; Test that calling total does not affect future calls to that function via a ; stale cache entry for the totalled account, because of a change to an ; descendant (Assets:Current:Unallocated) of that account (Assets:Current) 2017-10-01 * Opening entry Assets:Current:Unallocated $2000.00 Equity:Opening Balances 2017-10-02 * Initial savings Assets:Current:Savings $1000.00 Assets:Current:Unallocated assert account("Assets:Current").total == $2000.00 2017-10-03 * Balance Assets:Current:Unallocated $1.00 Equity:Adjustments assert account("Assets:Current").total == $2001.00 test bal $2001.00 Assets:Current $1000.00 Savings $1001.00 Unallocated $-2001.00 Equity $-1.00 Adjustments $-2000.00 Opening Balances -------------------- 0 end test