/* * Copyright (c) 2003-2014, John Wiegley. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * - Neither the name of New Artisans LLC nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * @addtogroup expr */ /** * @file scope.h * @author John Wiegley * * @ingroup expr */ #ifndef _SCOPE_H #define _SCOPE_H #include "op.h" namespace ledger { struct symbol_t { enum kind_t { UNKNOWN, FUNCTION, OPTION, PRECOMMAND, COMMAND, DIRECTIVE, FORMAT }; kind_t kind; string name; expr_t::ptr_op_t definition; symbol_t() : kind(UNKNOWN), name(""), definition(NULL) { TRACE_CTOR(symbol_t, ""); } symbol_t(kind_t _kind, string _name, expr_t::ptr_op_t _definition = NULL) : kind(_kind), name(_name), definition(_definition) { TRACE_CTOR(symbol_t, "symbol_t::kind_t, string"); } symbol_t(const symbol_t& sym) : kind(sym.kind), name(sym.name), definition(sym.definition) { TRACE_CTOR(symbol_t, "copy"); } ~symbol_t() throw() { TRACE_DTOR(symbol_t); } bool operator<(const symbol_t& sym) const { return kind < sym.kind || name < sym.name; } bool operator==(const symbol_t& sym) const { return kind == sym.kind || name == sym.name; } #if HAVE_BOOST_SERIALIZATION private: /** Serialization. */ friend class boost::serialization::access; template<class Archive> void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int /* version */) { ar & kind; ar & name; ar & definition; } #endif // HAVE_BOOST_SERIALIZATION }; class empty_scope_t; class scope_t { public: static scope_t * default_scope; static empty_scope_t * empty_scope; explicit scope_t() { TRACE_CTOR(scope_t, ""); } virtual ~scope_t() { TRACE_DTOR(scope_t); } virtual string description() = 0; virtual void define(const symbol_t::kind_t, const string&, expr_t::ptr_op_t) {} virtual expr_t::ptr_op_t lookup(const symbol_t::kind_t kind, const string& name) = 0; virtual value_t::type_t type_context() const { return value_t::VOID; } virtual bool type_required() const { return false; } #if HAVE_BOOST_SERIALIZATION private: /** Serialization. */ friend class boost::serialization::access; template<class Archive> void serialize(Archive&, const unsigned int /* version */) {} #endif // HAVE_BOOST_SERIALIZATION }; class empty_scope_t : public scope_t { public: empty_scope_t() { TRACE_CTOR(empty_scope_t, ""); } ~empty_scope_t() throw() { TRACE_DTOR(empty_scope_t); } virtual string description() { return _("<empty>"); } virtual expr_t::ptr_op_t lookup(const symbol_t::kind_t, const string&) { return NULL; } }; class child_scope_t : public noncopyable, public scope_t { public: scope_t * parent; explicit child_scope_t() : parent(NULL) { TRACE_CTOR(child_scope_t, ""); } explicit child_scope_t(scope_t& _parent) : parent(&_parent) { TRACE_CTOR(child_scope_t, "scope_t&"); } virtual ~child_scope_t() { TRACE_DTOR(child_scope_t); } virtual void define(const symbol_t::kind_t kind, const string& name, expr_t::ptr_op_t def) { if (parent) parent->define(kind, name, def); } virtual expr_t::ptr_op_t lookup(const symbol_t::kind_t kind, const string& name) { if (parent) return parent->lookup(kind, name); return NULL; } #if HAVE_BOOST_SERIALIZATION private: /** Serialization. */ friend class boost::serialization::access; template<class Archive> void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int /* version */) { ar & boost::serialization::base_object<scope_t>(*this); ar & parent; } #endif // HAVE_BOOST_SERIALIZATION }; class bind_scope_t : public child_scope_t { bind_scope_t(); public: scope_t& grandchild; explicit bind_scope_t(scope_t& _parent, scope_t& _grandchild) : child_scope_t(_parent), grandchild(_grandchild) { DEBUG("scope.symbols", "Binding scope " << &_parent << " with " << &_grandchild); TRACE_CTOR(bind_scope_t, "scope_t&, scope_t&"); } virtual ~bind_scope_t() { TRACE_DTOR(bind_scope_t); } virtual string description() { return grandchild.description(); } virtual void define(const symbol_t::kind_t