use clap::{Parser, Subcommand}; mod commands; #[derive(Parser)] struct Cli { #[clap(subcommand)] command: Commands, /// Verbose (output subshell commands) #[clap(short, long, takes_value = false)] verbose: bool } // TODO: COMMANDS BROKE // TODO: ADD // TODO: ADD MULTIPLE TARGET / SOURCE FOLDERS PER REPOSITORY #[derive(Subcommand)] enum Commands { /// Initialize Godot project for GLAM Init { }, /// Add new repository Add { /// Package project git git_repo: String, /// Commit to checkout (default is latest) #[clap(short, long, required = false, default_value = "")] commit: String, /// Don't copy to target folder #[clap(short, long, required = false, takes_value = false)] no_copy: bool, }, /// Install all packages on .glam file Install { /// Don't copy to target folder #[clap(short, long, required = false, takes_value = false)] no_copy: bool, }, /// Update a single repository. If no repository name is provided, update all repositories Update { /// Name of the package to update (default is all packages) package_name: String, /// Don't copy to target folder #[clap(short, long, required = false, takes_value = false)] no_copy: bool, }, /// Remove a repository Remove { /// Name of the package to remove package_name: String, }, /// Apply changes to a repository Apply { /// Names of the package to apply changes to package_names: Vec, /// Create new package from the specified addon folder (will create a git repo) #[clap(short, long, required = false, default_value = "")] create_from_addon: String, } } fn main() { let cli = Cli::parse(); match &cli.command { Commands::Init {} => { let root = commands::search_project_root(); commands::initialize_glam_files(&root); commands::initialize(&root); }, Commands::InstallPackage {git_repo, commit, no_copy} => { let root = commands::search_project_root(); if commands::check_initialization(&root) { commands::install_package(&root, git_repo, commit, !*no_copy, cli.verbose); } }, Commands::Install { no_copy } => { let root = commands::search_project_root(); if commands::check_initialization(&root) { commands::install_all_packages(&root, cli.verbose, !*no_copy); } }, Commands::UpdatePackage { package_name, no_copy } => { let root = commands::search_project_root(); if commands::check_initialization(&root) { commands::update_package(&root, &package_name, cli.verbose, !*no_copy); } }, Commands::Update { no_copy } => { let root = commands::search_project_root(); if commands::check_initialization(&root) { commands::update_all_packages(&root, cli.verbose, !*no_copy); } }, Commands::RemovePackage {package_name} => { let root = commands::search_project_root(); if commands::check_initialization(&root) { commands::remove_package(&root, &package_name, cli.verbose); } }, Commands::Apply {package_names, create_from_addon} => { let root = commands::search_project_root(); if commands::check_initialization(&root) { for package_name in package_names { commands::apply_changes(&root, &package_name, &create_from_addon, cli.verbose); } } }, } }