2007/02/02 RD VMMXX
    Assets:Investments:Vanguard:VMMXX  0.350 VMMXX @ $1.00
    Income:Dividends:Vanguard:VMMXX        $-0.35

; Using values with two or more digits as the argument to the --trace option
; resulted in a segmentation fault.
; Since ledger prints debugging information to stderr when the --trace option
; was given and that debugging information contains timing information, e.g. [1ms]
; which is likely to differ on each test run, this test only checks that ledger
; does not crash when the --trace options was specified.
test reg --trace 10 2>/dev/null
07-Feb-02 RD VMMXX              As:Inves:Vanguar:VMMXX  0.350 VMMXX  0.350 VMMXX
                                In:Divid:Vanguar:VMMXX       $-0.35       $-0.35
                                                                     0.350 VMMXX
end test