kind, const string& name, expr_t::ptr_op_t def) { parent->define(kind, name, def); grandchild.define(kind, name, def); } virtual expr_t::ptr_op_t lookup(const symbol_t::kind_t kind, const string& name) { if (expr_t::ptr_op_t def = grandchild.lookup(kind, name)) return def; return child_scope_t::lookup(kind, name); } #if HAVE_BOOST_SERIALIZATION private: /** Serialization. */ friend class boost::serialization::access; template<class Archive> void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int /* version */) { ar & boost::serialization::base_object<child_scope_t>(*this); ar & grandchild; } #endif // HAVE_BOOST_SERIALIZATION }; template <typename T> T * search_scope(scope_t * ptr, bool prefer_direct_parents = false) { DEBUG("scope.search", "Searching scope " << ptr->description()); if (T * sought = dynamic_cast<T *>(ptr)) return sought; if (bind_scope_t * scope = dynamic_cast<bind_scope_t *>(ptr)) { if (T * sought = search_scope<T>(prefer_direct_parents ? scope->parent : &scope->grandchild)) return sought; return search_scope<T>(prefer_direct_parents ? &scope->grandchild : scope->parent); } else if (child_scope_t * child_scope = dynamic_cast<child_scope_t *>(ptr)) { return search_scope<T>(child_scope->parent); } return NULL; } template <typename T> inline T& find_scope(child_scope_t& scope, bool skip_this = true, bool prefer_direct_parents = false) { if (T * sought = search_scope<T>(skip_this ? scope.parent : &scope, prefer_direct_parents)) return *sought; throw_(std::runtime_error, _("Could not find scope")); return reinterpret_cast<T&>(scope); // never executed } template <typename T> inline T& find_scope(scope_t& scope, bool prefer_direct_parents = false) { if (T * sought = search_scope<T>(&scope, prefer_direct_parents)) return *sought; throw_(std::runtime_error, _("Could not find scope")); return reinterpret_cast<T&>(scope); // never executed } class symbol_scope_t : public child_scope_t { typedef std::map<symbol_t, expr_t::ptr_op_t> symbol_map; optional<symbol_map> symbols; public: explicit symbol_scope_t() : child_scope_t() { TRACE_CTOR(symbol_scope_t, ""); } explicit symbol_scope_t(scope_t& _parent) : child_scope_t(_parent) { TRACE_CTOR(symbol_scope_t, "scope_t&"); } virtual ~symbol_scope_t() { TRACE_DTOR(symbol_scope_t); } virtual string description() { if (parent) return parent->description(); #if !NO_ASSERTS else assert(false); #endif return empty_string; } virtual void define(const symbol_t::kind_t kind, const string& name, expr_t::ptr_op_t def); virtual expr_t::ptr_op_t lookup(const symbol_t::kind_t kind, const string& name); #if HAVE_BOOST_SERIALIZATION private: /** Serialization. */ friend class boost::serialization::access; template<class Archive> void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int /* version */) { ar & boost::serialization::base_object<child_scope_t>(*this); ar & symbols; } #endif // HAVE_BOOST_SERIALIZATION }; class context_scope_t : public child_scope_t { value_t::type_t value_type_context; bool required; public: explicit context_scope_t(scope_t& _parent, value_t::type_t _type_context = value_t::VOID, const bool _required = true) : child_scope_t(_parent), value_type_context(_type_context), required(_required) { TRACE_CTOR(context_scope_t, "scope_t&, value_t::type_t, bool"); } virtual ~context_scope_t() { TRACE_DTOR(context_scope_t); } virtual string description() { return parent->description(); } virtual value_t::type_t type_context() const { return value_type_context; } virtual bool type_required() const { return required; } #if HAVE_BOOST_SERIALIZATION protected: explicit context_scope_t() { TRACE_CTOR(context_scope_t, ""); } /** Serialization. */ friend class boost::serialization::access; template<class Archive> void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int /* version */) { ar & boost::serialization::base_object<child_scope_t>(*this); ar & value_type_context; ar & required; } #endif // HAVE_BOOST_SERIALIZATION }; class call_scope_t : public context_scope_t { public: value_t args; mutable void * ptr; value_t& resolve(const std::size_t index, value_t::type_t context = value_t::VOID, const bool required = false); public: expr_t::ptr_op_t * locus; const int depth; explicit call_scope_t(scope_t& _parent, expr_t::ptr_op_t * _locus = NULL, const int _depth = 0) : context_scope_t(_parent, _parent.type_context(), _parent.type_required()), ptr(NULL), locus(_locus), depth(_depth) { TRACE_CTOR(call_scope_t, "scope_t&, expr_t::ptr_op_t *, const int"); } virtual ~call_scope_t() { TRACE_DTOR(call_scope_t); } void set_args(const value_t& _args) { args = _args; } value_t& value() { // Make sure that all of the arguments have been resolved. for (std::size_t index = 0; index < args.size(); index++) resolve(index); return args; } value_t& operator[](const std::size_t index) { return resolve(index); } #if 0 const value_t& operator[](const std::size_t index) const { return args[index]; } #endif bool has(std::size_t index) { return index < args.size() && ! (*this)[index].is_null(); } template <typename T> bool has(std::size_t index); template <typename T> T get(std::size_t index, bool convert = true); template <typename T> T& context() { if (ptr == NULL) ptr = &find_scope<T>(*this); assert(ptr != NULL); return *static_cast<T *>(ptr); } void push_front(const value_t& val) { args.push_front(val); } void push_back(const value_t& val) { args.push_back(val); } void pop_back() { args.pop_back(); } typedef value_t::sequence_t::iterator iterator; value_t::sequence_t::iterator begin() { return args.begin(); } value_t::sequence_t::iterator end() { return args.end(); } typedef value_t::sequence_t::const_iterator const_iterator; value_t::sequence_t::const_iterator begin() const { return args.begin(); } value_t::sequence_t::const_iterator end() const { return args.end(); } std::size_t size() const { return args.size(); } bool empty() const { return args.size() == 0; } #if HAVE_BOOST_SERIALIZATION protected: explicit call_scope_t() : depth(0) { TRACE_CTOR(call_scope_t, ""); } /** Serialization. */ friend class boost::serialization::access; template<class Archive> void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int /* version */) { ar & boost::serialization::base_object<context_scope_t>(*this); ar & args; //ar & ptr; } #endif // HAVE_BOOST_SERIALIZATION }; template <> inline bool call_scope_t::has<bool>(std::size_t index) { if (index < args.size()) { resolve(index, value_t::BOOLEAN, false); return ! args[index].is_null(); } return false; } template <> inline bool call_scope_t::has<int>(std::size_t index) { if (index < args.size()) { resolve(index, value_t::INTEGER, false); return ! args[index].is_null(); } return false; } template <> inline bool call_scope_t::has<long>(std::size_t index) { if (index < args.size()) { resolve(index, value_t::INTEGER, false); return ! args[index].is_null(); } return false; } template <> inline bool call_scope_t::has<amount_t>(std::size_t index) { if (index < args.size()) { resolve(index, value_t::AMOUNT, false); return ! args[index].is_null(); } return false; } template <> inline bool call_scope_t::has<balance_t>(std::size_t index) { if (index < args.size()) { resolve(index, value_t::BALANCE, false); return ! args[index].is_null(); } return false; } template <> inline bool call_scope_t::has<string>(std::size_t index) { if (index < args.size()) { resolve(index, value_t::STRING, false); return ! args[index].is_null(); } return false; } template <> inline bool call_scope_t::has<date_t>(std::size_t index) { if (index < args.size()) { resolve(index, value_t::DATE, false); return ! args[index].is_null(); } return false; } template <> inline bool call_scope_t::has<datetime_t>(std::size_t index) { if (index < args.size()) { resolve(index, value_t::DATETIME, false); return ! args[index].is_null(); } return false; } template <> inline bool call_scope_t::has<scope_t *>(std::size_t index) { if (index < args.size()) { resolve(index, value_t::SCOPE, false); return ! args[index].is_null(); } return false; } template <> inline bool call_scope_t::has<expr_t::ptr_op_t>(std::size_t index) { if (index < args.size()) { resolve(index, value_t::ANY, false); return ! args[index].is_null(); } return false; } template <> inline bool call_scope_t::get<bool>(std::size_t index, bool convert) { if (convert) return resolve(index, value_t::BOOLEAN, false).to_boolean(); else return resolve(index, value_t::BOOLEAN).as_boolean(); } template <> inline int call_scope_t::get<int>(std::size_t index, bool) { return resolve(index, value_t::INTEGER, false).to_int(); } template <> inline long call_scope_t::get<long>(std::size_t index, bool convert) { if (convert) return resolve(index, value_t::INTEGER, false).to_long(); else return resolve(index, value_t::INTEGER).as_long(); } template <> inline amount_t call_scope_t::get<amount_t>(std::size_t index, bool convert) { if (convert) return resolve(index, value_t::AMOUNT, false).to_amount(); else return resolve(index, value_t::AMOUNT).as_amount(); } template <> inline balance_t call_scope_t::get<balance_t>(std::size_t index, bool convert) { if (convert) return resolve(index, value_t::BALANCE, false).to_balance(); else return resolve(index, value_t::BALANCE).as_balance(); } template <> inline string call_scope_t::get<string>(std::size_t index, bool convert) { if (convert) return resolve(index, value_t::STRING, false).to_string(); else return resolve(index, value_t::STRING).as_string(); } template <> inline mask_t call_scope_t::get<mask_t>(std::size_t index, bool convert) { if (convert) return resolve(index, value_t::MASK, false).to_mask(); else return resolve(index, value_t::MASK).as_mask(); } template <> inline date_t call_scope_t::get<date_t>(std::size_t index, bool convert) { if (convert) return resolve(index, value_t::DATE, false).to_date(); else return resolve(index, value_t::DATE).as_date(); } template <> inline datetime_t call_scope_t::get<datetime_t>(std::size_t index, bool convert) { if (convert) return resolve(index, value_t::DATETIME, false).to_datetime(); else return resolve(index, value_t::DATETIME).as_datetime(); } #if 0 template <> inline value_t::sequence_t& call_scope_t::get<value_t::sequence_t&>(std::size_t index, bool) { return resolve(index, value_t::SEQUENCE).as_sequence_lval(); } template <> inline const value_t::sequence_t& call_scope_t::get<const value_t::sequence_t&>(std::size_t index, bool) { return resolve(index, value_t::SEQUENCE).as_sequence(); } #endif template <> inline scope_t * call_scope_t::get<scope_t *>(std::size_t index, bool) { return resolve(index, value_t::SCOPE).as_scope(); } template <> inline expr_t::ptr_op_t call_scope_t::get<expr_t::ptr_op_t>(std::size_t index, bool) { return args[index].as_any<expr_t::ptr_op_t>(); } inline string join_args(call_scope_t& args) { std::ostringstream buf; bool first = true; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) { if (first) first = false; else buf << ' '; buf << args[i]; } return buf.str(); } class value_scope_t : public child_scope_t { value_t value; value_t get_value(call_scope_t&) { return value; } public: value_scope_t(scope_t& _parent, const value_t& _value) : child_scope_t(_parent), value(_value) { TRACE_CTOR(value_scope_t, "scope_t&, value_t"); } ~value_scope_t() throw() { TRACE_DTOR(value_scope_t); } virtual string description() { return parent->description(); } virtual expr_t::ptr_op_t lookup(const symbol_t::kind_t kind, const string& name) { if (kind != symbol_t::FUNCTION) return NULL; if (name == "value") return MAKE_FUNCTOR(value_scope_t::get_value); return child_scope_t::lookup(kind, name); } }; } // namespace ledger #endif // _SCOPE_H