/* * Copyright (c) 2003-2016, John Wiegley. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * - Neither the name of New Artisans LLC nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <system.hh> #include "pyinterp.h" #include "pyutils.h" #include "account.h" #include "report.h" #include "xact.h" #include "post.h" namespace ledger { using namespace python; shared_ptr<python_interpreter_t> python_session; char * argv0; void export_account(); void export_amount(); void export_balance(); void export_commodity(); void export_expr(); void export_format(); void export_item(); void export_session(); void export_journal(); void export_post(); void export_times(); void export_utils(); void export_value(); void export_xact(); void initialize_for_python() { export_times(); export_utils(); export_commodity(); export_amount(); export_value(); export_account(); export_balance(); export_expr(); export_format(); export_item(); export_post(); export_xact(); export_session(); export_journal(); if (! scope_t::default_scope) { python_session.reset(new ledger::python_interpreter_t); shared_ptr<session_t> session_ptr = python_session; scope_t::default_scope = new report_t(*session_ptr); } } struct python_run { object result; python_run(python_interpreter_t * intepreter, const string& str, int input_mode) : result (handle<> (borrowed (PyRun_String(str.c_str(), input_mode, intepreter->main_module->module_globals.ptr(), intepreter->main_module->module_globals.ptr())))) {} operator object() { return result; } }; python_module_t::python_module_t(const string& name) : scope_t(), module_name(name), module_globals() { import_module(name); } python_module_t::python_module_t(const string& name, python::object obj) : scope_t(), module_name(name), module_globals() { module_object = obj; module_globals = extract<dict>(module_object.attr("__dict__")); } void python_module_t::import_module(const string& name, bool import_direct) { object mod = python::import(name.c_str()); if (! mod) throw_(std::runtime_error, _f("Module import failed (couldn't find %1%)") % name); dict globals = extract<dict>(mod.attr("__dict__")); if (! globals) throw_(std::runtime_error, _f("Module import failed (couldn't find %1%)") % name); if (! import_direct) { module_object = mod; module_globals = globals; } else { // Import all top-level entries directly into the namespace module_globals.update(mod.attr("__dict__")); } } void python_interpreter_t::initialize() { if (is_initialized) return; TRACE_START(python_init, 1, "Initialized Python"); try { DEBUG("python.interp", "Initializing Python"); Py_Initialize(); assert(Py_IsInitialized()); hack_system_paths(); main_module = import_module("__main__"); python::detail::init_module("ledger", &initialize_for_python); is_initialized = true; } catch (const error_already_set&) { PyErr_Print(); throw_(std::runtime_error, _("Python failed to initialize")); } TRACE_FINISH(python_init, 1); } void python_interpreter_t::hack_system_paths() { // Hack ledger.__path__ so it points to a real location python::object sys_module = python::import("sys"); python::object sys_dict = sys_module.attr("__dict__"); python::list paths(sys_dict["path"]); #if DEBUG_ON bool path_initialized = false; #endif int n = python::extract<int>(paths.attr("__len__")()); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { python::extract<std::string> str(paths[i]); path pathname(str()); DEBUG("python.interp", "sys.path = " << pathname); if (exists(pathname / "ledger" / "__init__.py")) { if (python::object module_ledger = python::import("ledger")) { DEBUG("python.interp", "Setting ledger.__path__ = " << (pathname / "ledger")); python::object ledger_dict = module_ledger.attr("__dict__"); python::list temp_list; temp_list.append((pathname / "ledger").string()); ledger_dict["__path__"] = temp_list; } else { throw_(std::runtime_error, _("Python failed to initialize (couldn't find ledger)")); } #if DEBUG_ON path_initialized = true; #endif break; } } #if DEBUG_ON if (! path_initialized) DEBUG("python.init", "Ledger failed to find 'ledger/__init__.py' on the PYTHONPATH"); #endif } object python_interpreter_t::import_option(const string& str) { if (! is_initialized) initialize(); python::object sys_module = python::import("sys"); python::object sys_dict = sys_module.attr("__dict__"); path file(str); string name(str); python::list paths(sys_dict["path"]); if (contains(str, ".py")) { #if BOOST_VERSION >= 103700 path& cwd(parsing_context.get_current().current_directory); #if