#ifdef USE_PCH #include "pch.h" #else #include "textual.h" #include "session.h" #include "util.h" #include "acconf.h" #if defined(__GNUG__) && __GNUG__ < 3 #define _XOPEN_SOURCE #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif #define TIMELOG_SUPPORT 1 namespace ledger { #define MAX_LINE 1024 static std::string path; static unsigned int linenum; static unsigned int src_idx; static accounts_map account_aliases; static std::list > include_stack; #ifdef TIMELOG_SUPPORT struct time_entry_t { datetime_t checkin; account_t * account; std::string desc; }; std::list time_entries; #endif inline char * next_element(char * buf, bool variable = false) { for (char * p = buf; *p; p++) { if (! (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t')) continue; if (! variable) { *p = '\0'; return skip_ws(p + 1); } else if (*p == '\t') { *p = '\0'; return skip_ws(p + 1); } else if (*(p + 1) == ' ') { *p = '\0'; return skip_ws(p + 2); } } return NULL; } static inline void parse_amount_expr(std::istream& in, journal_t * journal, transaction_t& xact, amount_t& amount, unsigned short flags = 0) { xml::xpath_t xpath(in, flags | XPATH_PARSE_RELAXED | XPATH_PARSE_PARTIAL); DEBUG_PRINT("ledger.textual.parse", "line " << linenum << ": " << "Parsed an amount expression"); #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED DEBUG_IF("ledger.textual.parse") { if (_debug_stream) { xpath.dump(*_debug_stream); *_debug_stream << std::endl; } } #endif amount = xpath.calc(static_cast(xact.data)).to_amount(); DEBUG_PRINT("ledger.textual.parse", "line " << linenum << ": " << "The transaction amount is " << amount); } transaction_t * parse_transaction(char * line, journal_t * journal, account_t * account, entry_t * entry = NULL) { // The account will be determined later... std::auto_ptr xact(new transaction_t(NULL)); std::istringstream in(line); std::string err_desc; try { xact->entry = entry; // this might be NULL if (xact->entry) xact->data = xml::wrap_node(journal->document, xact.get(), xact->entry->data); // Parse the state flag char p = peek_next_nonws(in); switch (p) { case '*': xact->state = transaction_t::CLEARED; in.get(p); p = peek_next_nonws(in); DEBUG_PRINT("ledger.textual.parse", "line " << linenum << ": " << "Parsed the CLEARED flag"); break; case '!': xact->state = transaction_t::PENDING; in.get(p); p = peek_next_nonws(in); DEBUG_PRINT("ledger.textual.parse", "line " << linenum << ": " << "Parsed the PENDING flag"); break; } // Parse the account name unsigned long account_beg = in.tellg(); unsigned long account_end = account_beg; while (! in.eof()) { in.get(p); if (in.eof() || (std::isspace(p) && (p == '\t' || std::isspace(in.peek())))) break; account_end++; } if (account_beg == account_end) throw new parse_error("No account was specified"); char * b = &line[account_beg]; char * e = &line[account_end]; if ((*b == '[' && *(e - 1) == ']') || (*b == '(' && *(e - 1) == ')')) { xact->flags |= TRANSACTION_VIRTUAL; DEBUG_PRINT("ledger.textual.parse", "line " << linenum << ": " << "Parsed a virtual account name"); if (*b == '[') { xact->flags |= TRANSACTION_BALANCE; DEBUG_PRINT("ledger.textual.parse", "line " << linenum << ": " << "Parsed a balanced virtual account name"); } b++; e--; } std::string name(b, e - b); DEBUG_PRINT("ledger.textual.parse", "line " << linenum << ": " << "Parsed account name " << name); if (account_aliases.size() > 0) { accounts_map::const_iterator i = account_aliases.find(name); if (i != account_aliases.end()) xact->account = (*i).second; } if (! xact->account) xact->account = account->find_account(name); // Parse the optional amount if (in.good() && ! in.eof()) { p = peek_next_nonws(in); if (in.eof()) goto finished; if (p == ';') goto parse_note; try { // jww (2006-09-15): Make sure it doesn't gobble up the upcoming @ symbol