#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import re import sys import hashlib import argparse import subprocess from difflib import unified_diff class DocTests: def __init__(self, args): scriptpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) self.ledger = os.path.abspath(args.ledger) self.sourcepath = os.path.abspath(args.file) self.verbose = args.verbose self.examples = dict() self.test_files = list() self.testin_token = 'command' self.testout_token = 'output' self.testdat_token = 'input' self.validate_token = 'validate' self.testwithdat_token = 'with_input' def read_example(self): endexample = re.compile(r'^@end\s+smallexample\s*$') example = str() while True: line = self.file.readline() self.current_line += 1 if len(line) <= 0 or endexample.match(line): break example += line.replace("@@","@").replace("@{","{").replace("@}","}") return example def test_id(self, example): return hashlib.sha1(example.rstrip()).hexdigest()[0:7].upper() def find_examples(self): startexample = re.compile(r'^@smallexample\s+@c\s+(%s|%s|%s)(?::([\dA-Fa-f]+|validate))?(?:,(.*))?' % (self.testin_token, self.testout_token, self.testdat_token)) while True: line = self.file.readline() self.current_line += 1 if len(line) <= 0: break startmatch = startexample.match(line) if (startmatch): test_begin_pos = self.file.tell() test_begin_line = self.current_line test_kind = startmatch.group(1) test_id = startmatch.group(2) test_options = dict() for pair in re.split(r',\s*', str(startmatch.group(3))): kv = re.split(r':\s*', pair, 2) try: test_options[kv[0]] = kv[1] except IndexError: pass example = self.read_example() test_end_pos = self.file.tell() test_end_line = self.current_line if not test_id: print >> sys.stderr, 'Example', test_kind, 'in line', test_begin_line, 'is missing id.' test_id = self.test_id(example) if test_kind == self.testin_token: print >> sys.stderr, 'Use', self.test_id(example) elif test_kind == self.testin_token and test_id != self.validate_token and test_id != self.test_id(example): print >> sys.stderr, 'Expected test id', test_id, 'for example' \ , test_kind, 'on line', test_begin_line, 'to be', self.test_id(example) if test_id == self.validate_token: test_id = "Val-" + str(test_begin_line) if test_kind == self.testin_token: test_kind = "validate-command" elif test_kind == self.testdat_token: test_kind = "validate-data" try: self.examples[test_id] except KeyError: self.examples[test_id] = dict() try: example = self.examples[test_id][test_kind][test_kind] + example except KeyError: pass self.examples[test_id][test_kind] = { 'bpos': test_begin_pos, 'epos': test_end_pos, 'blin': test_begin_line, 'elin': test_end_line, 'opts': test_options, test_kind: example, } def parse_command(self, test_id, example): validate_command = False try: command = example[self.testin_token][self.testin_token] except KeyError: if 'validate-data' in example: command = '$ ledger bal' elif 'validate-command' in example: validate_command = True command = example['validate-command']['validate-command'] else: return None command = command.rstrip().split() if command[0] == '$': command.remove('$') index = command.index('ledger') command[index] = self.ledger command.insert(index+1, '--init-file') command.insert(index+2, '/dev/null') try: findex = command.index('-f') except ValueError: try: findex = command.index('--file') except ValueError: findex = index+1 command.insert(findex, '--file') if validate_command: command.insert(findex+1, 'sample.dat') else: command.insert(findex+1, test_id + '.dat') return (command, findex+1) def test_examples(self): failed = set() for test_id in self.examples: validation = False if "validate-data" in self.examples[test_id] or "validate-command" in self.examples[test_id]: validation = True example = self.examples[test_id] try: (command, findex) = self.parse_command(test_id, example) except TypeError: failed.add(test_id) continue try: output = example[self.testout_token][self.testout_token] except KeyError: output = None try: input = example[self.testdat_token][self.testdat_token] except KeyError: try: with_input = example[self.testin_token]['opts'][self.testwithdat_token] input = self.examples[with_input][self.testdat_token][self.testdat_token] except KeyError: try: input = example['validate-data']['validate-data'] except KeyError: input = None if command and (output or validation): test_file_created = False if findex: scriptpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) test_input_dir = scriptpath + '/../test/input/' test_file = command[findex] if not os.path.exists(test_file): if input: test_file_created = True with open(test_file, 'w') as f: f.write(input) elif os.path.exists(test_input_dir + test_file): command[findex] = test_input_dir + test_file error = False try: verify = subprocess.check_output(command) except: verify = str() error = True valid = (output == verify) or (not error and validation) if valid and test_file_created: os.remove(test_file) if self.verbose > 0: print test_id, ':', 'Passed' if valid else 'FAILED' else: sys.stdout.write('.' if valid else 'E') if not valid: failed.add(test_id) if self.verbose > 1: print ' '.join(command) if not validation: for line in unified_diff(output.split('\n'), verify.split('\n'), fromfile='generated', tofile='expected'): print(line) print if not self.verbose: print if len(failed) > 0: print "\nThe following examples failed:" print " ", "\n ".join(failed) return len(failed) def main(self): self.file = open(self.sourcepath) self.current_line = 0 self.find_examples() failed_examples = self.test_examples() self.file.close() return failed_examples if __name__ == "__main__": def getargs(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='DocTests', prefix_chars='-') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='count', help='be verbose. Add -vv for more verbosity') parser.add_argument('-l', '--ledger', dest='ledger', type=str, action='store', required=True, help='the path to the ledger executable to test with') parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', dest='file', type=str, action='store', required=True, help='the texinfo documentation file to run the examples from') return parser.parse_args() args = getargs() script = DocTests(args) status = script.main() sys.exit(status)