/********************************************************************************************** * * raylib configuration flags * * This file defines all the configuration flags for the different raylib modules * * LICENSE: zlib/libpng * * Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Ahmad Fatoum & Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5) * * This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event * will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. * * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial * applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: * * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you * wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment * in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. * * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented * as being the original software. * * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. * **********************************************************************************************/ #define RAYLIB_VERSION "3.7" //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Module: core - Configuration Flags //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Camera module is included (camera.h) and multiple predefined cameras are available: free, 1st/3rd person, orbital #define SUPPORT_CAMERA_SYSTEM 1 // Gestures module is included (gestures.h) to support gestures detection: tap, hold, swipe, drag #define SUPPORT_GESTURES_SYSTEM 1 // Mouse gestures are directly mapped like touches and processed by gestures system #define SUPPORT_MOUSE_GESTURES 1 // Reconfigure standard input to receive key inputs, works with SSH connection. #define SUPPORT_SSH_KEYBOARD_RPI 1 // Draw a mouse pointer on screen #define SUPPORT_MOUSE_CURSOR_NATIVE 1 // Setting a higher resolution can improve the accuracy of time-out intervals in wait functions. // However, it can also reduce overall system performance, because the thread scheduler switches tasks more often. #define SUPPORT_WINMM_HIGHRES_TIMER 1 // Use busy wait loop for timing sync, if not defined, a high-resolution timer is setup and used //#define SUPPORT_BUSY_WAIT_LOOP 1 // Use a half-busy wait loop, in this case frame sleeps for some time and runs a busy-wait-loop at the end #define SUPPORT_HALFBUSY_WAIT_LOOP // Wait for events passively (sleeping while no events) instead of polling them actively every frame //#define SUPPORT_EVENTS_WAITING 1 // Allow automatic screen capture of current screen pressing F12, defined in KeyCallback() #define SUPPORT_SCREEN_CAPTURE 1 // Allow automatic gif recording of current screen pressing CTRL+F12, defined in KeyCallback() #define SUPPORT_GIF_RECORDING 1 // Support CompressData() and DecompressData() functions #define SUPPORT_COMPRESSION_API 1 // Support saving binary data automatically to a generated storage.data file. This file is managed internally. #define SUPPORT_DATA_STORAGE 1 // core: Configuration values //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #if defined(__linux__) #define MAX_FILEPATH_LENGTH 4096 // Maximum length for filepaths (Linux PATH_MAX default value) #else #define MAX_FILEPATH_LENGTH 512 // Maximum length supported for filepaths #endif #define MAX_GAMEPADS 4 // Max number of gamepads supported #define MAX_GAMEPAD_AXIS 8 // Max number of axis supported (per gamepad) #define MAX_GAMEPAD_BUTTONS 32 // Max bumber of buttons supported (per gamepad) #define MAX_TOUCH_POINTS 10 // Maximum number of touch points supported #define MAX_KEY_PRESSED_QUEUE 16 // Max number of characters in the key input queue #define STORAGE_DATA_FILE "storage.data" // Automatic storage filename #define MAX_DECOMPRESSION_SIZE 64 // Max size allocated for decompression in MB //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Module: rlgl - Configuration values //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Show OpenGL extensions and capabilities detailed logs on init //#define SUPPORT_GL_DETAILS_INFO 1 #if defined(GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_11) || defined(GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_33) #define DEFAULT_BATCH_BUFFER_ELEMENTS 8192 // Default internal render batch limits #elif defined(GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_ES2) #define DEFAULT_BATCH_BUFFER_ELEMENTS 2048 // Default internal render batch limits #endif #define DEFAULT_BATCH_BUFFERS 1 // Default number of batch buffers (multi-buffering) #define DEFAULT_BATCH_DRAWCALLS 256 // Default number of batch draw calls (by state changes: mode, texture) #define MAX_MATRIX_STACK_SIZE 32 // Maximum size of internal Matrix stack #define MAX_MESH_VERTEX_BUFFERS 7 // Maximum vertex buffers (VBO) per mesh #define MAX_SHADER_LOCATIONS 32 // Maximum number of shader locations supported #define MAX_MATERIAL_MAPS 12 // Maximum number of shader maps supported #define RL_CULL_DISTANCE_NEAR 0.01 // Default projection matrix near cull distance #define RL_CULL_DISTANCE_FAR 1000.0 // Default projection matrix far cull distance // Default shader vertex attribute names to set location points #define DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_POSITION "vertexPosition" // Binded by default to shader location: 0 #define DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_TEXCOORD "vertexTexCoord" // Binded by default to shader location: 1 #define DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_NORMAL "vertexNormal" // Binded by default to shader location: 2 #define DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_COLOR "vertexColor" // Binded by default to shader location: 3 #define DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_TANGENT "vertexTangent" // Binded by default to shader location: 4 #define DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_TEXCOORD2 "vertexTexCoord2" // Binded by default to shader location: 5 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Module: shapes - Configuration Flags //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Use QUADS instead of TRIANGLES for drawing when possible // Some lines-based shapes could still use lines #define SUPPORT_QUADS_DRAW_MODE 1 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Module: textures - Configuration Flags //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Selecte desired fileformats to be supported for image data loading #define SUPPORT_FILEFORMAT_PNG 1 //#define SUPPORT_FILEFORMAT_BMP 1 //#define SUPPORT_FILEFORMAT_TGA 1 //#define SUPPORT_FILEFORMAT_JPG 1 #define SUPPORT_FILEFORMAT_GIF 1 //#define SUPPORT_FILEFORMAT_PSD 1 #define SUPPORT_FILEFORMAT_DDS 1 #define SUPPORT_FILEFORMAT_HDR 1 //#define SUPPORT_FILEFORMAT_KTX 1 //#define SUPPORT_FILEFORMAT_ASTC 1 //#define SUPPORT_FILEFORMAT_PKM 1 //#define SUPPORT_FILEFORMAT_PVR 1 // Support image export functionality (.png, .bmp, .tga, .jpg) #define SUPPORT_IMAGE_EXPORT 1 // Support procedural image generation functionality (gradient, spot, perlin-noise, cellular) #define SUPPORT_IMAGE_GENERATION 1 // Support multiple image editing functions to scale, adjust colors, flip, draw on images, crop... // If not defined, still some functions are supported: ImageFormat(), ImageCrop(), ImageToPOT() #define SUPPORT_IMAGE_MANIPULATION 1 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Module: text - Configuration Flags //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Default font is loaded on window initialization to be available for the user to render simple text // NOTE: If enabled, uses external module functions to load default raylib font #define SUPPORT_DEFAULT_FONT 1 // Selected desired font fileformats to be supported for loading #define SUPPORT_FILEFORMAT_FNT 1 #define SUPPORT_FILEFORMAT_TTF 1 // Support text management functions // If not defined, still some functions are supported: TextLength(), TextFormat() #define SUPPORT_TEXT_MANIPULATION 1 // text: Configuration values //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #define MAX_TEXT_BUFFER_LENGTH 1024 // Size of internal static buffers used on some functions: // TextFormat(), TextSubtext(), TextToUpper(), TextToLower(), TextToPascal(), TextSplit() #define MAX_TEXT_UNICODE_CHARS 512 // Maximum number of unicode codepoints: GetCodepoints() #define MAX_TEXTSPLIT_COUNT 128 // Maximum number of substrings to split: TextSplit() //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Module: models - Configuration Flags //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Selected desired model fileformats to be supported for loading #define SUPPORT_FILEFORMAT_OBJ 1 #define SUPPORT_FILEFORMAT_MTL 1 #define SUPPORT_FILEFORMAT_IQM 1 #define SUPPORT_FILEFORMAT_GLTF 1 // Support procedural mesh generation functions, uses external par_shapes.h library // NOTE: Some generated meshes DO NOT include generated texture coordinates #define SUPPORT_MESH_GENERATION 1 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Module: audio - Configuration Flags //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Desired audio fileformats to be supported for loading #define SUPPORT_FILEFORMAT_WAV 1 #define SUPPORT_FILEFORMAT_OGG 1 #define SUPPORT_FILEFORMAT_XM 1 #define SUPPORT_FILEFORMAT_MOD 1 #define SUPPORT_FILEFORMAT_MP3 1 //#define SUPPORT_FILEFORMAT_FLAC 1 // audio: Configuration values //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #define AUDIO_DEVICE_FORMAT ma_format_f32 // Device output format (miniaudio: float-32bit) #define AUDIO_DEVICE_CHANNELS 2 // Device output channels: stereo #define AUDIO_DEVICE_SAMPLE_RATE 0 // Device sample rate (device default) #define MAX_AUDIO_BUFFER_POOL_CHANNELS 16 // Maximum number of audio pool channels //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Module: utils - Configuration Flags //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Standard file io library (stdio.h) included #define SUPPORT_STANDARD_FILEIO // Show TRACELOG() output messages // NOTE: By default LOG_DEBUG traces not shown #define SUPPORT_TRACELOG 1 //#define SUPPORT_TRACELOG_DEBUG 1 // utils: Configuration values //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #define MAX_TRACELOG_MSG_LENGTH 128 // Max length of one trace-log message #define MAX_UWP_MESSAGES 512 // Max UWP messages to process