#include "ofx.h" namespace ledger { typedef std::map accounts_map; typedef std::pair accounts_pair; typedef std::map commodities_map; typedef std::pair commodities_pair; journal_t * curr_journal; accounts_map ofx_accounts; commodities_map ofx_account_currencies; commodities_map ofx_securities; account_t * master_account; int ofx_proc_statement_cb(struct OfxStatementData data, void * statement_data) { } int ofx_proc_account_cb(struct OfxAccountData data, void * account_data) { if (! data.account_id_valid) return -1; DEBUG_("ledger.ofx.parse", "account " << data.account_name); account_t * account = new account_t(master_account, data.account_name); curr_journal->add_account(account); ofx_accounts.insert(accounts_pair(data.account_id, account)); if (data.currency_valid) { commodity_t * commodity = commodity_t::find_or_create(data.currency); commodity->add_flags(COMMODITY_STYLE_SUFFIXED | COMMODITY_STYLE_SEPARATED); commodities_map::iterator i = ofx_account_currencies.find(data.account_id); if (i == ofx_account_currencies.end()) ofx_account_currencies.insert(commodities_pair(data.account_id, commodity)); } return 0; } int ofx_proc_transaction_cb(struct OfxTransactionData data, void * transaction_data) { if (! data.account_id_valid || ! data.units_valid) return -1; accounts_map::iterator i = ofx_accounts.find(data.account_id); assert(i != ofx_accounts.end()); account_t * account = (*i).second; entry_t * entry = new entry_t; entry->add_transaction(new transaction_t(account)); transaction_t * xact = entry->transactions.back(); // get the account's default currency commodities_map::iterator ac = ofx_account_currencies.find(data.account_id); assert(ac != ofx_account_currencies.end()); commodity_t * default_commodity = (*ac).second; std::ostringstream stream; stream << - data.units; // jww (2005-02-09): what if the amount contains fees? if (data.unique_id_valid) { commodities_map::iterator s = ofx_securities.find(data.unique_id); assert(s != ofx_securities.end()); xact->amount = stream.str() + " " + (*s).second->base_symbol(); } else { xact->amount = stream.str() + " " + default_commodity->base_symbol(); } if (data.unitprice_valid && data.unitprice != 1.0) { std::ostringstream cstream; stream << - data.unitprice; xact->cost = new amount_t(stream.str() + " " + default_commodity->base_symbol()); } DEBUG_("ledger.ofx.parse", "xact " << xact->amount << " from " << *xact->account); if (data.date_initiated_valid) entry->_date = data.date_initiated; else if (data.date_posted_valid) entry->_date = data.date_posted; if (data.check_number_valid) entry->code = data.check_number; else if (data.reference_number_valid) entry->code = data.reference_number; if (data.name_valid) entry->payee = data.name; if (data.memo_valid) xact->note = data.memo; // jww (2005-02-09): check for fi_id_corrected? or is this handled // by the library? // Balance all entries into , since it is not specified. account = curr_journal->find_account(""); entry->add_transaction(new transaction_t(account)); if (! curr_journal->add_entry(entry)) { print_entry(std::cerr, *entry); #if 0 // jww (2005-02-09): uncomment have_error = "The above entry does not balance"; #endif delete entry; return -1; } return 0; } int ofx_proc_security_cb(struct OfxSecurityData data, void * security_data) { if (! data.unique_id_valid) return -1; string symbol; if (data.ticker_valid) symbol = data.ticker; else if (data.currency_valid) symbol = data.currency; else return -1; commodity_t * commodity = commodity_t::find_or_create(symbol); commodity->add_flags(COMMODITY_STYLE_SUFFIXED | COMMODITY_STYLE_SEPARATED); if (data.secname_valid) commodity->set_name(data.secname); if (data.memo_valid) commodity->set_note(data.memo); commodities_map::iterator i = ofx_securities.find(data.unique_id); if (i == ofx_securities.end()) { DEBUG_("ledger.ofx.parse", "security " << symbol); ofx_securities.insert(commodities_pair(data.unique_id, commodity)); } // jww (2005-02-09): What is the commodity for data.unitprice? if (data.date_unitprice_valid && data.unitprice_valid) { DEBUG_("ledger.ofx.parse", " price " << data.unitprice); commodity->add_price(data.date_unitprice, amount_t(data.unitprice)); } return 0; } int ofx_proc_status_cb(struct OfxStatusData data, void * status_data) { } bool ofx_parser_t::test(std::istream& in) const { char buf[80]; in.getline(buf, 79); if (std::strncmp(buf, "OFXHEADER", 9) == 0) { in.clear(); in.seekg(0, std::ios::beg); return true; } else if (std::strncmp(buf, "master; LibofxContextPtr libofx_context = libofx_get_new_context(); ofx_set_statement_cb (libofx_context, ofx_proc_statement_cb, 0); ofx_set_account_cb (libofx_context, ofx_proc_account_cb, 0); ofx_set_transaction_cb(libofx_context, ofx_proc_transaction_cb, 0); ofx_set_security_cb (libofx_context, ofx_proc_security_cb, 0); ofx_set_status_cb (libofx_context, ofx_proc_status_cb, 0); // The processing is done by way of callbacks, which are all defined // above. libofx_proc_file(libofx_context, original_file->c_str(), AUTODETECT); libofx_free_context(libofx_context); return 1; // jww (2005-02-09): count; } } // namespace ledger