path: root/
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Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 206 insertions, 142 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 142eb799..8e99e96b 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -118,185 +118,249 @@ bool entry_base_t::remove_transaction(transaction_t * xact)
bool entry_base_t::finalize()
- // Scan through and compute the total balance for the entry. This
- // is used for auto-calculating the value of entries with no cost,
- // and the per-unit price of unpriced commodities.
- value_t balance;
- bool no_amounts = true;
- bool saw_null = false;
+ // Scan through and compute the total balance for the entry. This is used
+ // for auto-calculating the value of entries with no cost, and the per-unit
+ // price of unpriced commodities.
+ // (let ((balance 0)
+ // null-xact)
+ value_t balance;
+ transaction_t * null_xact = NULL;
+ // (do-transactions (xact entry)
+ // (when (xact-must-balance-p xact)
+ // (let ((amt (xact-amount* xact)))
+ // (if amt
+ // (setf balance (add balance (or (xact-cost xact) amt)))
+ // (if null-xact
+ // (error "Only one transaction with null amount allowed ~
+ // per entry (beg ~S end ~S)"
+ // (item-position-begin-line (entry-position entry))
+ // (item-position-end-line (entry-position entry)))
+ // (setf null-xact xact))))))
+ //
for (transactions_list::const_iterator x = transactions.begin();
x != transactions.end();
x++) {
- if (! (*x)->has_flags(TRANSACTION_VIRTUAL) ||
- (*x)->has_flags(TRANSACTION_BALANCE)) {
+ if ((*x)->must_balance()) {
amount_t& p((*x)->cost ? *(*x)->cost : (*x)->amount);
if (! p.is_null()) {
- if (no_amounts) {
+ if (balance.is_null())
balance = p;
- no_amounts = false;
- } else {
+ else
balance += p;
- }
- assert(! (*x)->amount.is_null());
- if ((*x)->cost && (*x)->amount.commodity().annotated) {
- annotated_commodity_t&
- ann_comm(static_cast<annotated_commodity_t&>
- ((*x)->amount.commodity()));
- if (ann_comm.details.price)
- balance += (*ann_comm.details.price * (*x)->amount.number() -
- *((*x)->cost));
- }
} else {
- saw_null = true;
+ if (null_xact)
+ throw_(std::logic_error,
+ "Only one transaction with null amount allowed per entry");
+ else
+ null_xact = *x;
- // If it's a null entry, then let the user have their fun
- if (no_amounts)
- return true;
+ DEBUG("ledger.journal.finalize", "initial balance = " << balance);
- // If there is only one transaction, balance against the basket
- // account if one has been set.
+ // If there is only one transaction, balance against the default account if
+ // one has been set.
+ // (when (= 1 (length (entry-transactions entry)))
+ // (if-let ((default-account
+ // (journal-default-account (entry-journal entry))))
+ // (setf null-xact
+ // (make-transaction :entry entry
+ // :status (xact-status
+ // (first (entry-transactions entry)))
+ // :account default-account
+ // :generatedp t))
+ // (add-transaction entry null-xact)))
if (journal && journal->basket && transactions.size() == 1) {
- assert(balance.is_amount());
- transaction_t * nxact = new transaction_t(journal->basket);
- // The amount doesn't need to be set because the code below will
- // balance this transaction against the other.
- add_transaction(nxact);
- nxact->add_flags(TRANSACTION_CALCULATED);
+ // jww (2008-07-24): Need to make the rest of the code aware of what to do
+ // when it sees a generated transaction.
+ null_xact = new transaction_t(journal->basket, TRANSACTION_GENERATED);
+ null_xact->state = (*transactions.begin())->state;
+ add_transaction(null_xact);
- // If the first transaction of a two-transaction entry is of a
- // different commodity than the other, and it has no per-unit price,
- // determine its price by dividing the unit count into the value of
- // the balance. This is done for the last eligible commodity.
+ if (null_xact != NULL) {
+ // If one transaction has no value at all, its value will become the
+ // inverse of the rest. If multiple commodities are involved, multiple
+ // transactions are generated to balance them all.
