::string& str, bool * by_exclusion) { assert(! regexps.empty()); bool match = false; bool definite = false; // std::ofstream out("regex.out", std::ios_base::app); // out << "Matching against: " << str << std::endl; for (regexps_map_const_iterator r = regexps.begin(); r != regexps.end(); r++) { // out << " Trying: " << (*r).pattern << std::endl; static int ovec[30]; int result = pcre_exec((*r).regexp, NULL, str.c_str(), str.length(), 0, 0, ovec, 30); if (result >= 0) { // out << " Definite "; match = ! (*r).exclude; // if (match) // out << "match"; // else // out << "unmatch"; definite = true; } else { assert(result == -1); // out << " failure code = " << result << std::endl; if ((*r).exclude) { if (! match) { match = ! definite; // if (match) // out << " indefinite match by exclusion" << std::endl; } } else { definite = true; } } // out << " Current status: " // << (definite ? "definite " : "") // << (match ? "match" : "not match") << std::endl; } if (by_exclusion) { if (match && ! definite && by_exclusion) { // out << " Note: Matched by exclusion rule" << std::endl; *by_exclusion = true; } else { *by_exclusion = false; } } // out << " Final result: " << (match ? "match" : "not match") // << std::endl; return match; } book::~book() { for (commodities_map_iterator i = commodities.begin(); i != commodities.end(); i++) delete (*i).second; for (accounts_map_iterator i = accounts.begin(); i != accounts.end(); i++) delete (*i).second; for (virtual_map_iterator i = virtual_mapping.begin(); i != virtual_mapping.end(); i++) { delete (*i).first; for (std::list::iterator j = (*i).second->begin(); j != (*i).second->end(); j++) { delete *j; } delete (*i).second; } for (entries_list_iterator i = entries.begin(); i != entries.end(); i++) delete *i; } account * book::re_find_account(const std::string& regex) { mask acct_regex(regex); for (entries_list_reverse_iterator i = entries.rbegin(); i != entries.rend(); i++) for (std::list::iterator x = (*i)->xacts.begin(); x != (*i)->xacts.end(); x++) if (acct_regex.match((*x)->acct->as_str())) return (*x)->acct; return NULL; } account * book::find_account(const std::string& name, bool create) { accounts_map_iterator i = accounts_cache.find(name); if (i != accounts_cache.end()) return (*i).second; char * buf = new char[name.length() + 1]; std::strcpy(buf, name.c_str()); account * current = NULL; for (char * tok = std::strtok(buf, ":"); tok; tok = std::strtok(NULL, ":")) { if (! current) { accounts_map_iterator i = accounts.find(tok); if (i == accounts.end()) { if (! create) { delete[] buf; return NULL; } current = new account(tok); accounts.insert(accounts_map_pair(tok, current)); } else { current = (*i).second; } } else { accounts_map_iterator i = current->children.find(tok); if (i == current->children.end()) { if (! create) { delete[] buf; return NULL; } current = new account(tok, current); current->parent->children.insert(accounts_map_pair(tok, current)); } else { current = (*i).second; } } } delete[] buf; if (current) accounts_cache.insert(accounts_map_pair(name, current)); return current; } } // namespace ledger