BOOST_VERSION >= 104600 && BOOST_FILESYSTEM_VERSION >= 3 path parent(filesystem::absolute(file, cwd).parent_path()); #else path parent(filesystem::complete(file, cwd).parent_path()); #endif DEBUG("python.interp", "Adding " << parent << " to PYTHONPATH"); paths.insert(0, parent.string()); sys_dict["path"] = paths; #if BOOST_VERSION >= 104600 name = file.stem().string(); #else name = file.stem(); #endif #else // BOOST_VERSION >= 103700 paths.insert(0, file.branch_path().string()); sys_dict["path"] = paths; name = file.leaf(); #endif // BOOST_VERSION >= 103700 } try { if (contains(str, ".py")) main_module->import_module(name, true); else import_module(str); } catch (const error_already_set&) { PyErr_Print(); throw_(std::runtime_error, _f("Python failed to import: %1%") % str); } catch (...) { throw; } return object(); } object python_interpreter_t::eval(std::istream& in, py_eval_mode_t mode) { bool first = true; string buffer; buffer.reserve(4096); while (! in.eof()) { char buf[256]; in.getline(buf, 255); if (buf[0] == '!') break; if (first) first = false; else buffer += "\n"; buffer += buf; } if (! is_initialized) initialize(); try { int input_mode = -1; switch (mode) { case PY_EVAL_EXPR: input_mode = Py_eval_input; break; case PY_EVAL_STMT: input_mode = Py_single_input; break; case PY_EVAL_MULTI: input_mode = Py_file_input; break; } return python_run(this, buffer, input_mode); } catch (const error_already_set&) { PyErr_Print(); throw_(std::runtime_error, _("Failed to evaluate Python code")); } return object(); } object python_interpreter_t::eval(const string& str, py_eval_mode_t mode) { if (! is_initialized) initialize(); try { int input_mode = -1; switch (mode) { case PY_EVAL_EXPR: input_mode = Py_eval_input; break; case PY_EVAL_STMT: input_mode = Py_single_input; break; case PY_EVAL_MULTI: input_mode = Py_file_input; break; } return python_run(this, str, input_mode); } catch (const error_already_set&) { PyErr_Print(); throw_(std::runtime_error, _("Failed to evaluate Python code")); } return object(); } value_t python_interpreter_t::python_command(call_scope_t& args) { if (! is_initialized) initialize(); char ** argv = new char *[args.size() + 1]; argv[0] = new char[std::strlen(argv0) + 1]; std::strcpy(argv[0], argv0); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) { string arg = args.get<string>(i); argv[i + 1] = new char[arg.length() + 1]; std::strcpy(argv[i + 1], arg.c_str()); } int status = 1; try { status = Py_Main(static_cast<int>(args.size()) + 1, argv); } catch (const error_already_set&) { PyErr_Print(); throw_(std::runtime_error, _("Failed to execute Python module")); } catch (...) { for (std::size_t i = 0; i < args.size() + 1; i++) delete[] argv[i]; delete[] argv; throw; } for (std::size_t i = 0; i < args.size() + 1; i++) delete[] argv[i]; delete[] argv; if (status != 0) throw status; return NULL_VALUE; } value_t python_interpreter_t::server_command(call_scope_t& args) { if (! is_initialized) initialize(); python::object server_module; try { server_module = python::import("ledger.server"); if (! server_module) throw_(std::runtime_error, _("Could not import ledger.server; please check your PYTHONPATH")); } catch (const error_already_set&) { PyErr_Print(); throw_(std::runtime_error, _("Could not import ledger.server; please check your PYTHONPATH")); } if (python::object main_function = server_module.attr("main")) { functor_t func(main_function, "main"); try { func(args); return true; } catch (const error_already_set&) { PyErr_Print(); throw_(std::runtime_error, _("Error while invoking ledger.server's main() function")); } } else { throw_(std::runtime_error, _("The ledger.server module is missing its main() function!")); } return false; } option_t<python_interpreter_t> * python_interpreter_t::lookup_option(const char * p) { switch (*p) { case 'i': OPT(import_); break; } return NULL; } expr_t::ptr_op_t python_module_t::lookup(const symbol_t::kind_t kind, const string& name) { switch (kind) { case symbol_t::FUNCTION: DEBUG("python.interp", "Python lookup: " << name); if (module_globals.has_key(name.c_str())) { if (python::object obj = module_globals.get(name.c_str())) { if (PyModule_Check(obj.ptr())) { shared_ptr<python_module_t> mod; python_module_map_t::iterator i = python_session->modules_map.find(obj.ptr()); if (i == python_session->modules_map.end()) { mod.reset(new python_module_t(name, obj)); python_session->modules_map.insert (python_module_map_t::value_type(obj.ptr(), mod)); } else { mod = (*i).second; } return