+ // (progn
+ // (if (balance-p balance)
+ // (let ((first t))
+ // (dolist (amount (balance-amounts balance))
+ // (if first
+ // (setf (xact-amount* null-xact) (negate amount)
+ // first nil)
+ // (add-transaction
+ // entry
+ // (make-transaction :entry entry
+ // :account (xact-account null-xact)
+ // :amount (negate amount)
+ // :generatedp t)))))
+ // (setf (xact-amount* null-xact) (negate balance)
+ // (xact-calculatedp null-xact) t))
+ //
+ // (setf balance 0))
+ if (balance.is_balance()) {
+ bool first = true;
+ const balance_t& bal(balance.as_balance());
+ for (balance_t::amounts_map::const_iterator i = bal.amounts.begin();
+ i != bal.amounts.end();
+ i++) {
+ if (first) {
+ null_xact->amount = (*i).second.negate();
+ first = false;
+ } else {
+ add_transaction(new transaction_t(null_xact->account,
+ (*i).second.negate(),
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ null_xact->amount = balance.as_amount().negate();
+ null_xact->add_flags(TRANSACTION_CALCULATED);
+ }
+ balance = NULL_VALUE;
+ }
+ else if (balance.is_balance() &&
+ balance.as_balance().amounts.size() == 2) {
+ // When an entry involves two different commodities (regardless of how
+ // many transactions there are) determine the conversion ratio by dividing
+ // the total value of one commodity by the total value of the other. This
+ // establishes the per-unit cost for this transaction for both
+ // commodities.
+ // (when (and (balance-p balance)
+ // (= 2 (balance-commodity-count balance)))
+ // (destructuring-bind (x y) (balance-amounts balance)
+ // (let ((a-commodity (amount-commodity x))
+ // (per-unit-cost (value-abs (divide x y))))
+ // (do-transactions (xact entry)
+ // (let ((amount (xact-amount* xact)))
+ // (unless (or (xact-cost xact)
+ // (not (xact-must-balance-p xact))
+ // (commodity-equal (amount-commodity amount)
+ // a-commodity))
+ // (setf balance (subtract balance amount)
+ // (xact-cost xact) (multiply per-unit-cost amount)
+ // balance (add balance (xact-cost xact))))))))))
- if (! saw_null && balance && balance.is_balance()) {
const balance_t& bal(balance.as_balance());
- if (bal.amounts.size() == 2) {
- transactions_list::const_iterator x = transactions.begin();
- assert(! (*x)->amount.is_null());
- commodity_t& this_comm = (*x)->amount.commodity();
- balance_t::amounts_map::const_iterator this_bal =
- bal.amounts.find(&this_comm);
- assert(this_bal != bal.amounts.end());
- balance_t::amounts_map::const_iterator other_bal =
- bal.amounts.begin();
- if (this_bal == other_bal)
- other_bal++;
- amount_t per_unit_cost =
- ((*other_bal).second / (*this_bal).second.number()).unround();
- for (; x != transactions.end(); x++) {
- if ((*x)->cost || (*x)->has_flags(TRANSACTION_VIRTUAL) ||
- (*x)->amount.commodity() != this_comm)
- continue;
- balance -= (*x)->amount;
- entry_t * entry = dynamic_cast<entry_t *>(this);
- if ((*x)->amount.commodity() &&
- ! (*x)->amount.commodity().annotated)
- (*x)->amount.annotate_commodity
- (annotation_t(per_unit_cost.abs(),
- entry ? entry->actual_date() : optional<datetime_t>(),
- entry ? entry->code : optional<string>()));
- (*x)->cost = - (per_unit_cost * (*x)->amount.number());
- balance += *(*x)->cost;
+ balance_t::amounts_map::const_iterator a = bal.amounts.begin();
+ const amount_t& x((*a++).second);
+ const amount_t& y((*a++).second);
+ if (! y.is_realzero()) {
+ amount_t per_unit_cost = (x / y).abs();
+ commodity_t& comm(x.commodity());
+ for (transactions_list::const_iterator x = transactions.begin();
+ x != transactions.end();
+ x++) {
+ const amount_t& x_amt((*x)->amount);
+ if (! ((*x)->cost ||
+ ! (*x)->must_balance() ||
+ x_amt.commodity() == comm)) {
+ DEBUG("ledger.journal.finalize", "before operation 1 = " << balance);
+ balance -= x_amt;
+ DEBUG("ledger.journal.finalize", "after operation 1 = " << balance);
+ DEBUG("ledger.journal.finalize", "x_amt = " << x_amt);
+ DEBUG("ledger.journal.finalize", "per_unit_cost = " << per_unit_cost);
+ (*x)->cost = per_unit_cost * x_amt;
+ DEBUG("ledger.journal.finalize", "*(*x)->cost = " << *(*x)->cost);
+ balance += *(*x)->cost;
+ DEBUG("ledger.journal.finalize", "after operation 2 = " << balance);
+ }
- }
- // Walk through each of the transactions, fixing up any that we
- // can, and performing any on-the-fly calculations.