unsigned long beg = (long)in.tellg(); parse_amount_expr(in, journal, *xact, xact->amount, XPATH_PARSE_NO_REDUCE); unsigned long end = (long)in.tellg(); xact->amount_expr = std::string(line, beg, end - beg); } catch (error * err) { err_desc = "While parsing transaction amount:"; throw err; } } // Parse the optional cost (@ PER-UNIT-COST, @@ TOTAL-COST) if (in.good() && ! in.eof()) { p = peek_next_nonws(in); if (p == '@') { DEBUG_PRINT("ledger.textual.parse", "line " << linenum << ": " << "Found a price indicator"); bool per_unit = true; in.get(p); if (in.peek() == '@') { in.get(p); per_unit = false; DEBUG_PRINT("ledger.textual.parse", "line " << linenum << ": " << "And it's for a total price"); } if (in.good() && ! in.eof()) { xact->cost = new amount_t; try { unsigned long beg = (long)in.tellg(); parse_amount_expr(in, journal, *xact, *xact->cost, XPATH_PARSE_NO_MIGRATE); unsigned long end = (long)in.tellg(); if (per_unit) xact->cost_expr = (std::string("@") + std::string(line, beg, end - beg)); else xact->cost_expr = (std::string("@@") + std::string(line, beg, end - beg)); } catch (error * err) { err_desc = "While parsing transaction cost:"; throw err; } if (*xact->cost < 0) throw new parse_error("A transaction's cost may not be negative"); amount_t per_unit_cost(*xact->cost); if (per_unit) *xact->cost *= xact->amount; else per_unit_cost /= xact->amount; if (xact->amount.commodity() && ! xact->amount.commodity().annotated) xact->amount.annotate_commodity(per_unit_cost, xact->entry->actual_date(), xact->entry->code); DEBUG_PRINT("ledger.textual.parse", "line " << linenum << ": " << "Total cost is " << *xact->cost); DEBUG_PRINT("ledger.textual.parse", "line " << linenum << ": " << "Per-unit cost is " << per_unit_cost); DEBUG_PRINT("ledger.textual.parse", "line " << linenum << ": " << "Annotated amount is " << xact->amount); } } } xact->amount.reduce(); DEBUG_PRINT("ledger.textual.parse", "line " << linenum << ": " << "Reduced amount is " << xact->amount); // Parse the optional note parse_note: if (in.good() && ! in.eof()) { p = peek_next_nonws(in); if (p == ';') { in.get(p); p = peek_next_nonws(in); xact->note = &line[in.tellg()]; DEBUG_PRINT("ledger.textual.parse", "line " << linenum << ": " << "Parsed a note '" << xact->note << "'"); if (char * b = std::strchr(xact->note.c_str(), '[')) if (char * e = std::strchr(xact->note.c_str(), ']')) { char buf[256]; std::strncpy(buf, b + 1, e - b - 1); buf[e - b - 1] = '\0'; DEBUG_PRINT("ledger.textual.parse", "line " << linenum << ": " << "Parsed a transaction date " << buf); if (char * p = std::strchr(buf, '=')) { *p++ = '\0'; xact->_date_eff = p; } if (buf[0]) xact->_date = buf; } } } finished: return xact.release(); } catch (error * err) { err->context.push_back (new line_context(line, (long)in.tellg() - 1, ! err_desc.empty() ? err_desc : "While parsing transaction:")); throw err; } } bool parse_transactions(std::istream& in, journal_t * journal, account_t * account, entry_base_t& entry, const std::string& kind, unsigned long beg_pos) { static char line[MAX_LINE + 1]; bool added = false; while (! in.eof() && (in.peek() == ' ' || in.peek() == '\t')) { in.getline(line, MAX_LINE); if (in.eof()) break; beg_pos += std::strlen(line) + 1; linenum++; if (line[0] == ' ' || line[0] == '\t' || line[0] == '\r') { char * p = skip_ws(line); if (! *p || *p == '\r') break; } if (transaction_t * xact = parse_transaction(line, journal, account)) { entry.add_transaction(xact); added = true; } } return added; } namespace { TIMER_DEF(parsing_total, "total parsing time"); TIMER_DEF(entry_xacts, "parsing transactions"); TIMER_DEF(entry_details, "parsing entry details"); TIMER_DEF(entry_date, "parsing entry date"); } entry_t * parse_entry(std::istream& in, char * line, journal_t * journal, account_t * master, textual_parser_t& parser, unsigned long beg_pos) { std::auto_ptr curr(new entry_t); std::istringstream line_in(line); char c; // Parse the date TIMER_START(entry_date); curr->_date.parse(line_in); if (peek_next_nonws(line_in) == '=') { line_in.get(c); curr->_date_eff.parse(line_in); } TIMER_STOP(entry_date); // Parse the optional cleared flag: * TIMER_START(entry_details); transaction_t::state_t state = transaction_t::UNCLEARED; switch (peek_next_nonws(line_in)) { case '*': state = transaction_t::CLEARED; line_in.get(c); break; case '!': state = transaction_t::PENDING; line_in.get(c); break; } // Parse the optional code: (TEXT) char buf[256]; if (peek_next_nonws(line_in) == '(') { line_in.get(c); READ_INTO(line_in, buf, 255, c, c != ')'); curr->code = buf; if (c == ')') line_in.get(c); peek_next_nonws(line_in); } // Parse the payee/description text std::memset(buf, 0, 255); line_in.read(buf, 255); curr->payee = buf[0] != '\0' ? buf : ""; TIMER_STOP(entry_details); // Create a report item for this entry, so the transaction below may // refer to it curr->data = xml::wrap_node(journal->document, curr.get(), journal->data); // Parse all of the transactions associated with this entry TIMER_START(entry_xacts); unsigned long end_pos; unsigned long beg_line = linenum; while (! in.eof() && (in.peek() == ' ' || in.peek() == '\t')) { line[0] = '\0'; in.getline(line, MAX_LINE); if (in.eof() && line[0] == '\0') break; end_pos = beg_pos + std::strlen(line) + 1; linenum++; if (line[0] == ' ' || line[0] == '\t' || line[0] == '\r') { char * p = skip_ws(line); if (! *p || *p == '\r') break; } if (transaction_t * xact = parse_transaction(line, journal, master, curr.get())) { if (state != transaction_t::UNCLEARED && xact->state == transaction_t::UNCLEARED) xact->state = state; xact->beg_pos = beg_pos; xact->beg_line = beg_line; xact->end_pos = end_pos; xact->end_line = linenum; beg_pos = end_pos; curr->add_transaction(xact); } if (in.eof()) break; } TIMER_STOP(entry_xacts); return curr.release(); } template struct push_var { T& var; T prev; push_var(T& _var) : var(_var), prev(var) {} ~push_var() { var = prev; } }; static inline void parse_symbol(char *& p, std::string& symbol) { if (*p == '"') { char * q = std::strchr(p + 1, '"'); if (! q) throw new parse_error("Quoted commodity symbol lacks closing quote"); symbol = std::string(p + 1, 0, q - p - 1); p = q + 2; } else { char * q = next_element(p); symbol = p; if (q) p = q; else p += symbol.length(); } if (symbol.empty()) throw new parse_error("Failed to parse commodity"); } bool textual_parser_t::test(std::istream& in) const { char buf[5]; in.read(buf, 5); if (std::strncmp(buf, "::iterator i = time_entries.begin(); i != time_entries.end(); i++) if (account == (*i).account) { event = *i; found = true; time_entries.erase(i); break; } if (! found) throw new parse_error ("Timelog check-out event does not match any current check-ins"); } if (desc && event.desc.empty()) { event.desc = desc; desc = NULL; } std::auto_ptr curr(new entry_t); curr->_date = when; curr->code = desc ? desc : ""; curr->payee = event.desc; if (curr->_date < event.checkin) throw new parse_error ("Timelog check-out date less than corresponding check-in"); char buf[32]; std::sprintf(buf, "%lds", curr->_date - event.checkin); amount_t amt; amt.parse(buf); transaction_t * xact = new transaction_t(event.account, amt, TRANSACTION_VIRTUAL); xact->state = transaction_t::CLEARED; curr->add_transaction(xact); if (! journal->add_entry(curr.get())) throw new parse_error("Failed to record 'out' timelog entry"); else curr.release(); } unsigned int textual_parser_t::parse(std::istream& in, journal_t * journal, account_t * master, const std::string * original_file) { static bool added_auto_entry_hook = false; static char line[MAX_LINE + 1]; char c; unsigned