;; A valuation function receives three arguments: ;; ;; 'source' A string identifying the commodity whose price ;; is being asked for (example: "EUR") ;; ;; 'date' The reference date the price should be relative. ;; ;; 'target' A string identifying the "target" commodity, or ;; the commodity the returned price should be in. ;; This argument is null if -V was used instead of -X. ;; ;; The valuation function should return an amount. If you've written your ;; function in Python, you can return something like Amount("$100"). If the ;; function returns an explicit value, that value is always used, regardless ;; of the commodity, the date, or the desired target commodity. define myfunc_seven(s, d, t) = 7 EUR ;; In order to specific a fixed price, but still valuate that price into the ;; target commodity, use something like this: define myfunc_five(s, d, t) = market(5 EUR, d, t) ;; The 'value' directive sets the valuation used for all commodities used in ;; the rest of the daat stream. This is the fallback, if nothing more ;; specific is found. value myfunc_seven ;; You can set a specific valuation function on a per-commodity basis. ;; Instead of defining a function, you can also pass a lambda. commodity $ value s, d, t -> 6 EUR ;; Each account can also provide a default valuation function for any ;; commodities transferred to that account. account Expenses:Food5 value myfunc_five ;; The metadata field "Value", if found, overrides the valuation function on a ;; transaction-wide or per-posting basis. = @XACT and Food ; Value:: 8 EUR (Equity) $1 = @POST and Dining (Expenses:Food9) $1 ; Value:: 9 EUR ;; Lastly, you can specify the valuation function/value for any specific ;; amount using the (( )) commodity annotation. 2012-03-02 KFC Expenses:Food2 $1 ((2 EUR)) Assets:Cash2 2012-03-03 KFC Expenses:Food3 $1 ; Value:: 3 EUR Assets:Cash3 2012-03-04 KFC ; Value:: 4 EUR Expenses:Food4 $1 Assets:Cash4 2012-03-05 KFC Expenses:Food5 $1 Assets:Cash5 2012-03-06 KFC Expenses:Food6 $1 Assets:Cash6 2012-03-07 KFC Expenses:Food7 1 CAD Assets:Cas7 2012-03-08 XACT Expenses:Food8 $1 Assets:Cash8 2012-03-09 POST Expenses:Dining9 $1 Assets:Cash9 test reg -V food 12-Mar-02 KFC Expenses:Food2 2 EUR 2 EUR 12-Mar-03 KFC <Adjustment> -1 EUR 1 EUR Expenses:Food3 3 EUR 4 EUR 12-Mar-04 KFC <Adjustment> -2 EUR 2 EUR Expenses:Food4 4 EUR 6 EUR 12-Mar-05 KFC <Adjustment> -3 EUR 3 EUR Expenses:Food5 5 EUR 8 EUR 12-Mar-06 KFC <Adjustment> -4 EUR 4 EUR Expenses:Food6 6 EUR 10 EUR 12-Mar-07 KFC Expenses:Food7 7 EUR 17 EUR 12-Mar-08 XACT Expenses:Food8 8 EUR 25 EUR 12-Mar-09 POST (Expenses:Food9) 9 EUR 34 EUR end test