+ DEBUG("ledger.journal.finalize", "resolved balance = " << balance);
+ }
- bool empty_allowed = true;
+ // Now that the transaction list has its final form, calculate the balance
+ // once more in terms of total cost, accounting for any possible gain/loss
+ // amounts.
+ // (do-transactions (xact entry)
+ // (when (xact-cost xact)
+ // (let ((amount (xact-amount* xact)))
+ // (assert (not (commodity-equal (amount-commodity amount)
+ // (amount-commodity (xact-cost xact)))))
+ // (multiple-value-bind (annotated-amount total-cost basis-cost)
+ // (exchange-commodity amount :total-cost (xact-cost xact)
+ // :moment (entry-date entry)
+ // :tag (entry-code entry))
+ // (if (annotated-commodity-p (amount-commodity amount))
+ // (if-let ((price (annotation-price
+ // (commodity-annotation
+ // (amount-commodity amount)))))
+ // (setf balance
+ // (add balance (subtract basis-cost total-cost))))
+ // (setf (xact-amount* xact) annotated-amount))))))
for (transactions_list::const_iterator x = transactions.begin();
x != transactions.end();
x++) {
- if (! (*x)->amount.is_null() ||
- ((*x)->has_flags(TRANSACTION_VIRTUAL) &&
- ! (*x)->has_flags(TRANSACTION_BALANCE)))
- continue;
- if (! empty_allowed)
- throw_(std::logic_error,
- "Only one transaction with null amount allowed per entry");
- empty_allowed = false;
- // If one transaction gives no value at all, its value will become
- // the inverse of the value of the others. If multiple
- // commodities are involved, multiple transactions will be
- // generated to balance them all.
- const balance_t * bal = NULL;
- switch (balance.type()) {
- case value_t::BALANCE_PAIR:
- bal = &balance.as_balance_pair().quantity();
- // fall through...
- case value_t::BALANCE:
- if (! bal)
- bal = &balance.as_balance();
- if (bal->amounts.size() < 2) {
- balance.cast(value_t::AMOUNT);
- } else {
- bool first = true;
- for (balance_t::amounts_map::const_iterator
- i = bal->amounts.begin();
- i != bal->amounts.end();
- i++) {
- amount_t amt = (*i).second.negate();
- if (first) {
- (*x)->amount = amt;
- first = false;
- } else {
- transaction_t * nxact = new transaction_t((*x)->account);
- add_transaction(nxact);
- nxact->add_flags(TRANSACTION_CALCULATED);
- nxact->amount = amt;
- }
- balance += amt;
+ if ((*x)->cost) {
+ const amount_t& x_amt((*x)->amount);
+ assert(x_amt.commodity() != (*x)->cost->commodity());
+ entry_t * entry = dynamic_cast<entry_t *>(this);
+ // jww (2008-07-24): Pass the entry's code here if we can, as the
+ // auto-tag
+ amount_t final_cost;
+ amount_t basis_cost;
+ amount_t ann_amount =
+ commodity_t::exchange(x_amt, final_cost, basis_cost,
+ (*x)->cost, none, (*x)->actual_date(),
+ entry ? entry->code : optional<string>());
+ if ((*x)->amount.commodity_annotated()) {
+ if (ann_amount.annotation_details().price) {
+ if (balance.is_null())
+ balance = basis_cost - final_cost;
+ else
+ balance += basis_cost - final_cost;
- break;
+ } else {
+ (*x)->amount = ann_amount;
- // fall through...
- case value_t::AMOUNT:
- (*x)->amount = balance.as_amount().negate();
- (*x)->add_flags(TRANSACTION_CALCULATED);
- balance += (*x)->amount;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- if (balance) {
+ DEBUG("ledger.journal.finalize", "final balance = " << balance);
+ // (if (value-zerop balance)
+ // (prog1
+ // entry
+ // (setf (entry-normalizedp entry) t))
+ // (error "Entry does not balance (beg ~S end ~S); remaining balance is:~%~A"
+ // (item-position-begin-line (entry-position entry))
+ // (item-position-end-line (entry-position entry))
+ // (format-value balance :width 20)))
+ if (! balance.is_null() && ! balance.is_zero()) {
error * err =
new balance_error("Entry does not balance",
new entry_context(*this, "While balancing entry:"));
- DEBUG("ledger.journal.unbalanced_remainder", "balance = " << balance);
(new value_context(balance, "Unbalanced remainder is:"));