int count = 0; unsigned int errors = 0; TIMER_START(parsing_total); std::list account_stack; auto_entry_finalizer_t auto_entry_finalizer(journal); if (! master && journal) master = journal->master; account_stack.push_front(master); path = journal ? journal->sources.back() : *original_file; src_idx = journal ? journal->sources.size() - 1 : 0; linenum = 1; unsigned long beg_pos = in.tellg(); unsigned long end_pos; unsigned long beg_line = linenum; while (in.good() && ! in.eof()) { try { in.getline(line, MAX_LINE); if (in.eof()) break; end_pos = beg_pos + std::strlen(line) + 1; linenum++; switch (line[0]) { case '\0': case '\r': break; case ' ': case '\t': { char * p = skip_ws(line); if (*p && *p != '\r') throw new parse_error("Line begins with whitespace"); break; } #ifdef TIMELOG_SUPPORT case 'i': case 'I': { std::string date(line, 2, 19); char * p = skip_ws(line + 22); char * n = next_element(p, true); time_entry_t event; event.desc = n ? n : ""; event.checkin = date; event.account = account_stack.front()->find_account(p); if (! time_entries.empty()) for (std::list::iterator i = time_entries.begin(); i != time_entries.end(); i++) if (event.account == (*i).account) throw new parse_error ("Cannot double check-in to the same account"); time_entries.push_back(event); break; } case 'o': case 'O': if (time_entries.empty()) { throw new parse_error("Timelog check-out event without a check-in"); } else { std::string date(line, 2, 19); char * p = skip_ws(line + 22); char * n = next_element(p, true); clock_out_from_timelog (date, p ? account_stack.front()->find_account(p) : NULL, n, journal); count++; } break; #endif // TIMELOG_SUPPORT case 'D': { // a default commodity for "entry" amount_t amt(skip_ws(line + 1)); commodity_t::default_commodity = &amt.commodity(); break; } case 'A': // a default account for unbalanced xacts journal->basket = account_stack.front()->find_account(skip_ws(line + 1)); break; case 'C': // a set of conversions if (char * p = std::strchr(line + 1, '=')) { *p++ = '\0'; parse_conversion(line + 1, p); } break; case 'P': { // a pricing entry char * date_field_ptr = skip_ws(line + 1); char * time_field_ptr = next_element(date_field_ptr); if (! time_field_ptr) break; std::string date_field = date_field_ptr; char * symbol_and_price; datetime_t datetime; if (std::isdigit(time_field_ptr[0])) { symbol_and_price = next_element(time_field_ptr); if (! symbol_and_price) break; datetime = date_field + " " + time_field_ptr; } else { symbol_and_price = time_field_ptr; datetime = date_t(date_field); } std::string symbol; parse_symbol(symbol_and_price, symbol); amount_t price(symbol_and_price); if (commodity_t * commodity = commodity_t::find_or_create(symbol)) commodity->add_price(datetime, price); break; } case 'N': { // don't download prices char * p = skip_ws(line + 1); std::string symbol; parse_symbol(p, symbol); if (commodity_t * commodity = commodity_t::find_or_create(symbol)) commodity->add_flags(COMMODITY_STYLE_NOMARKET); break; } case 'Y': // set current year date_t::current_year = std::atoi(skip_ws(line + 1)) - 1900; break; #ifdef TIMELOG_SUPPORT case 'h': case 'b': #endif case ';': // comment break; case '-': // option setting throw new parse_error("Option settings are not allowed in journal files"); case '=': { // automated entry if (! added_auto_entry_hook) { journal->add_entry_finalizer(&auto_entry_finalizer); added_auto_entry_hook = true; } auto_entry_t * ae = new auto_entry_t(skip_ws(line + 1)); if (parse_transactions(in, journal, account_stack.front(), *ae, "automated", end_pos)) { journal->auto_entries.push_back(ae); ae->src_idx = src_idx; ae->beg_pos = beg_pos; ae->beg_line = beg_line; ae->end_pos = end_pos; ae->end_line = linenum; } break; } case '~': { // period entry period_entry_t * pe = new period_entry_t(skip_ws(line + 1)); if (! pe->period) throw new parse_error(std::string("Parsing time period '") + line + "'"); if (parse_transactions(in, journal, account_stack.front(), *pe, "period", end_pos)) { if (pe->finalize()) { extend_entry_base(journal, *pe, true); journal->period_entries.push_back(pe); pe->src_idx = src_idx; pe->beg_pos = beg_pos; pe->beg_line = beg_line; pe->end_pos = end_pos; pe->end_line = linenum; } else { throw new parse_error("Period entry failed to balance"); } } break; } case '@': case '!': { // directive char * p = next_element(line); std::string word(line + 1); if (word == "include") { push_var save_path(path); push_var save_src_idx(src_idx); push_var save_beg_pos(beg_pos); push_var save_end_pos(end_pos); push_var save_linenum(linenum); path = p; if (path[0] != '/' && path[0] != '\\' && path[0] != '~') { std::string::size_type pos = save_path.prev.rfind('/'); if (pos == std::string::npos) pos = save_path.prev.rfind('\\'); if (pos != std::string::npos) path = std::string(save_path.prev, 0, pos + 1) + path; } path = resolve_path(path); DEBUG_PRINT("ledger.textual.include", "line " << linenum << ": " << "Including path '" << path << "'"); include_stack.push_back(std::pair (journal->sources.back(), linenum - 1)); count += journal->session->read_journal(path, journal, account_stack.front()); include_stack.pop_back(); } else if (word == "account") { account_t * acct; acct = account_stack.front()->find_account(p); account_stack.push_front(acct); } else if (word == "end") { account_stack.pop_front(); } else if (word == "alias") { char * b = p; if (char * e = std::strchr(b, '=')) { char * z = e - 1; while (std::isspace(*z)) *z-- = '\0'; *e++ = '\0'; e = skip_ws(e); // Once we have an alias name (b) and the target account // name (e), add a reference to the account in the // `account_aliases' map, which is used by the transaction // parser to resolve alias references. account_t * acct = account_stack.front()->find_account(e); std::pair result = account_aliases.insert(accounts_pair(b, acct)); assert(result.second); } } else if (word == "def" || word == "eval") { // jww (2006-09-13): Read the string after and evaluate it. // But also keep a list of these value expressions, and a // way to know where they fall in the transaction sequence. // This will be necessary so that binary file reading can // re-evaluate them at the appopriate time. // compile(&journal->defs); } break; } default: { unsigned int first_line = linenum; unsigned long pos = end_pos; if (entry_t * entry = parse_entry(in, line, journal, account_stack.front(), *this, pos)) { if (journal->add_entry(entry)) { entry->src_idx = src_idx; entry->beg_pos = beg_pos; entry->beg_line = beg_line; entry->end_pos = end_pos; entry->end_line = linenum; count++; } else { delete entry; throw new parse_error("Entry does not balance"); } } else { throw new parse_error("Failed to parse entry"); } end_pos = pos; break; } } } catch (error * err) { for (std::list >::reverse_iterator i = include_stack.rbegin(); i != include_stack.rend(); i++) err->context.push_back(new include_context((*i).first, (*i).second, "In file included from")); err->context.push_front(new file_context(path, linenum - 1)); std::cout.flush(); if (errors > 0 && err->context.size() > 1) std::cerr << std::endl; err->reveal_context(std::cerr, "Error"); std::cerr << err->what() << std::endl; delete err; errors++; } beg_pos = end_pos; } done: if (! time_entries.empty()) { for (std::list::iterator i = time_entries.begin(); i != time_entries.end(); i++) clock_out_from_timelog(datetime_t::now, (*i).account, NULL, journal); time_entries.clear(); } if (added_auto_entry_hook) journal->remove_entry_finalizer(&auto_entry_finalizer); if (errors > 0) throw (int)errors; TIMER_STOP(parsing_total); return count; } } // namespace ledger