/* * Copyright (c) 2003-2008, John Wiegley. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * - Neither the name of New Artisans LLC nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef _VALEXPR_H #define _VALEXPR_H #include "value.h" #include "utils.h" #include "mask.h" namespace ledger { class entry_t; class transaction_t; class account_t; namespace expr { DECLARE_EXCEPTION(error, compile_error); DECLARE_EXCEPTION(error, calc_error); #if 0 struct context_t { const entry_t * entry() { return NULL; } const transaction_t * xact() { return NULL; } const account_t * account() { return NULL; } }; struct entry_context_t : public context_t { const entry_t * entry_; const entry_t * entry() { return entry_; } }; struct xact_context_t : public context_t { const transaction_t * xact_; const entry_t * entry() { return xact_->entry; } const transaction_t * xact() { return xact_; } const account_t * account() { return xact_->account; } }; struct account_context_t : public context_t { const account_t * account_; const account_t * account() { return account_; } }; #endif struct details_t { const entry_t * entry; const transaction_t * xact; const account_t * account; details_t() : entry(NULL), xact(NULL), account(NULL) { TRACE_CTOR(details_t, ""); } details_t(const details_t& other) : entry(other.entry), xact(other.xact), account(other.account) { TRACE_CTOR(details_t, "copy"); } details_t(const entry_t& _entry) : entry(&_entry), xact(NULL), account(NULL) { TRACE_CTOR(details_t, "const entry_t&"); } details_t(const transaction_t& _xact); details_t(const account_t& _account) : entry(NULL), xact(NULL), account(&_account) { TRACE_CTOR(details_t, "const account_t&"); } ~details_t() throw() { TRACE_DTOR(details_t); } }; struct op_t; typedef intrusive_ptr ptr_op_t; class call_scope_t; typedef function function_t; #define MAKE_FUNCTOR(x) expr::op_t::wrap_functor(bind(&x, this, _1)) #define WRAP_FUNCTOR(x) expr::op_t::wrap_functor(x) class scope_t : public noncopyable { scope_t(); public: enum type_t { CHILD_SCOPE, SYMBOL_SCOPE, CALL_SCOPE, CONTEXT_SCOPE } type_; explicit scope_t(type_t _type) : type_(_type) { TRACE_CTOR(scope_t, "type_t"); } virtual ~scope_t() { TRACE_DTOR(scope_t); } const type_t type() const { return type_; } virtual void define(const string& name, ptr_op_t def) = 0; void define(const string& name, const value_t& val); virtual ptr_op_t lookup(const string& name) = 0; value_t resolve(const string& name); virtual optional find_scope(const type_t _type, bool skip_this = false) = 0; virtual optional find_first_scope(const type_t _type1, const type_t _type2, bool skip_this = false) = 0; template T& find_scope(bool skip_this = false) { assert(false); } template optional maybe_find_scope(bool skip_this = false) { assert(false); } }; class child_scope_t : public scope_t { scope_t * parent; child_scope_t(); public: explicit child_scope_t(type_t _type = CHILD_SCOPE) : scope_t(_type), parent(NULL) { TRACE_CTOR(child_scope_t, "type_t"); } explicit child_scope_t(scope_t& _parent, type_t _type = CHILD_SCOPE) : scope_t(_type), parent(&_parent) { TRACE_CTOR(child_scope_t, "scope_t&, type_t"); } virtual ~child_scope_t() { TRACE_DTOR(child_scope_t); } public: virtual void define(const string& name, ptr_op_t def) { if (parent) parent->define(name, def); } virtual ptr_op_t lookup(const string& name) { if (parent) return parent->lookup(name); return ptr_op_t(); } virtual optional find_scope(type_t _type, bool skip_this = false) { for (scope_t * ptr = (skip_this ? parent : this); ptr; ) { if (ptr->type() == _type) return *ptr; ptr = polymorphic_downcast(ptr)->parent; } return none; } virtual optional find_first_scope(const type_t _type1, const type_t _type2, bool skip_this = false) { for (scope_t * ptr = (skip_this ? parent : this); ptr; ) { if (ptr->type() == _type1 || ptr->type() == _type2) return *ptr; ptr = polymorphic_downcast(ptr)->parent; } return none; } }; class symbol_scope_t : public child_scope_t { typedef std::map symbol_map; symbol_map symbols; public: explicit symbol_scope_t() : child_scope_t(SYMBOL_SCOPE) { TRACE_CTOR(symbol_scope_t, ""); } explicit symbol_scope_t(scope_t& _parent) : child_scope_t(_parent, SYMBOL_SCOPE) { TRACE_CTOR(symbol_scope_t, "scope_t&"); } virtual ~symbol_scope_t() { TRACE_DTOR(symbol_scope_t); } virtual void define(const string& name, ptr_op_t def); void define(const string& name, const value_t& val) { scope_t::define(name, val); } virtual ptr_op_t lookup(const string& name); }; class call_scope_t : public child_scope_t { value_t args; call_scope_t(); public: explicit call_scope_t(scope_t& _parent) : child_scope_t(_parent, CALL_SCOPE) { TRACE_CTOR(call_scope_t, "scope_t&"); } virtual ~call_scope_t() { TRACE_DTOR(call_scope_t); } void set_args(const value_t& _args) { args = _args; } value_t& value() { return args; } value_t& operator[](const unsigned int index) { // jww (2008-07-21): exception here if it's out of bounds return args[index]; } const value_t& operator[](const unsigned int index) const { // jww (2008-07-21): exception here if it's out of bounds return args[index]; } void push_back(const value_t& val) { args.push_back(val); } void pop_back() { args.pop_back(); } const std::size_t size() const { return args.size(); } }; template class var_t : public noncopyable { T * value; var_t(); public: // jww (2008-07-21): Give a good exception here if we can't find "name" var_t(scope_t& scope, const string& name) : value(scope.resolve(name).template as_pointer()) { TRACE_CTOR(var_t, "scope_t&, const string&"); } var_t(call_scope_t& scope, const unsigned int idx) : value(scope[idx].template as_pointer()) { TRACE_CTOR(var_t, "call_scope_t&, const unsigned int"); } ~var_t() throw() { TRACE_DTOR(var_t); } T& operator *() { return *value; } T * operator->() { return value; } }; #if 0 class context_scope_t : public child_scope_t { public: value_t current_element; std::size_t element_index; std::size_t sequence_size; explicit context_scope_t(scope_t& _parent, const value_t& _element = NULL_VALUE, const std::size_t _element_index = 0, const std::size_t _sequence_size = 0) : child_scope_t(_parent, CONTEXT_SCOPE), current_element(_element), element_index(_element_index), sequence_size(_sequence_size) { TRACE_CTOR(expr::context_scope_t, "scope_t&, const value_t&, ..."); } virtual ~context_scope_t() { TRACE_DTOR(expr::context_scope_t); } const std::size_t index() const { return element_index; } const std::size_t size() const { return sequence_size; } value_t& value() { return current_element; } }; #endif class op_t : public noncopyable { op_t(); public: enum kind_t { // Constants VALUE, MASK, ARG_INDEX, CONSTANTS, // Item details AMOUNT, COST, PRICE, DATE, ACT_DATE, EFF_DATE, CLEARED, PENDING, REAL, ACTUAL, INDEX, DEPTH, // Item totals COUNT, TOTAL, COST_TOTAL, PRICE_TOTAL, // Relating to format_t VALUE_EXPR, TOTAL_EXPR, // Functions FUNCTION, F_NOW, F_ARITH_MEAN, F_QUANTITY, F_COMMODITY, F_SET_COMMODITY, F_VALUE, F_ABS, F_ROUND, F_PRICE, F_DATE, F_DATECMP, F_YEAR, F_MONTH, F_DAY, BEGIN_MASKS, F_CODE_MASK, F_PAYEE_MASK, F_NOTE_MASK, F_ACCOUNT_MASK, F_SHORT_ACCOUNT_MASK, F_COMMODITY_MASK, END_MASKS, TERMINALS, F_PARENT, // Binary operators O_NEG, O_ADD, O_SUB, O_MUL, O_DIV, O_PERC, O_NEQ, O_EQ, O_LT, O_LTE, O_GT, O_GTE, O_NOT, O_AND, O_OR, O_QUES, O_COL, O_COMMA, O_DEF, O_REF, O_ARG, O_LOOKUP, LAST }; kind_t kind; mutable short refc; ptr_op_t left_; variant // used by all binary operators data; explicit op_t(const kind_t _kind) : kind(_kind), refc(0){ TRACE_CTOR(op_t, "const kind_t"); } ~op_t() { TRACE_DTOR(op_t); assert(refc == 0); } bool is_long() const { return data.type() == typeid(unsigned int); } unsigned int& as_long_lval() { assert(kind == ARG_INDEX || kind == O_ARG); return boost::get(data); } const unsigned int& as_long() const { return const_cast(this)->as_long_lval(); } void set_long(unsigned int val) { data = val; } bool is_value() const { if (kind == VALUE) { assert(data.type() == typeid(value_t)); return true; } return false; } value_t& as_value_lval() { assert(is_value()); value_t& val(boost::get(data)); assert(val.valid()); return val; } const value_t& as_value() const { return const_cast(this)->as_value_lval(); } void set_value(const value_t& val) { assert(val.valid()); data = val; } bool is_string() const { if (kind == VALUE) { assert(data.type() == typeid(value_t)); return boost::get(data).is_string(); } return false; } string& as_string_lval() { assert(is_string()); return boost::get(data).as_string_lval(); } const string& as_string() const { return const_cast(this)->as_string_lval(); } void set_string(const string& val) { data = value_t(val); } bool is_mask() const { if (kind > BEGIN_MASKS && kind < END_MASKS) { assert(data.type() == typeid(mask_t)); return true; } return false; } mask_t& as_mask_lval() { assert(is_mask()); return boost::get(data); } const mask_t& as_mask() const { return const_cast(this)->as_mask_lval(); } void set_mask(const mask_t& val) { data = val; } void set_mask(const string& expr) { data = mask_t(expr); } bool is_function() const { return kind == FUNCTION; } function_t& as_function_lval() { assert(kind == FUNCTION); return boost::get(data); } const function_t& as_function() const { return const_cast(this)->as_function_lval(); } void set_function(const function_t& val) { data = val; } #if 0 bool is_name() const { return data.type() == typeid(node_t::nameid_t); } node_t::nameid_t& as_name_lval() { assert(kind == NODE_ID || kind == ATTR_ID); return boost::get(data); } const node_t::nameid_t& as_name() const { return const_cast(this)->as_name_lval(); } void set_name(const node_t::nameid_t& val) { data = val; } #endif ptr_op_t& as_op_lval() { assert(kind > TERMINALS); return boost::get(data); } const ptr_op_t& as_op() const { return const_cast(this)->as_op_lval(); } void acquire() const { DEBUG("ledger.xpath.memory", "Acquiring " << this << ", refc now " << refc + 1); assert(refc >= 0); refc++; } void release() const { DEBUG("ledger.xpath.memory", "Releasing " << this << ", refc now " << refc - 1); assert(refc > 0); if (--refc == 0) checked_delete(this); } ptr_op_t& left() { return left_; } const ptr_op_t& left() const { assert(kind > TERMINALS); return left_; } void set_left(const ptr_op_t& expr) { assert(kind > TERMINALS); left_ = expr; } ptr_op_t& right() { assert(kind > TERMINALS); return as_op_lval(); } const ptr_op_t& right() const { assert(kind > TERMINALS); return as_op(); } void set_right(const ptr_op_t& expr) { assert(kind > TERMINALS); data = expr; } static ptr_op_t new_node(kind_t _kind, ptr_op_t _left = NULL, ptr_op_t _right = NULL); ptr_op_t copy(ptr_op_t _left = NULL, ptr_op_t _right = NULL) const { return new_node(kind, _left, _right); } static ptr_op_t wrap_value(const value_t& val); static ptr_op_t wrap_functor(const function_t& fobj); ptr_op_t compile(scope_t& scope); value_t current_value(scope_t& scope); #if 0 node_t& current_xml_node(scope_t& scope); #endif value_t calc(scope_t& scope); void compute(value_t& result, const details_t& details = details_t(), ptr_op_t context = NULL) const; value_t compute(const details_t& details = details_t(), ptr_op_t context = NULL) const { value_t temp; compute(temp, details, context); return temp; } struct print_context_t { scope_t& scope; const bool relaxed; const ptr_op_t& op_to_find; unsigned long * start_pos; unsigned long * end_pos; print_context_t(scope_t& _scope, const bool _relaxed = false, const ptr_op_t& _op_to_find = ptr_op_t(), unsigned long * _start_pos = NULL, unsigned long * _end_pos = NULL) : scope(_scope), relaxed(_relaxed), op_to_find(_op_to_find), start_pos(_start_pos), end_pos(_end_pos) {} }; bool print(std::ostream& out, print_context_t& context) const; void dump(std::ostream& out, const int depth) const; friend inline void intrusive_ptr_add_ref(op_t * op) { op->acquire(); } friend inline void intrusive_ptr_release(op_t * op) { op->release(); } }; class op_predicate : public noncopyable { ptr_op_t op; op_predicate(); public: explicit op_predicate(ptr_op_t _op) : op(_op) { TRACE_CTOR(op_predicate, "ptr_op_t"); } ~op_predicate() throw() { TRACE_DTOR(op_predicate); } bool operator()(scope_t& scope) { return op->calc(scope).to_boolean(); } }; class valexpr_context : public error_context { public: ptr_op_t expr; ptr_op_t error_node; valexpr_context(const ptr_op_t& _expr, const string& desc = "") throw() : error_context(desc), expr(_expr), error_node(_expr) {} virtual ~valexpr_context() throw() {} virtual void describe(std::ostream& out) const throw(); }; class compute_error : public error { public: compute_error(const string& reason, error_context * ctxt = NULL) throw() : error(reason, ctxt) {} virtual ~compute_error() throw() {} }; class value_expr_error : public error { public: value_expr_error(const string& reason, error_context * ctxt = NULL) throw() : error(reason, ctxt) {} virtual ~value_expr_error() throw() {} }; extern std::auto_ptr global_scope; extern datetime_t terminus; bool compute_amount(const ptr_op_t expr, amount_t& amt, const transaction_t * xact, const ptr_op_t context = NULL); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// inline void guarded_compute(const ptr_op_t expr, value_t& result, const details_t& details = details_t(), const ptr_op_t context = NULL) { try { expr->compute(result, details); } catch (error * err) { if (err->context.empty() || ! dynamic_cast(err->context.back())) err->context.push_back(new valexpr_context(expr)); error_context * last = err->context.back(); if (valexpr_context * ctxt = dynamic_cast(last)) { ctxt->expr = expr; ctxt->desc = "While computing value expression:"; } throw err; } } inline value_t guarded_compute(const ptr_op_t expr, const details_t& details = details_t(), ptr_op_t context = NULL) { value_t temp; guarded_compute(expr, temp, details, context); return temp; } template<> inline symbol_scope_t& scope_t::find_scope(bool skip_this) { optional scope = find_scope(SYMBOL_SCOPE, skip_this); assert(scope); return downcast(*scope); } template<> inline call_scope_t& scope_t::find_scope(bool skip_this) { optional scope = find_scope(CALL_SCOPE, skip_this); assert(scope); return downcast(*scope); } #if 0 template<> inline context_scope_t& scope_t::find_scope(bool skip_this) { optional scope = find_scope(CONTEXT_SCOPE, skip_this); assert(scope); return downcast(*scope); } #endif #define FIND_SCOPE(scope_type, scope_ref) \ downcast(scope_ref).find_scope() #define CALL_SCOPE(scope_ref) \ FIND_SCOPE(call_scope_t, scope_ref) #define SYMBOL_SCOPE(scope_ref) \ FIND_SCOPE(symbol_scope_t, scope_ref) #if 0 #define CONTEXT_SCOPE(scope_ref) \ FIND_SCOPE(context_scope_t, scope_ref) #endif inline ptr_op_t op_t::new_node(kind_t _kind, ptr_op_t _left, ptr_op_t _right) { ptr_op_t node(new op_t(_kind)); node->set_left(_left); node->set_right(_right); return node; } inline ptr_op_t op_t::wrap_value(const value_t& val) { ptr_op_t temp(new op_t(op_t::VALUE)); temp->set_value(val); return temp; } inline ptr_op_t op_t::wrap_functor(const function_t& fobj) { ptr_op_t temp(new op_t(op_t::FUNCTION)); temp->set_function(fobj); return temp; } class parser_t; } // namespace expr ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class value_expr { expr::ptr_op_t ptr; public: string expr_str; typedef expr::details_t details_t; value_expr() { TRACE_CTOR(value_expr, ""); } value_expr(const string& _expr_str); value_expr(const expr::ptr_op_t _ptr, const string& _expr_str = "") : ptr(_ptr), expr_str(_expr_str) { TRACE_CTOR(value_expr, "const expr::ptr_op_t"); } value_expr(const value_expr& other) : ptr(other.ptr), expr_str(other.expr_str) { TRACE_CTOR(value_expr, "copy"); } virtual ~value_expr() throw() { TRACE_DTOR(value_expr); } value_expr& operator=(const value_expr& _expr) { expr_str = _expr.expr_str; reset(_expr.get()); return *this; } value_expr& operator=(const string& _expr) { return *this = value_expr(_expr); } operator bool() const throw() { return ptr.get() != NULL; } operator string() const throw() { return expr_str; } operator const expr::ptr_op_t() const throw() { return ptr; } const expr::ptr_op_t operator->() const throw() { return ptr; } const expr::ptr_op_t get() const throw() { return ptr; } const expr::ptr_op_t release() throw() { const expr::ptr_op_t tmp = ptr; ptr = expr::ptr_op_t(); return tmp; } void reset(const expr::ptr_op_t p = expr::ptr_op_t()) throw() { ptr = p; } virtual void compute(value_t& result, const details_t& details = details_t(), expr::ptr_op_t context = NULL) { guarded_compute(ptr, result, details, context); } virtual value_t compute(const details_t& details = details_t(), expr::ptr_op_t context = NULL) { value_t temp; guarded_compute(ptr, temp, details, context); return temp; } #if 0 void compile(scope_t& scope) { if (ptr.get()) ptr = ptr->compile(scope); } value_t calc(scope_t& scope) const { if (ptr.get()) return ptr->calc(scope); return NULL_VALUE; } static value_t eval(const string& _expr, scope_t& scope) { return xpath_t(_expr).calc(scope); } path_iterator_t find_all(scope_t& scope) { return path_iterator_t(*this, scope); } void print(std::ostream& out, scope_t& scope) const { op_t::print_context_t context(scope); print(out, context); } void dump(std::ostream& out) const { if (ptr) ptr->dump(out, 0); } #endif friend bool print_value_expr(std::ostream& out, const expr::ptr_op_t node, const expr::ptr_op_t node_to_find, unsigned long * start_pos, unsigned long * end_pos); static std::auto_ptr amount_expr; static std::auto_ptr total_expr; static std::auto_ptr parser; static void initialize(); static void shutdown(); }; typedef value_expr::details_t details_t; // jww (2008-07-20): remove inline void compute_amount(value_t& result, const details_t& details = details_t()) { if (value_expr::amount_expr.get()) value_expr::amount_expr->compute(result, details); } inline value_t compute_amount(const details_t& details = details_t()) { if (value_expr::amount_expr.get()) return value_expr::amount_expr->compute(details); } inline void compute_total(value_t& result, const details_t& details = details_t()) { if (value_expr::total_expr.get()) value_expr::total_expr->compute(result, details); } inline value_t compute_total(const details_t& details = details_t()) { if (value_expr::total_expr.get()) return value_expr::total_expr->compute(details); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template class item_predicate { public: value_expr predicate; item_predicate() { TRACE_CTOR(item_predicate, ""); } item_predicate(const item_predicate& other) : predicate(other.predicate) { TRACE_CTOR(item_predicate, "copy"); } item_predicate(const value_expr& _predicate) : predicate(_predicate) { TRACE_CTOR(item_predicate, "const value_expr&"); } item_predicate(const string& _predicate) : predicate(_predicate) { TRACE_CTOR(item_predicate, "const string&"); } ~item_predicate() throw() { TRACE_DTOR(item_predicate); } bool operator()(const T& item) const { return (! predicate || predicate->compute(value_expr::details_t(item)).strip_annotations()); } }; } // namespace ledger #endif // _VALEXPR_H