#!/usr/bin/env python3 import re import os import sys import shlex import argparse import subprocess from os.path import * from subprocess import Popen, PIPE class CheckOptions (object): def __init__(self, args): self.option_pattern = None self.source_file = None self.sep = "\n --" self.ledger = os.path.realpath(args.ledger) self.source = os.path.realpath(args.source) self.missing_options = set() self.unknown_options = set() self.missing_functions = set() self.unknown_functions = set() def find_pattern(self, filename, pattern): regex = re.compile(pattern) return {match.group(1) for match in {regex.match(line) for line in open(filename)} if match} def find_options(self, filename): return self.find_pattern(filename, self.option_pattern) def find_functions(self, filename): return self.find_pattern(filename, self.function_pattern) def find_alternates(self): command = shlex.split('grep --no-filename OPT_ALT') for source_file in ['session', 'report']: command.append(os.path.join(self.source, 'src', '%s.cc' % source_file)) try: output = subprocess.check_output(command, universal_newlines=True).split('\n') except subprocess.CalledProcessError: output = '' regex = re.compile(r'OPT_ALT\([^,]*,\s*([^)]+?)_?\)'); alternates = {match.group(1).replace('_', '-') for match in {regex.search(line) for line in output} if match} return alternates def ledger_options(self): pipe = Popen('%s --debug option.names parse true' % self.ledger, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) regex = re.compile('\[DEBUG\]\s+Option:\s+(.*?)_?$') ledger_options = {match.group(1).replace('_', '-') for match in {regex.search(line.decode()) for line in pipe.stderr.readlines()} if match} return ledger_options def ledger_functions(self): command = shlex.split('grep --no-filename fn_ %s' % (os.path.join(self.source, 'src', 'report.h'))) try: output = subprocess.check_output(command, universal_newlines=True).split('\n'); except subprocess.CalledProcessError: output = '' regex = re.compile(r'fn_([^(]+)\('); functions = {match.group(1) for match in {regex.search(line) for line in output} if match} return functions def main(self): options = self.find_options(self.source_file) for option in self.ledger_options(): if option not in options: self.missing_options.add(option) else: options.remove(option) known_alternates = self.find_alternates() self.unknown_options = options - known_alternates self.missing_options -= { # The option --explicit is a no-op as of March 2020 and is # therefore intentionally undocumented. # For details see commit 43b07fbab3b4c144eca4a771524e59c531ffa074 'explicit' } functions = self.find_functions(self.source_file) for function in self.ledger_functions(): if function not in functions: self.missing_functions.add(function) else: functions.remove(function) known_functions = {'tag', 'has_tag', 'meta', 'has_meta'} self.unknown_functions = functions - known_functions if len(self.missing_options): print("Missing %s option entries for:%s%s\n" % (self.source_type, self.sep, self.sep.join(sorted(list(self.missing_options))))) if len(self.unknown_options): print("%s entry for unknown options:%s%s\n" % (self.source_type, self.sep, self.sep.join(sorted(list(self.unknown_options))))) if len(self.missing_functions): print("Missing %s function entries for:%s%s\n" % (self.source_type, '\n ', '\n '.join(sorted(list(self.missing_functions))))) if len(self.unknown_functions): print("%s entry for unknown functions:%s%s\n" % (self.source_type, '\n ', '\n '.join(sorted(list(self.unknown_functions))))) errors = len(self.missing_options) + len(self.unknown_options) + len(self.missing_functions) + len(self.unknown_functions) return errors