path: root/tools
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools')
4 files changed, 245 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d6ee6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+def exists(env):
+ return True
+def generate(env):
+ env.AddMethod(cmake_configure, "CMakeConfigure")
+ env.AddMethod(cmake_build, "CMakeBuild")
+def cmake_configure(env, source, target, opt_args):
+ args = [
+ "-B",
+ target,
+ ]
+ if env["platform"] == "windows" and env["use_mingw"]:
+ args.extend(["-G", "Unix Makefiles"])
+ for arg in opt_args:
+ args.append(arg)
+ args.append(source)
+ return env.Execute("cmake " + " ".join(['"%s"' % a for a in args]))
+def cmake_build(env, source, target=""):
+ jobs = env.GetOption("num_jobs")
+ env = env.Clone()
+ return env.Execute("cmake --build %s %s -j%s" % (source, "-t %s" % target if target else "", jobs))
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa99c5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+def exists(env):
+ return True
+def generate(env):
+ env["DEPS_SOURCE"] = env.Dir("#thirdparty").abspath
+ env["DEPS_BUILD"] = env.Dir("#bin/thirdparty").abspath + "/{}.{}.dir".format(env["suffix"][1:], "RelWithDebInfo" if env["debug_symbols"] else "Release")
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da15a84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+import os
+def rtc_cmake_config(env):
+ config = {
+ "USE_NICE": 0,
+ "NO_TESTS": 1,
+ "CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE": "%s" % ("RelWithDebInfo" if env["debug_symbols"] else "Release"),
+ }
+ if "CC" in env:
+ config["CMAKE_C_COMPILER"] = env["CC"]
+ if "CXX" in env:
+ config["CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER"] = env["CXX"]
+ if env["platform"] == "android":
+ api = env["android_api_level"] if int(env["android_api_level"]) > 28 else "28"
+ abi = {
+ "arm64": "arm64-v8a",
+ "arm32": "armeabi-v7a",
+ "x86_32": "x86",
+ "x86_64": "x86_64",
+ }[env["arch"]]
+ config["CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME"] = "Android"
+ config["CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION"] = api
+ config["CMAKE_ANDROID_ARCH_ABI"] = abi
+ config["ANDROID_ABI"] = abi
+ config["CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE"] = "%s/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake" % os.environ.get("ANDROID_NDK_ROOT", "")
+ config["CMAKE_ANDROID_STL_TYPE"] = "c++_static"
+ elif env["platform"] == "linux":
+ march = "-m32" if env["arch"] == "x86_32" else "-m64"
+ config["CMAKE_C_FLAGS"] = march
+ config["CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS"] = march
+ elif env["platform"] == "macos":
+ if env["arch"] == "universal":
+ raise ValueError("OSX architecture not supported: %s" % env["arch"])
+ config["CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES"] = env["arch"]
+ if env["macos_deployment_target"] != "default":
+ config["CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET"] = env["macos_deployment_target"]
+ elif env["platform"] == "ios":
+ if env["arch"] == "universal":
+ raise ValueError("iOS architecture not supported: %s" % env["arch"])
+ config["CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME"] = "iOS"
+ config["CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET"] = "11.0"
+ config["CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES"] = env["arch"]
+ if env["ios_simulator"]:
+ config["CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT"] = "iphonesimulator"
+ elif env["platform"] == "windows":
+ config["CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME"] = "Windows"
+ return config
+def rtc_emitter(target, source, env):
+ env.Depends(env["RTC_LIBS"], env["SSL_LIBS"])
+ env.Depends(env["RTC_LIBS"], [env.File(__file__), env.Dir(env["RTC_SOURCE"]), env.File(env["RTC_SOURCE"] + "/CMakeLists.txt")])
+ return env["RTC_LIBS"], env.Dir(env["RTC_SOURCE"])
+def rtc_action(target, source, env):
+ rtc_env = env.Clone()
+ build_dir = env["RTC_BUILD"]
+ source_dir = env["RTC_SOURCE"]
+ opts = rtc_cmake_config(rtc_env)
+ rtc_env.CMakeConfigure(source_dir, build_dir, ["-D%s=%s" % it for it in opts.items()])
+ rtc_env.CMakeBuild(build_dir, "datachannel-static")
