;;; ledger-commodities.el --- Helper code for use with the "ledger" command-line tool

;; Copyright (C) 2003-2015 John Wiegley (johnw AT gnu DOT org)

;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.

;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
;; the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
;; Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
;; version.
;; This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
;; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
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;; MA 02110-1301 USA.

;;; Commentary:
;; Helper functions to deal with commoditized numbers.  A commoditized
;; number will be a list of value and string where the string contains
;; the commodity

;;; Code:

(require 'ledger-regex)

(defcustom ledger-reconcile-default-commodity "$"
  "The default commodity for use in target calculations in ledger reconcile."
  :type 'string
  :group 'ledger-reconcile)

(defun ledger-split-commodity-string (str)
  "Split a commoditized string, STR, into two parts.
Returns a list with (value commodity)."
  (let ((number-regex (if (assoc "decimal-comma" ledger-environment-alist)
    (if (> (length str) 0)
          (insert str)
          (goto-char (point-min))
           ((re-search-forward "\"\\(.*\\)\"" nil t) ; look for quoted commodities
            (let ((com (delete-and-extract-region
                        (match-beginning 1)
                        (match-end 1))))
              (if (re-search-forward
                   number-regex nil t)
                    (delete-and-extract-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)))
           ((re-search-forward number-regex nil t)
            ;; found a number in the current locale, return it in the
            ;; car.  Anything left over is annotation, the first
            ;; thing should be the commodity, separated by
            ;; whitespace, return it in the cdr.  I can't think of
            ;; any counterexamples
              (delete-and-extract-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)))
             (nth 0 (split-string (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))))))
           ((re-search-forward "0" nil t)
            ;; couldn't find a decimal number, look for a single 0,
            ;; indicating account with zero balance
            (list 0 ledger-reconcile-default-commodity))))
      ;; nothing found, return 0
      (list 0 ledger-reconcile-default-commodity))))

(defun ledger-string-balance-to-commoditized-amount (str)
  "Return a commoditized amount (val, 'comm') from STR."
                                        ; break any balances with multi commodities into a list
  (mapcar #'(lambda (st)
              (ledger-split-commodity-string st))
          (split-string str "[\n\r]")))

(defun -commodity (c1 c2)
  "Subtract C2 from C1, ensuring their commodities match."
  (if (string= (cadr c1) (cadr c2))
      (list (-(car c1) (car c2)) (cadr c1))
    (error "Can't subtract different commodities %S from %S" c2 c1)))

(defun +commodity (c1 c2)
  "Add C1 and C2, ensuring their commodities match."
  (if (string= (cadr c1) (cadr c2))
      (list (+ (car c1) (car c2)) (cadr c1))
    (error "Can't add different commodities, %S to %S" c1 c2)))

(defun ledger-strip (str char)
	"Return STR with CHAR removed."
	(replace-regexp-in-string char "" str))

(defun ledger-string-to-number (str &optional decimal-comma)
  "improve builtin string-to-number by handling internationalization, and return nil if number can't be parsed"
  (let ((nstr (if (or decimal-comma
                      (assoc "decimal-comma" ledger-environment-alist))
                  (ledger-strip str ".")
                (ledger-strip str ","))))
    (while (string-match "," nstr)  ;if there is a comma now, it is a thousands separator
      (setq nstr (replace-match "." nil nil nstr)))
    (string-to-number nstr)))

(defun ledger-number-to-string (n &optional decimal-comma)
	"number-to-string that handles comma as decimal."
  (let ((str (number-to-string n)))
    (when (or decimal-comma
              (assoc "decimal-comma" ledger-environment-alist))
      (while (string-match "\\." str)
        (setq str (replace-match "," nil nil str))))

(defun ledger-commodity-to-string (c1)
  "Return string representing C1.
Single character commodities are placed ahead of the value,
longer ones are after the value."
  (let ((str (ledger-number-to-string (car c1)))
        (commodity (cadr c1)))
    (if (> (length commodity) 1)
        (concat str " " commodity)
      (concat commodity " " str))))

(defun ledger-read-commodity-string (prompt)
	"Read an amount from mini-buffer using PROMPT."
  (let ((str (read-from-minibuffer
              (concat prompt " (" ledger-reconcile-default-commodity "): ")))
    (if (and (> (length str) 0)
             (ledger-split-commodity-string str))
          (setq comm (ledger-split-commodity-string str))
          (if (cadr comm)
            (list (car comm) ledger-reconcile-default-commodity))))))

(provide 'ledger-commodities)

;;; ledger-commodities.el ends here