2011/08/05 Rehab Donation Asset:Bank:Boi:Current:Dk 10 Expense:Misc:Charity 2011/08/07 Net Salary Asset:Bank:Boi:Savings:Dk -3016.24 Income:NetSalary:Dk 2011/08/30 Net Salary Asset:Bank:Boi:Savings:Dk -3016.24 Income:NetSalary:Dk test reg -> 3 __ERROR__ While parsing file "$sourcepath/test/regress/8EAF77C0.test", line 5: Error: Unexpected whitespace at beginning of line While parsing file "$sourcepath/test/regress/8EAF77C0.test", line 6: Error: Unexpected whitespace at beginning of line While parsing file "$sourcepath/test/regress/8EAF77C0.test", line 7: Error: Unexpected whitespace at beginning of line end test