+ return None
+def exists(env):
+ return "CMakeConfigure" in env and "CMakeBuild" in env
+def generate(env):
+ env["RTC_SOURCE"] = env["DEPS_SOURCE"] + "/libdatachannel"
+ env["RTC_BUILD"] = env["DEPS_BUILD"] + "/libdatachannel"
+ env["RTC_INCLUDE"] = env["RTC_SOURCE"] + "/include"
+ env["RTC_LIBS"] = [env.File(env["RTC_BUILD"] + "/" + lib) for lib in [
+ "libdatachannel-static.a",
+ "deps/libjuice/libjuice-static.a",
+ "deps/libsrtp/libsrtp2.a",
+ "deps/usrsctp/usrsctplib/libusrsctp.a"
+ ]]
+ env.Append(BUILDERS={
+ "BuildLibDataChannel": env.Builder(action=rtc_action, emitter=rtc_emitter)
+ })
+ env.Append(LIBPATH=[env["RTC_BUILD"]])
+ env.Append(CPPPATH=[env["RTC_INCLUDE"]])
+ env.Prepend(LIBS=env["RTC_LIBS"])
+ if env["platform"] == "windows":
+ env.AppendUnique(LIBS=["iphlpapi", "bcrypt"])
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f62aca1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+import os
+from SCons.Defaults import Mkdir
+def ssl_emitter(target, source, env):
+ env.Depends(env["SSL_LIBS"], env.File(__file__))
+ return env["SSL_LIBS"], [env.Dir(env["SSL_SOURCE"]), env.File(env["SSL_SOURCE"] + "/VERSION.dat")]
+def ssl_action(target, source, env):
+ build_dir = env["SSL_BUILD"]
+ source_dir = env["SSL_SOURCE"]
+ install_dir = env["SSL_INSTALL"]
+ ssl_env = env.Clone()
+ args = [
+ "no-ssl2",
+ "no-ssl3",
+ "no-weak-ssl-ciphers",
+ "no-legacy",
+ "no-shared",
+ "no-tests",
+ "--prefix=%s" % install_dir,
+ "--openssldir=%s" % install_dir,
+ ]
+ if env["debug_symbols"]:
+ args.append("-d")
+ if env["platform"] == "linux":
+ if env["arch"] == "x86_32":
+ args.extend(["linux-x86"])
+ else:
+ args.extend(["linux-x86_64"])
+ elif env["platform"] == "android":
+ api = env["android_api_level"] if int(env["android_api_level"]) > 28 else "28"
+ args.extend([
+ {
+ "arm64": "android-arm64",
+ "arm32": "android-arm",
+ "x86_32": "android-x86",
+ "x86_64": "android-x86_64",
+ }[env["arch"]],
+ "-D__ANDROID_API__=%s" % api,
+ ])
+ # Setup toolchain path.
+ ssl_env.PrependENVPath("PATH", os.path.dirname(env["CC"]))
+ ssl_env["ENV"]["ANDROID_NDK_ROOT"] = os.environ.get("ANDROID_NDK_ROOT", "")
+ elif env["platform"] == "macos":
+ if env["arch"] == "x86_64":
+ args.extend(["darwin64-x86_64"])
+ elif env["arch"] == "arm64":
+ args.extend(["darwin64-arm64"])
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("macOS architecture not supported: %s" % env["arch"])
+ elif env["platform"] == "ios":
+ if env["ios_simulator"]:
+ args.extend(["iossimulator-xcrun"])
+ elif env["arch"] == "arm32":
+ args.extend(["ios-xcrun"])
+ elif env["arch"] == "arm64":
+ args.extend(["ios64-xcrun"])
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("iOS architecture not supported: %s" % env["arch"])
+ elif env["platform"] == "windows":
+ if env["arch"] == "x86_32":
+ if env["use_mingw"]:
+ args.extend([
+ "mingw",
+ "--cross-compile-prefix=i686-w64-mingw32-",
+ ])
+ else:
+ args.extend(["VC-WIN32"])
+ else:
+ if env["use_mingw"]:
+ args.extend([
+ "mingw64",
+ "--cross-compile-prefix=x86_64-w64-mingw32-",
+ ])
+ else:
+ args.extend(["VC-WIN64A"])
+ jobs = env.GetOption("num_jobs")
+ ssl_env.Execute([
+ Mkdir(build_dir),
+ "cd %s && perl %s/Configure %s" % (build_dir, source_dir, " ".join(['"%s"' % a for a in args])),
+ "make -C %s -j%s" % (build_dir, jobs),
+ "make -C %s install_sw install_ssldirs -j%s" % (build_dir, jobs),
+ ]
+ )
+ return None
+def exists(env):
+ return True
+def generate(env):
+ env["SSL_SOURCE"] = env["DEPS_SOURCE"] + "/openssl"
+ env["SSL_BUILD"] = env["DEPS_BUILD"] + "/openssl"
+ env["SSL_INSTALL"] = env["SSL_BUILD"] + "/dest"
+ env["SSL_INCLUDE"] = env["SSL_INSTALL"] + "/include"
+ env["SSL_LIBRARY"] = env.File(env["SSL_BUILD"] + "/libssl.a")
+ env["SSL_CRYPTO_LIBRARY"] = env.File(env["SSL_BUILD"] + "/libcrypto.a")
+ env["SSL_LIBS"] = [env["SSL_LIBRARY"], env["SSL_CRYPTO_LIBRARY"]]
+ env.Append(BUILDERS={
+ "BuildOpenSSL": env.Builder(action=ssl_action, emitter=ssl_emitter)
+ })
+ env.Prepend(CPPPATH=[env["SSL_INCLUDE"]])
+ env.Prepend(LIBPATH=[env["SSL_BUILD"]])
+ env.Append(LIBS=env["SSL_LIBS"])
+ if env["platform"] == "windows":
+ env.AppendUnique(LIBS=["ws2_32", "gdi32", "advapi32", "crypt32", "user32"])