/* * Copyright (c) 2003-2007, John Wiegley. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * - Neither the name of New Artisans LLC nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "session.h" namespace ledger { session_t * session_t::current = NULL; #if 0 boost::mutex session_t::session_mutex; #endif static void initialize(); static void shutdown(); void set_session_context(session_t * session) { #if 0 session_t::session_mutex.lock(); #endif if (session && ! session_t::current) { initialize(); } else if (! session && session_t::current) { shutdown(); #if 0 session_t::session_mutex.unlock(); #endif } session_t::current = session; } void release_session_context() { #if 0 session_t::session_mutex.unlock(); #endif } session_t::session_t() : symbol_scope_t(), register_format ("%((//entry)%{date} %-.20{payee}" "%((./xact)%32|%-22{abbrev(account, 22)} %12.67t %12.80T\n))"), wide_register_format ("%D %-.35P %-.38A %22.108t %!22.132T\n%/" "%48|%-.38A %22.108t %!22.132T\n"), print_format #if 1 ("%(/%(/%{date} %-.20{payee}\n%(: %-34{account} %12t\n)\n))"), #else ("\n%d %Y%C%P\n %-34W %12o%n\n%/ %-34W %12o%n\n"), #endif balance_format ("%(/%(//%20t %{\" \" * rdepth}%{rname}\n))--------------------\n%20t\n"), equity_format ("%((/)%{ftime(now, date_format)} %-.20{\"Opening Balance\"}\n%((.//account[value != 0]) %-34{fullname} %12{value}\n)\n)"), plot_amount_format ("%D %(@S(@t))\n"), plot_total_format ("%D %(@S(@T))\n"), write_hdr_format ("%d %Y%C%P\n"), write_xact_format (" %-34W %12o%n\n"), prices_format ("%[%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S %Z] %-10A %12t %12T\n"), pricesdb_format ("P %[%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S] %A %t\n"), pricing_leeway(24 * 3600), download_quotes(false), use_cache(false), cache_dirty(false), now(now), #if 0 elision_style(ABBREVIATE), #endif abbrev_length(2), ansi_codes(false), ansi_invert(false) { TRACE_CTOR(session_t, "xml::xpath_t::scope_t&"); } #if 0 std::size_t session_t::read_journal(std::istream& in, const path& pathname, xml::builder_t& builder) { #if 0 if (! master) master = journal->master; #endif foreach (parser_t& parser, parsers) if (parser.test(in)) return parser.parse(in, pathname, builder); return 0; } std::size_t session_t::read_journal(const path& pathname, xml::builder_t& builder) { #if 0 journal->sources.push_back(pathname); #endif if (! exists(pathname)) throw_(std::logic_error, "Cannot read file" << pathname); ifstream stream(pathname); return read_journal(stream, pathname, builder); } void session_t::read_init() { if (! init_file) return; if (! exists(*init_file)) throw_(std::logic_error, "Cannot read init file" << *init_file); ifstream init(*init_file); // jww (2006-09-15): Read initialization options here! } std::size_t session_t::read_data(xml::builder_t& builder, journal_t * journal, const string& master_account) { if (data_file.empty()) throw_(parse_error, "No journal file was specified (please use -f)"); TRACE_START(parser, 1, "Parsing journal file"); std::size_t entry_count = 0; DEBUG("ledger.cache", "3. use_cache = " << use_cache); if (use_cache && cache_file) { DEBUG("ledger.cache", "using_cache " << cache_file->string()); cache_dirty = true; if (exists(*cache_file)) { push_variable > save_price_db(journal->price_db, price_db); entry_count += read_journal(*cache_file, builder); if (entry_count > 0) cache_dirty = false; } } if (entry_count == 0) { account_t * acct = NULL; if (! master_account.empty()) acct = journal->find_account(master_account); journal->price_db = price_db; if (journal->price_db && exists(*journal->price_db)) { if (read_journal(*journal->price_db, builder)) { throw_(parse_error, "Entries not allowed in price history file"); } else { DEBUG("ledger.cache", "read price database " << journal->price_db->string()); journal->sources.pop_back(); } } DEBUG("ledger.cache", "rejected cache, parsing " << data_file.string()); if (data_file == "-") { use_cache = false; journal->sources.push_back(""); entry_count += read_journal(std::cin, "", builder); } else if (exists(data_file)) { entry_count += read_journal(data_file, builder); if (journal->price_db) journal->sources.push_back(*journal->price_db); } } VERIFY(journal->valid()); TRACE_STOP(parser, 1); return entry_count; } #endif #if 0 optional session_t::resolve(const string& name, xml::xpath_t::scope_t& locals) { const char * p = name.c_str(); switch (*p) { case 'd': #if 0 if (name == "date_format") { // jww (2007-04-18): What to do here? return value_t(moment_t::output_format, true); } #endif break; case 'n': switch (*++p) { case 'o': if (name == "now") return value_t(now); break; } break; case 'r': if (name == "register_format") return value_t(register_format, true); break; } return xml::xpath_t::scope_t::resolve(name, locals); } #endif expr::ptr_op_t session_t::lookup(const string& name) { const char * p = name.c_str(); switch (*p) { case 'o': if (std::strncmp(p, "option_", 7) == 0) { p = p + 7; switch (*p) { case 'd': if (std::strcmp(p, "debug_") == 0) return MAKE_FUNCTOR(session_t::option_debug_); break; case 'f': if ((*(p + 1) == '_' && ! *(p + 2)) || std::strcmp(p, "file_") == 0) return MAKE_FUNCTOR(session_t::option_file_); break; case 't': if (std::strcmp(p, "trace_") == 0) return MAKE_FUNCTOR(session_t::option_trace_); break; case 'v': if (! *(p + 1) || std::strcmp(p, "verbose") == 0) return MAKE_FUNCTOR(session_t::option_verbose); else if (std::strcmp(p, "verify") == 0) return MAKE_FUNCTOR(session_t::option_verify); break; } } break; } return expr::symbol_scope_t::lookup(name); } // jww (2007-04-26): All of Ledger should be accessed through a // session_t object static void initialize() { amount_t::initialize(); value_t::initialize(); #if 0 expr::initialize(); #endif } static void shutdown() { #if 0 expr::shutdown(); #endif value_t::shutdown(); amount_t::shutdown(); } } // namespace ledger