test -f src/amount.h reg -> 20 __ERROR__ While parsing file "$sourcepath/src/amount.h", line 2: Error: Unexpected whitespace at beginning of line While parsing file "$sourcepath/src/amount.h", line 33: Error: Unexpected whitespace at beginning of line While parsing file "$sourcepath/src/amount.h", line 37: Error: Unexpected whitespace at beginning of line While parsing file "$sourcepath/src/amount.h", line 66: Error: No quantity specified for amount While parsing file "$sourcepath/src/amount.h", line 69: Error: Unexpected whitespace at beginning of line While parsing file "$sourcepath/src/amount.h", line 83: Error: Unexpected whitespace at beginning of line While parsing file "$sourcepath/src/amount.h", line 93: Error: Unexpected whitespace at beginning of line While parsing file "$sourcepath/src/amount.h", line 99: Error: Unexpected whitespace at beginning of line While parsing file "$sourcepath/src/amount.h", line 121: Error: Unexpected whitespace at beginning of line While parsing file "$sourcepath/src/amount.h", line 132: Error: Unexpected whitespace at beginning of line While parsing file "$sourcepath/src/amount.h", line 718: Error: Unexpected whitespace at beginning of line While parsing file "$sourcepath/src/amount.h", line 748: Error: Unexpected whitespace at beginning of line While parsing file "$sourcepath/src/amount.h", line 756: Error: Unexpected whitespace at beginning of line While parsing file "$sourcepath/src/amount.h", line 759: Error: Invalid date/time: line amount_t amoun While parsing file "$sourcepath/src/amount.h", line 765: Error: Invalid date/time: line string amount_ While parsing file "$sourcepath/src/amount.h", line 771: Error: Invalid date/time: line string amount_ While parsing file "$sourcepath/src/amount.h", line 777: Error: Invalid date/time: line string amount_ While parsing file "$sourcepath/src/amount.h", line 783: Error: Invalid date/time: line std::ostream& While parsing file "$sourcepath/src/amount.h", line 790: Error: Invalid date/time: line std::istream& While parsing file "$sourcepath/src/amount.h", line 796: Error: Unexpected whitespace at beginning of line end test