expr_t::op_t::wrap_value(scope_value(mod.get())); } else { return WRAP_FUNCTOR(python_interpreter_t::functor_t(obj, name)); } } } break; default: break; } return NULL; } expr_t::ptr_op_t python_interpreter_t::lookup(const symbol_t::kind_t kind, const string& name) { // Give our superclass first dibs on symbol definitions if (expr_t::ptr_op_t op = session_t::lookup(kind, name)) return op; switch (kind) { case symbol_t::FUNCTION: if (is_initialized) return main_module->lookup(kind, name); break; case symbol_t::OPTION: { if (option_t<python_interpreter_t> * handler = lookup_option(name.c_str())) return MAKE_OPT_HANDLER(python_interpreter_t, handler); if (is_initialized) return main_module->lookup(symbol_t::FUNCTION, string("option_") + name); break; } case symbol_t::PRECOMMAND: { const char * p = name.c_str(); switch (*p) { case 'p': if (is_eq(p, "python")) return MAKE_FUNCTOR(python_interpreter_t::python_command); break; case 's': if (is_eq(p, "server")) return MAKE_FUNCTOR(python_interpreter_t::server_command); break; } } default: break; } return NULL; } namespace { object convert_value_to_python(const value_t& val) { switch (val.type()) { case value_t::VOID: // a null value (i.e., uninitialized) return object(); case value_t::BOOLEAN: // a boolean return object(val.to_boolean()); case value_t::DATETIME: // a date and time (Boost posix_time) return object(val.to_datetime()); case value_t::DATE: // a date (Boost gregorian::date) return object(val.to_date()); case value_t::INTEGER: // a signed integer value return object(val.to_long()); case value_t::AMOUNT: // a ledger::amount_t return object(val.as_amount()); case value_t::BALANCE: // a ledger::balance_t return object(val.as_balance()); case value_t::STRING: // a string object return object(handle<>(borrowed(str_to_py_unicode(val.as_string())))); case value_t::MASK: // a regular expression mask return object(val); case value_t::SEQUENCE: { // a vector of value_t objects list arglist; foreach (const value_t& elem, val.as_sequence()) arglist.append(elem); return arglist; } case value_t::SCOPE: // a pointer to a scope if (const scope_t * scope = val.as_scope()) { if (const post_t * post = dynamic_cast<const post_t *>(scope)) return object(ptr(post)); else if (const xact_t * xact = dynamic_cast<const xact_t *>(scope)) return object(ptr(xact)); else if (const account_t * account = dynamic_cast<const account_t *>(scope)) return object(ptr(account)); else if (const period_xact_t * period_xact = dynamic_cast<const period_xact_t *>(scope)) return object(ptr(period_xact)); else if (const auto_xact_t * auto_xact = dynamic_cast<const auto_xact_t *>(scope)) return object(ptr(auto_xact)); else throw_(std::logic_error, _("Cannot downcast scoped object to specific type")); } return object(); case value_t::ANY: // a pointer to an arbitrary object return object(val); } #if !defined(__clang__) return object(); #endif } } value_t python_interpreter_t::functor_t::operator()(call_scope_t& args) { try { std::signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); if (! PyCallable_Check(func.ptr())) { extract<value_t> val(func); DEBUG("python.interp", "Value of Python '" << name << "': " << val); std::signal(SIGINT, sigint_handler); if (val.check()) return val(); return NULL_VALUE; } else if (args.size() > 0) { list arglist; // jww (2009-11-05): What about a single argument which is a sequence, // rather than a sequence of arguments? if (args.value().is_sequence()) foreach (const value_t& value, args.value().as_sequence()) arglist.append(convert_value_to_python(value)); else arglist.append(convert_value_to_python(args.value())); if (PyObject * val = PyObject_CallObject(func.ptr(), python::tuple(arglist).ptr())) { extract<value_t> xval(val); value_t result; if (xval.check()) { result = xval(); DEBUG("python.interp", "Return from Python '" << name << "': " << result); Py_DECREF(val); } else { Py_DECREF(val); return NULL_VALUE; } std::signal(SIGINT, sigint_handler); return result; } else if (PyErr_Occurred()) { PyErr_Print(); throw_(calc_error, _f("Failed call to Python function '%1%'") % name); } else { assert(false); } } else { std::signal(SIGINT, sigint_handler); return call<value_t>(func.ptr()); } } catch (const error_already_set&) { std::signal(SIGINT, sigint_handler); PyErr_Print(); throw_(calc_error, _f("Failed call to Python function '%1%'") % name); } catch (...) { std::signal(SIGINT, sigint_handler); } std::signal(SIGINT, sigint_handler); return NULL_VALUE; } } // namespace ledger