#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import re import os import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog='CheckComments') parser.add_argument('-v', '--debug', dest='debug', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-l', '--limit', dest='ok', type=float, default=100.0) parser.add_argument('path', nargs='+', help='Path to source file to check comments') args = parser.parse_args() errors = 0 for path in args.path: other_depth = 0 brace_depth = 0 code_count = 0 comment_count = 0 long_comment = None long_comments = {} kind = "function" function_name = "" ctor_dtor = False linenum = 0 print(f'checking {path}') fd = open(path, 'r') for line in fd.readlines(): linenum += 1 match = re.search('/\*\*(.*)', line) if match: long_comment = re.sub('\s+', '', match.group(1)) continue elif long_comment: match = re.search('(.*)\*/', line) if match: long_comment += re.sub('\s+', '', match.group(1)) comment_count = len(long_comment) long_comment = None else: long_comment += re.sub('\s+', '', line[:-1]) continue if brace_depth == 0: match = re.search('(namespace|enum|class|struct|union)', line) if match: kind = match.group(1) if args.debug: print("kind =", kind) elif kind == "function": match = re.search('(\S+)\(', line) if match: function_name = match.group(1) long_comments[function_name] = comment_count comment_count = 0 if args.debug: print("name found %s" % function_name) if re.search('{', line) and not re.search('@{', line): if kind == "function": brace_depth += 1 if args.debug: print("brace_depth =", brace_depth) else: other_depth += 1 kind = "function" if args.debug: print("other_depth =", other_depth) if re.search('}', line) and not re.search('@}', line): if brace_depth > 0: brace_depth -= 1 if args.debug: print("brace_depth =", brace_depth) if brace_depth == 0: if args.debug: print("function done") if function_name in long_comments: comment_count += long_comments[function_name] if code_count == 0: percent = args.ok print("%7s %4d/%4d %s:%d: %s" % \ ("empty", comment_count, code_count, os.path.basename(path), linenum, function_name)) errors += 1 else: percent = 100.0 * (float(comment_count) / float(code_count)) if percent < args.ok and not ctor_dtor: print("%6.0f%% %4d/%4d %s:%d: %s" % \ (percent, comment_count, code_count, os.path.basename(path), linenum, function_name)) errors += 1 code_count = 0 comment_count = 0 kind = "function" function_name = "" ctor_dtor = False else: other_depth -= 1 if args.debug: print("other_depth =", other_depth) if brace_depth > 0: if re.search("TRACE_[CD]TOR", line): ctor_dtor = True line = re.sub('\s+', '', line[:-1]) match = re.search('//(.*)', line) if match: comment = match.group(1) line = re.sub('//.*', '', line) else: comment = None if line: code_count += len(line) if comment: comment_count += len(comment) sys.exit(errors)